Saturday, June 11, 2016

Slasher the series

But that's beside the point.

Take three

I'm only saying it because it's true, not because everyone else says it: I can't believe it's been so long.

The last time I wrote anything on this blog was over six months ago. In November. And now it's June. June 2016.

The past is but a memory. The future but a dream. All we have is now. That seems clear enough. I'll start by dumping all of the pictures that I harvested from my phone and tablet.Okay

I downloaded the pictures but… I want to carry on my tradition of introducing each of my posts video, that is movie or TV series, that I'm currently watching or have recently watched. Let me go find something appropriate. I noticed that the last time I posted, back in November, which I mentioned, I was watching scream Queens. A series on Fox it has everything you need for a good war movie, comedy blood and sex. Let's hope I can find something equally as interesting.

Here's what I'll do… I will go to Netflix and pick the last thing that I watched.

Slasher is a Canadian-American television drama-anthology series starring Katie McGrath. Slasher is the first own-produced series by U.S. TV channel Chiller and centers around a young woman who is confronted with a series of horrifying copycat murders, that are based on the widely-known killings of her parents years ago. Written by lior peer

Me: my blog, certainly appropriate for my opinion. I love this TV series. Although it did not do anything too outlandish, I was satisfied with the ending. It had to be someone. It certainly wasn't obvious. The main character, the heroine, the little girl who was cut out of her mother's womb by her mother's lover could just killed her father… I'm not giving anything away. That is the first five minutes. Now does not maintain that level of core. But it does set the story. She comes back to live in the same house. And this British actress, may be Irish to be more exact, is not overtly sexual. Scott has a wide but. But her but isn't it shouldn't be the focus of the movie. And I guess is were trying to say. A normal looking girl. In a really great story. I hear there's a season two.

Now let's go through the pictures and see what comes to mind. I do not have the energy and is not the intent of this first pass through to put things in chronological order. I might do that for anything at you to transfer to one of my other blogs. Let's see what we got…

I believe this picture was something I say that because I would love to do something like it. It's simple yet detailed. I like the colors. Mixed in with the black marks.

No secret about what I was thinking. The caption says it all. Who am I   thinking of,… Course the prettiest girl I know, Sheryl head.

It is not important to exit read this cartoon. My point is that this is Sheryl head. Between her friends and tenants she gets a lot of texts, emails, and voice mail messages. She rolls over and looks at them throughout the night. And then wonders why she did not have a restful sleep. Really?

There is nothing about Frida that I do not like. Me and everyone else right now. But I'm not going to stop liking Frida or van Gogh just because they are popular. They appealed to me. I think it is her mono brow. It lets you know right away that she does not give a flock what anyone thinks. Find your mono brow and wear it proudly. All my Sheryl, if you will be my Frida I will be your Diego.

True story, not proud of it, but here we are. Yes my stomach had been a little upset the previous day. I did not eat. When I did feel like eating, Sheryl head and I went to a restaurant, cheddars. We really enjoyed ourselves and the food. Afterwards, we were driving home, and I felt confident enough to hike my legs and fart. It was the wrong thing to do.

More art that I admire and possibly plan to flatter with my interpretation.

More art, this time a style called, what else, wallpaper. Some of the wallpaper designs move into the mathematics realm.


Some of the wallpapers are based on Matt… Matt… Arithmetic.

I am going to leave the typographical errors in… Consider them Frida's eyebrow.

I remember that this cartoonist, a Frenchman, through a lot of futuristic works. I also remember that he came up when I was reading the book on the daily habits of artists etc.…

This painting has it all for me. Bright colors. Beautiful landscape. Horses.. And naked women. Did I mention the pony?

I really like this artist. I like the scene because it is about just taking it all in. Not doing anything. Not really thinking anything. Just taking it all in.

I need to try this and post the results on my food site.

I believe what makes this painting special is that it was drawn by a famous writer who just happened to enjoy sketching. What was his name? I need to repost this on one of my art sites along with the guys name.

This is from one of the artists, I cannot tell you who right off the top of my head, who drew abstract art in the 1920s.

I spend my mornings surfing the Internet for motivation in picture and written form. Some of them I collect. This is one of them.

This must go to one of the art sites. It is an original by Sheryl head.

