Thursday, August 24, 2017

American dad...seasons 1-4

Going with what's qued on Netflix right now. Or hulu. In this case both. I have been binging on American dad at work. On the 15th it was taken off netflix.  I finished season 4 just in time. Found all 9 seasons on hulu.  I can go back to it instead of working.

Okay, back in this blog out of guilt...actually, guilthe x2. I wanted to put squared but couldn't work the font. Guilt #1...haven't been blogging. Can't build a history if nothing gets posted. G#2...tired of the offensive Porno on tumblr. As if porn wasn't sad enough, you have your fifty shares of Grey women who let themselves Gerald choked by hand or cocktail and using vague or ass as a shopping bag.....I have had enough. Part of it is the offense pics come randomly.might can be looking at people reposting corn bread and get a tyranny with a horse dido as the next post. Gotta find a better way to browse pics....for now, Google,  maybe go back to imgur.

This morning,  going back to tabs left open surfing the Web. 29 are open, to be exact.

This blog
Amazon, I am always jumping to this one. I can't see it ever closing. while browsing Johnny lists, and great jumping off site  again...Fun Runny Nose Shower Gel Dispenser...put in the cart for wheat
Google for chicken enchilada soup....I plan on making the bars and soup for a meal.

Okay...time to take a break. Go back to reading. 

...and by reading I jacked it to porn of American Mom!

With that out of the way, and splurge drying on my pubes...I moved on, j.list. had an app for tracking habits. Only three unless you pay five bucks. If I like what I see I might, the three I picked: exercise, fast food, and smoking. 

Just finished a little free flow of consciousness therapy. J.lists had an app that counted the 750 words you need a day to undamaged the flow of creative logs and twigs. I didn't want my work to just sit there or make more work for me moving it around...along with the fact I like writing with ink and paper...I did six pages in a composition book I am using for mainly FOOD.   

Man, I need to tackle the's only getting worse.  MoMo took ...found  a home for his project car. Now it's on meeting to sort through the clutter that accumulated around it...over, what...two years?

I know I should cook first...before going to the garage. Wheat will be back from services soon and I need to feed him. I also want to put together a tuna casserole for no other reason than ever don't get it when H is around.  Burned out from childhood. 

Tablet typing is a new skill to me. I haven't quite gotten it down...typing with two fingers and watching the suggestion at the top of the keyboard. 

It will take some getting  used to...

I really want to thank everyone  for reading  or not. Either way it is the same to me. Anonymity.  Might want to remember that work.

If I was legit, I couldn't write about what I care about the way I want to say it...and I couldn't post this....

Sour Gelato

Ohh my Lords, everyone knows and minds their own adults.

I have a few minutes before w comes home. We'll bond while I make waffles. Mmmmmm. Waffles. 

True crime. How creepy. But most of what I read is crime fiction. I guess I dont...I am not comfortable with the voters aspect of someone else's misery. Like laughing when someone falls down. How is that funny?

Need to get into the lab today. I need to change the a.c. filter. The unit is a shame if it retired tomorrow. I have an entire lab at work I don't use, I don't want one start any experiments, but I do want to get the lab and the garage slash workshop organized. It is not functional in the state it is currently in. 

Slow down, pickle, choose your words.

How he is.


No doubt, these nuggets are indicated, they give a numbing body high. I became human meat loaf, basting in my own oily juices in the summer sun. Too comfor

Drying off before going to the grocery...Dogfood ND dinner. He. Does not want to go out to eat. Stroke off is her preference. Okay. Stroganoff,  that's the word. Stroganoff. Meat. Mushrooms. Sour cream. Over rice or noodles, noodle being my prance.


I am going to make this hard to it. Okinawa have inorganic have ylang-ylang. What the Fudge? Making it hard to edit by making the mistakes part of the text. I had my fingernails clicking and didn't notice things had gotten out of control. Email addresses? And who the fudge is ylang-ylang?

Running out of power. Prepare for a metaphorical 'HARD LANDING'.

Look at me, Dawgs, I'm blogging. I'll wrap it up with a bunch of nsfw pictures and call it a day. I have a jeckle to this Hyde. Presenting family activities in the most non offensive way possible.

I hate to say it but I fell like I dodge a bullet everything I don't have to go to sat or any family gathering. The good brother (gyro) has such an amorphous immediate family it has a mind over its own. Oblivious to anything outside it's immediate vicinity, concerned with self preservation,  self serving,  and selfish appetites. Girls gotta eat and four giris and their soul mates gotta eat a whole lot.

I just wanted to talk a little shit about someone and gyro and fam are as deserved as any. Treating family like second class friends and neighbors. Who needs Them? Anyway, the guilt of dodging the bullet...

Hello. Did get me some Jonesboro. I had also asked for whataburger catsup, but I did the want to push the issue when she said how packed h.e.b. was when she snagged me the long necks.

I shouldn't like going to the grocery store as much as I do. It's exciting. I much prefer the festive atmosphere at Mexican stores, like fiesta, food is something to get excited about. I will drag w. With me, bonding, you piece of shit. I am more like grandpa Rick than is laughable,  I think most everybody is a piece of shit, except for my mother and my wife. Read into that whatever you want.

I get another day off. I think I will go to Fiesta and shop for happiness to bring back to nourish my family. And three pounds of shrimp. I feel like having all things shrimp next lobsters shrimp extravaganza at home.

Dry now. The faint scent of chlorine and sunscreen on my person. A black,nondescript tee with sweatpants made into shorts. Commando. Plastic flip flops. A bucket hat. Me, ever the fashion statement.

8.24.2017 let's post this