Saturday, August 30, 2014

Grabbers (2012) written back on 2/2014

The worst torture…
I think the problem is have this box fan right next to me.
This is the second time started… You wouldn't believe the gibberish that I put out the first time. Thanks Dragon speak!

Okay, I've decided to start blogging again.
But where do you start when you haven't blogged since the middle of February as now the middle of September no… August. Maybe the fan wasn't all the problem. Ha ha.
I'm in the tower it is about 745 in the morning. Saturday. And I'm enjoying some creative time before everyone gets up and going. Morgan will get up when he gets up but he won't come out of his room so that's a no. Dean is already up. We visited little bit he is now playing again. Cheryl wants to sleep but wants to surf Facebook even more. She still in bed doing her social connections.
I'm running a movie on Netflix called "goodbye world". I have an extra large cup of coffee in my hand I've added water to all of my watercolor platelets pallets. Pallets. Platelets what you call those things in your blood. I'm just about to start a warm-up drawing.
Start with pencil, ink it in, clean it up, and then paint.

What I really need to do is work in a text file so that I will have my blog and my journal records.

It's always good to start with some stream of on to something more organized.

14 0223
12:38 PM

Sunday afternoon, early Sunday afternoon. I just lost a paragraph that I dictated but I can't say that I'm too upset because it wasn't very well done. I said so and off about 50 times. So now I can slow down and catch up when I'm done with the day. And I have done quite a bit today. I made a plan. And I stuck to that plan. The plan was to do a watercolor of outer space. I worked with the watercolors just like in the tutorial. Then I tried using my colored inks. My alcohol inks.

Dino gave me his honest opinion. He liked the watercolors better. His only suggestion was to darken it up a little bit. The night sky was kind of right be outer space. It was fun. I will definitely try again. Watercolor and ink. The only mass, was when I put the stars on. I put white paint on into the brush and flicked it on to the paper. I also slipped it onto everything else sitting on the side desk

I made Dean a bagel… and Cheryl went to church. He has a schedule so that he can go to church on Sundays. He goes into work late.

Poor kid. He fell off of his skateboard, hard, on Friday yesterday he called and needed us to pick him up because it was painful to shift gears. I went and picked him up and gave him hell she left the car unlocked PS inside. And he was going to throw away an old RAM and piece of glass that he had in the trunk of his car. The rim was on top of the glass sliding back and forth making the worst noise. I had him throw it away at work. And guess what I found in the trunk? To rental DVDs. He has a DVD and backwards so he could not return them into the machine. He did not figure out what he needed to do to get them into the machine. Did not bring them in the house given to us so we could help them. So they have been the trunk of his car for a month. He now has a debt.

Grabbers (2012)

When an island off the coast of Ireland is invaded by bloodsucking aliens, the heroes discover that getting drunk is the only way to survive.

I am wrapping up the movie I have been watching. Watching out of one eye while at been working on my art.

I've been trying to find a science fiction book Morgan recommended. Roadside picnic. I'm too cheap to buy. I'm looking to talk to. The only way I can find it is in huge files are science fiction books. I guess I just have to download a bunch of science fiction books I should do so right now Morgan Is out taking a walk. How does that matter? Because I cannot Torrent when he is using the computer. It slows down the Internet too much.   

 Narrator– another good thing about this movie is the lead actor. I didn't know it at the time, that he would go to become one of my favorite characters in "crossbones".

Trapped Ashes (2006)

The best I can say about it is that if you are looking for a movie that will make you writhe in

Discomfort for a couple hours (which is what I was hoping for), this will probably do the trick.


Europa Report (2013)

 An international crew of astronauts undertakes a privately funded mission to search for life on Jupiter's fourth largest moon.

8:01 PM

Morgan  and I made It to the Chinese grocery today. Picked up everything we needed to One half time. Plenty of Rah-man. Two six-packs of beer. They have better price of beer on Asian and Mexican varieties.

Time spent. I'm cleaning up the office. Turning over To Cheryl with an Sheryl. I now staring at a sci-fi movie called battle dogs. The wearable virus. Think I'll take my first electronics clone of the sheets.

Listing to that World War II memoir of day, and I remember the name, a helmet for my pillow, the soldier where she was taking better notes to remember what he was going through. That justifies these memoirs. Summons I wonder what I do it for. If I don't write it down knowing what forget it… I mean not only will it not be available for other people to read, but I will forget. I would say it's more for my memories for those other people that may or probably won't read.

This is a silly movie. The military is using the werewolves as weapons.

So after Morgan and I did our shopping at the Chinese grocery, I went to the real grocery. Pick up enough food to last through the week. I don't care if I Eat again. And it's not that overnight. Food is a solo work.

Success at last!