Here I am with my new vehicle. I traded my truck for another truck. I'm proud to say I paid cash. I want to thank the car dealer for taking a post dated check. I have had to} and you joints on. But it is still cheaper than car payments. I really do love this truck. GMC Yukon XL it's a suburban

Okay here's a story to go with this picture. My mother and father wanted this picture as part of a gift they were putting together for more more college graduation. They looked through all my pictures. I looked through all my pictures. Couldn't find it. Turns out, mom had it in one of her albums, her picture albums, at, where else, her house. This is Morgan at about 3 to 4 years old sitting in the red suburban. Dad bought the suburban new and took it on a summer long vacation to New York City as soon as they bought it. When they were going to trade it in, I bought it from them. And enjoyed it for many years. The vehicle was eventually traded for a horse. Big girl. The horse in the painting I have beside my bed.

Hello John

 New line

not my picture. It comes from my brother-in-law. We will call him the being. Being not being. I am trying to say Pinto Bean. Being being… It just won't work by itself. Any who… He has taken up an interest in agriculture.

This is a very recent picture. Last night in fact. We were celebrating the week by having some craft beer. The new flavor was a peanut butter Stout here, I am offering peanut butter kisses.

There were no takers

This is a nether picture by our writer who likes to draw. And there is the name. Victor Hugo. He like to work with washes. I love washes. I save old pins that are dried out just so I can use them to make ink washes.

This is one coping mechanism I would like to develop further.

Obviously something from my morning reading. Today I read something:

sitting with her drinking coffee

this was what Johnny Cash said when asked what he considered to be paradise.

Morning coffee might just be the best time of the day.

Rather than memorize this chart, how about if someone will create a program to edit any document and replace very with the appropriate vocabulary word.

If I remember correctly, I read about this young lady who led a short but adventurous life.

Very adventurous

More abstract art from the 1920s

This was the first time it took me two hours to get to work. They shut down the entire highway at the Six Flags exit. Remember this ride takes me 20 to 30 minutes in light traffic.

I have since had one more two-hour commutes.

This is me making biscuits. My mother taught me that the secret to chicken and dumplings is in the broth. This broth was distilled down by more more four hours upon hours. When I got it, it was a gelatinous glob. I melted it, added a bag of frozen mixed vegetables, and boiled biscuits in it. More more told me to cut the biscuits in half next time. I added back in chicken at the last minute and served this in the biggest bowl I could find.

I am selective electrodes, two sets, in my chemistry auto analyzer. This is what would happen if r. Goldberg and access to plastic tubes in tiny pumps

Lunch from the take-out place in the office complex. I usually eat a grilled cheese. This was my first time to pick it up myself and I reached out for the shrimp and catfish. I hated, most of it, but I won't be getting any more. I should have just bought an order of french fries.

This is why Sheryl Harris does not need expensive sunglasses. The $300 pair her sister gave her was all scratched up within a month. This cheap pair had a more violent in.

The cheap sunglasses that I buy just fall apart.

Yes… This is a date. We travel to Fort Worth to watch God foresight at the receiving dock. It is a bar with an outside stage that is on the bottom floor of apartments. It used to be a warehouse. We were shocked to meet up with one of Sheryl heads coworkers there. It was a great night.

We ate McDonald's part in front before we went in.

And here we are on a second date. This time at the caves are on Division St., Arlington, TX. I took a picture of the signs in the bathroom. See below. We are there for the free barbecue, free and then I tipped $20, but we were not there to lick anyone.

Or be licked.

Only because no one offered.

This is how I have my battle station at work currently set up. I used a chrome book and monitor for private emails and Netflix. Sits right beside my work computer. I have plenty of snacks in the drawers under the chrome book.

The second time's the charm. We have been enjoying the pool. We have hired a pool guy. Luke. For $50 he comes by once a week. Morgan helps out. But only as much as he wants to. Not enough to keep it up by himself. I have a big hat, this is the second one I have bought from the AGB in San Antonio. They have lots of straw hats out for fiesta. There is sunblock. Sunglasses. Those are official Texas Ranger glasses handed out to the first 500 people at a Texas Ranger game one day. And there is the soggy paperback I read while floating like a third.

Obviously watermelon.

Obviously watermelon

Yes these are baked potatoes. I made a half-and-half, that is half BBQ chopped beef and have broccoli and cheese on top of a roasted potato. Delicious.

Here we are drinking craft beer last night.

Sheryl enjoyed a lavender beer. In celebration of our pending anniversary trip to the lavender fields up by new Braunfels.

I'm looking forward to the Wimberley fourth of July rodeo.

We both get what we want.

This is great. The story is that when you ask the dog, no, when you tell the dog to get off the couch this is what he does. The words are what is owner thinks the dog is thinking.

Another artist that came to my attention. I believe she is a contemporary, currently living in New York City. Now I need to find her name. And if it is the one I am thinking of, a YouTube video of her having one-sided conversations with dogs in the park.

Another artist that I am interested in… For obvious reasons… Thick as honey, white as cream.

