Saturday, August 18, 2018


A disgraced lawyer, now an ambulance chaser, gets a case that could bring him redemption or at least revenge on the firm which expelled him.

Image result for goliath season 2

Me: This is the exact picture, the ending of the second series, that really nailed it for me. Nailed it as in 'put a nail in the coffin' because I was through with thei sseries way before the end. The amputations and ombnipresent all go to be too nuch...or, not enough. I got so tired of him  smoking one cigarette after another like he was letting me in his inner thoughts. It sucked. Movign on because there is a lot to look at these days. 


If I can’t be relevant, I can at least be accurate. What the fuck am I talking about? I am talking about writing. I can’t keep feeling inadequate, guilty of wasting time, because my stories and commentary are not publishable. I repeat: I write for myself. Writing is a personal dialog. It’s a way to focus. Writing is also a way of recording what is happening in my life. It may not be interesting but by gawd, it’s going to be accurate.

It’s not even eight in the morning and I brought my second cup of coffee into the office. So eager to get my thoughts out, I booted up the Chromie rather than the main Battle Station. Let me do that now...I put a credit card over the janky touchpad so I can write with abandon and not have my own thumb play a trick on me by relocating the cursor during a rant. Loving the cordless mouse I ‘found’ at work (and thin round mousepad at the same time). The pad fits inside the Chromie  when it’s closed, no problem.
Last week I did quite a bit of blogging ...only didn’t get to my NSFW site. It will be first...hell, this will go right in it. I just got anxious to get started and once I realized I probably should of used the computer, I was committed to the Chromie. I am a stubborn cuss but in the long run, staying the course has served me better than constantly changing to get an advantage. Finish. It is the goal. Do that. Sometimes finding a better way to do something is just a convenient excuse.

The days have been overcast. If the clouds rain, it’s early in the morning because the day’s heat cooks all the water out of the clouds. The clouds do drop the temperature some. I finally got a chance to sit b y the pool yesterday, half day at work, and it was hot, the sun beat down on me. I sat in the shallow ind most of the time under a big straw hat reading a John Sandford novel.

Okay, edit this and get to blogging!

 Hope he comes down all right, good luck Pedro!

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Stir of Echoes (1999)

Image result for stir of echoes 1999 full movie
After being hypnotized by his sister in law, a man begins seeing haunting visions of a girl's ghost and a mystery begins to unfold around him.

Honestly, I don't even remember this ...not surre if I've even seen it...guess I should. Well, it is here for a reason, being my 'draft' folder. and I am staring down a self imposed deadline, which I am already hour, updarte all blogs...this one has to fly in under five minutes, I am at 1:20 now...

Contentlllload content...

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Father of the Year with David Spade

Image result for father of the year movie

When two buddies' drunken debate about whose father would win in a fight is taken seriously by one of their fathers, things go bad. Jobs are lost, relationships ruined, futures destroyed, ...

Now for my is a watchable feel good movie with not a lick of memorable or redeeming value. Turn it on to have something to watch but done' t expect much more than that. The Spade character was almost worth watching, but its a New Jersey version of Joe Dirt. I like Joe Dirt plenty. Watch that instead. 


Pulled the chrome book aka Chromie, out of the briefcase I no longer carry. Carry it was all I di. I didn’t us anything I’d packed. So, the briefcase is rtired and th Chromie needs a new function. I’m writing in bed, using teh art box as a desk….One thing I cam eaway with from carrying the Chromie to work was adding a bluetooth woreless mouse. This Chromie has  atouch pad and it sends the cursonr into a random location if I drag my thrmb over the touch pad. It can fuck up a streaqm of consiousness, believer me.
If the Chromie is now a homie, best bring the power cord back home. I’d thought it would sit on maintain some privacy at work. It turned out to be un nccessary. I have plenty ot occuy my time       the lab without journaling or watchng videos...or scrolling through tIMGUR or desk, at work, my personal tool to

There it went, it jumped up a few lines….’Damn these perhensil thumbs of mine!”

I’ve read form the book aof Disquite Although I do not completely identify8 with the author, I do enjoy the wy he thinks, his observations, while his alone, do get me thinking from another point of view. I feel this is the spirit of the hauthor himself. He was an obsercer, doomed to think, to dream, as he liked to p;it it. He said it best when he said he as no will to have a will at all. Forever watching...trying to understand.

Man, I haven’t blogged in a long time. I guess I stipped seing the point. I should do it for myself, so I can have soe semieditted form of my musings availiable online, whenever I wanted to access them. To build a great reepository , make my park on the www.

I could use a toke and coffee in theat order.

James Powell (born 1932) is a Canadian author of mystery and humorous short stories. Many of his 130 stories have been published in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. He has been nominated twice for the Crime Writers of Canada Award for the Best Short Story and, in 1989, won the Ellery Queen Readers' Award for the story "A Dirge for Clowntown" featuring Inspector Bozo of the Clowntown Police. Powell's occasionally dark sense of humor and developed irony has led to him being noted by Marvin Lachman as "The S.J. Perelman of the mystery story...outrageous, hilarious satires, international crime and surprise endings."[1]

Powell's most loved characters include Acting Sergeant Maynard Bullock of the RCMP and the four generation family of San Sebastiano detectives, The Ganelons.

David L. Lindsey
Kingsville, Texas
Alma materNorth Texas State University
GenreMysteryCrime fictionSpy fiction
Notable worksMercy (1990)
SpouseJoyce Lindsey
David L. Lindsey is an American novelist, working primarily in the mystery and crime fiction genres. He has published fourteen novels in a writing career spanning 29 years.

Okay...enough of looking around for obscure authors mentioned in the Ellery Queen Mystery magazine....I had a few from my pirating hoarding hoarding....
A couple were not in my impromptu collection, so I saved one to a wish list on AMAZON and put others on my TO READ list on GOODREADS.

Its a way to keep track of things for later. One of the authors, believe it or not , was Issac Asimov...I had lots of his work in my collection but then, he wrote a butt load. More fiction writer than biochemist but definitely both. Smart too. One of those high IQ people...Looking forward to getting some of these gems on an electronic device, my Kindle or NOOK, and see for myself. So many books, so little time.

Time is what I'm putting n today, to get some blogs up...Feeling a scoonch guilty but mostly motivated by wanting to do something with all of the information I am consuming...constantly consuming....

I have a formula for pumping out  relevant BLOGS....this is one of them.

 Okay...this was a gift from some friends in South's a PLANTARIA, they make Hawaiian Lays out of them.

 Plesant memor, actually two. The first was reading one of my Mom's favorite authors...the second was seeing something from our time in Devine.

 We had a stay-over with some friend's children, and this really surprised me. It is really nice, great use of colors.

 The Lab...

 The cleaning woman's truck...

 My TACK SACK for work....and lunch bag...

 This is a decrepit, strip center near my house. We go there for the come cooking at the CAFE, definitely the centerpiece of the shopping center. But it caught my eye, what a haven the place was, beneath the dull exterior. It has a place for anger management and counseling.
 ...a church, resale shop, organic butcher, A piano shop in it's own building.

 Fixing the front entry, pouring cement...

Know whay there were 10,000 Mexicans at teh Alamo?
They heard they were pouring concrete.

Know whay there were 10,000 Mexicans at the Alamo?
They only had two pickups.

 Liked renting this TITIAN.

 found this in the rental

Lab vehicle.