It was sheer luck that I found the book Morgan recommended, roadside picnic, but I was shutting down folders. Didn't want to leave anything incriminating for Cheryl to find. She knows I look at the nude models. As an artist their models not porno pics. So I noticed a book on the list and then I uploaded it onto Google play so that it would be available for the note. I hadn't uploaded a book in a while I wasn't sure I could do it. I googled for instructions and found enough to make it happen. The system works.


1 -ounce tamarind paste
3/4 cup boiling water
2 tablespoons fish sauce
2 tablespoons palm sugar
1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar
4 ounces rice stick noodles
6 ounces Marinated Tofu, recipe follows
1 to 2 tablespoons peanut oil
1 cup chopped scallions, divided
2 teaspoons minced garlic
2 whole eggs, beaten
2 teaspoons salted cabbage
1 tablespoon dried shrimp
3 ounces bean sprouts, divided
1/2 cup roasted salted peanuts, chopped, divided
Freshly ground dried red chile peppers, to taste
1 lime, cut into wedges

Read more at:
Place the tamarind paste in the boiling water and set aside while preparing the other ingredients.

Combine the fish sauce, palm sugar, and rice wine vinegar in a small bowl and set aside.

Place the rice stick noodles in a mixing bowl and cover with hot water. Set aside while you prepare the remaining ingredients. Once the other ingredients are measured out into separate bowls, drain the water from the noodles and set them aside. Cut the tofu into 1/2-inch wide strips, similar to French fries.

Press the tamarind paste through a fine mesh strainer and add to the sauce. Stir to combine.

Place a wok over high heat. Once hot, add 1 tablespoon of the peanut oil. Heat until it shimmers, then add the tofu. Cook the tofu until golden brown, moving constantly, for no longer than 1 minute. Remove the tofu from the pan to a small bowl and set aside.

If necessary, add some more peanut oil to the pan and heat until shimmering. Add 2/3 of the scallions and then the garlic, cook for 10 to 15 seconds. Add the eggs to the pan; once the eggs begin to set up, about 15 to 20 seconds, stir to scramble. Add the remaining ingredients in the following order and toss after each addition: noodles, sauce, cabbage, shrimp, and 2/3 of the bean sprouts and peanuts. Toss everything until heated through, but no longer than 1 to 2 minutes total. Transfer to a serving dish. Garnish with the remaining scallions, bean sprouts, and peanuts. Serve immediately with the ground chili peppers and lime wedges.

Marinated Tofu:
6 ounces extra-firm tofu, not silken

1 1/2 cups soy sauce

1 teaspoon Chinese five-spice powder

Wrap the tofu firmly in a tea towel. Place the wrapped tofu into an 8-inch cake pan. Top with another cake pan and weigh down with a 5-pound weight. (Bags of dried beans or grains work well.) Place in refrigerator and press for 12 to 15 hours.

Place pressed tofu in a 2-cup container. Combine soy sauce and five-spice powder and pour over tofu. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes, turning once. Remove the tofu from the marinade and use immediately or store in the refrigerator for up to 2 to 3 days.

Yield: 6 ounces tofu

Read more at:

2:29 PM

Finally back in my chair. Whenever I say I'm doing dictation I have to be up in the tower. Still the place where I have software. Take a little break. Helping some math. I learned myself. That's the way it do math. After learned. Then I can see if he's doing it right. He's doing just fine. He put in a couple of hours. And now he's working on his closet. He had shoved basket after basket after basket of laundry in their until I put my foot down and threatened to put it up his ass.

The Techie got his new banjo yesterday. It is a beautiful blonde wooden model. Just beautiful. A work of art. He threw his old one down. And me being who I am. I picked it up. I've never thrown anything away. Not that I have the time to learn the banjo. But I will add it on my list of things to do.

So I went for a slog. While family was at church. And by family I mean Dino and Cheryl. I went for a slog through Antigo. Listen to a book on tape. A World War II memoir. Rocks in my helmet? Something like that. It is about the soldiers who fought against the Japanese at level can now. No one wants to go to war.

Before I left for my slog, I knew I would want to stretch when I came back which meant that I needed to model the office. Which is what I did. Why left I swept and vacuum… And mopped the office. When I came back it was nice and clean and I could lay down the yoga mat and do some stretching. More importantly, I can do my stretches for the rest the week. The Techie I

The Techie I agreed to follow the Alton Brown recipe for peptide. The Techie I will go to the Asian grocery to get a few things that we need for the Pad Thai and restock the kitchen with good bombings.

While I wait for him, I will go do the grocery shopping. I'm only would pick up a few things. Simple food. Nothing fancy.

I was the Lord would hurry up and give me patience.

Now I need to work on the blogs I still would like to keep up with them here I go.