How can this hurt? Drinks and talking water. Take it from someone who deals with urine samples almost on a daily basis. People… Drink some sucking water no one wants to see your thick syrupy pee.

I just had to stop… I just had this thought… I should indeed my electronic devices once a month for a current blog… And I should blog every week, going back to all of the pictures I never posted.

Just a thought.

Not that anyone cares.

Lick my eyebrow.

More art from the 1920s, abstract bordering on Cubism.

This is me, the White Tiger, on the biggest plane I have ever flown in. A 232 configuration. The trip was to Miami Florida. I saw none of Miami. Content to stay in the best Western, venturing out only to go to the Barnes & Noble next door and on the other side the Bahama breeze bar. The company who flew me to Miami for the training, provided gift cards to the Bahama breeze bar. I became a regular. Drinks half-price. Appetizers half-price. I would order at the last minute and take the appetizers to my room.

The French cartoonist again.

He liked science fiction.

I think this would make a great art project. And fingernails are a big topic of discussion in our house. Sheryl had passed to keep her nails looking beautiful to keep them strong. It is a win-win situation. She desperately needs to go in today to have her thumbnail fixed.

Manicure never pedicure because she doesn't like anyone touching her feet, or commenting on that love on her big toe.

She has a big lump on her toe.

It is not gross, it is just a bump.

I wouldn't touch it or anything but it is not gross to look at.

Looking at all of the art inspired me… To take a break and sketch a little something something. This is from… No it isn't called the onion… I forget what this cartoonist calls his site… But it is a good one. I stumbled across it from a poster he did on proper grammar. Imagine that. Grammar and belching, hand-in-hand, from one glorious, sick mind. I believe he has moved on to video games for the phone based on his characters. I only know this because he recently made a declaration that he would be coming back to his cartooning. After publishing a few adult coloring books, two ring every dime out of the current fad of adults coloring.

And I will admit that I have not lost a pound in the last six months. Sheryl had just dropped nine quick pounds to be to over 200. I am 30+ pounds away from 200. There is always tomorrow.
Today I can take a walk.

What a life this artist had. Wife let him hang around with naked ladies, painting them while they napped.

I know exactly how this little guy feels, full is a tick, regretting poor self-control.

More washes to inspire from Victor Hugo, the great author.

I guess it is up to me.

The story of our life. We are blessed.

The sooner you realize this the better. We are all stars.

And when I do not have the willpower to change, I tried to accept my situation, fat and surly.

Did I mention self-deprecating?
While we are talking flaws

I'm just saying…

My brother-in-law Eddy is all about putting a keg on tap. He has several very ornate pools, as they say in the trade. These are extremely interesting. For Mr. Pedrosa, he might want to use old tools, seeing as how he earns his living with his hands.

This German shepherd puppy reminds me of a dog we had, my parents and nine, in Amarillo. His name was bodacious. I picked him from two litters. The lady was getting rid of the German born stud dog, because he killed two horses. The first one he attacked when it got its halter tangled in the fence, the second he chased down and killed. So the father dog had to go. She bred both of her female dogs. Bitches. I had my choice of two litters. He had a great temperament throughout his life. He was long-haired and big. Over 100 pounds. My father gave him to a couple of lesbians who had a ranch, and when he took him out, a horse kicked bodacious in the head. It only knocked him out and I'm sure taught him an invaluable lesson about living on a farm with horses.

Memento morte you mother. Who wants to have a good time?

The white tiger

This lady wheezing. She had a way with wild animals. I sent the picture to one of the service people who has a peak rescue farm. I do not think I would let a pig in my house.

Play that song by the Monkees, here we come walking down the street…

Muzzy from Odessa, his truck is clear that his girlfriend.

This would explain so much… If I am the mouse in my head…

You know, I should paint this…

… Sheryl would love this. I don't know if I have shared it with her or not.

They have a name, introverts.

I'm cool. I've always been cool. Why would I change?

Ideally want to paint something in a circle or any other shape.

This lady is amazing.

Several things from my morning search for motivation.

Sometimes entertainment is all I can manage.

I sent this one to my dad.

I sent this one to more more.

More abstract art from the 1920s, I believe this is the work of Paul Klee.

Memento Morte Fredia.

 Peek a boo peewee I see you.

I remember when my father brought me home a little any bike just like this one in the trunk of his debts in Sudan. Good times.

I rode it around the backyard, we lived on a cul-de-sac so we had a big backyard, and I learned how to keep the spark plugs clean.

Which is exactly what I'm doing now.

Ending this with another work by all clean.

This took longer than I thought.

Now to edit this down to a decent blog for one of my public sites.