Monday, January 1, 2018

Goliath (TV series)

Image result for goliath tv

Goliath follows "a down-and-out lawyer (Thornton) as he seeks redemption. His one shot depends on getting justice in a legal system where truth has become a commodity, and the scales of justice have never been more heavily weighed toward the rich and powerful.

Not a big fan of BBT, but he doesn't need me. He manages to find characters that he can do,. Alcoholic, butt fucking Santa, crazy drug dealer, and in this case, the best fucking lawyer ever. He's not a failure, just waiting for the right time to step up. My Love and I are three episodes into the series and it hits you a van running over the defendant in the last episode. Just walking and talking with BBT and the fuck over. Unless something changes drastically, I'm going to give this one a big thumbs up.

Now, I'll share some journaling from earlier this morning...

Monday, January 01, 2018
1/1/2018 7:56:29 AM
The beginning of 2018….who knows what this year will hold? Buckle up buttercup.
But then, you could say that about he start of most years.
So what do I do? Write about eh year that jus t passed? Do a little review?
Or do I make resolutions? Look forward? The best is yet to come. Is it?
Hey, I’m writing and that…that is the best of both worlds, rev and prediction all rolled into one. Best to keepmy eyes opento what is going on around me. Forget about I won’t forget aobut the past. I feel the need to look back and remember, to assure myself it is all real. Looking back isn’t he problem, it’s dwelling on regrets and missed opportunities. Shit happened. First, see if thre is something that can be learned to make going forward easier. Two, then stop working it. They sayh the most obvious answere is probably the correct answer, I’v heard just that form the likes of Sherlock Holmes. Ok. The most obvious lesion is the take home message so find it, …then stip thinking about.l it. Don’t forget…to no tforget. After you’ve thought about it and then decided not to dwell on it, keep the memory as part of the collective, revisit it just to remember, no need to dissect the situation. Keep it because it is part of who you are.
Whare did all this ocme form?
\All these questions?
Do you remember me waritting with so many question marks?
Hardy har har. I might be amusing myself and nothing more.
The world made me do it. I started this life as a child who was rewarded aka left the fuck alone when I managed ot entertain myself and not need supervision. The whole j’b eing an asshole’ lesson was taught toi me after that. I have been rewarded for that to. I was smart and tough and didn’t take any shit. I don’t suffer fools lightly…the world made me do it. I’m not sure if I would choose to be an asshole but I would choose to be a loner. People annow and frustrage me. I need the few people I have let get close, but not any more. I do not look to be popular. Whay? Because people are just going to manipulate everything to their advantage, it’s the way our dinosaur/lizard brains work. I need, I need….I need…like a lizard darting his tounge, looking for his next meal or fuck.
Watched BBC Planet Earth yeaterday. It’s a hard world. The animals hav it much worse. WE have easy lifes and not just free of insect bits and harsh conditions. We don’t have the rest of the huyman race trying to kill us to fuck ur mates or eat our children. Some are out there who whould…but not all. Not like snow lepords. All the snow lepords are trying to keill each other and eat allthe babies.
We talked about this last night. Mo and I, about the period of peace we had better enjoy or altl the very least appreciate becasueit cant last forever. Mo knew his history books well enough to say there were only to ther periodsof peiace on the books. I forget the dates but one lasted about thirty years. I’d say we are twenty to thirty years into our grace period….period ofgrace.  Small wars for money are going on e.g. Us v. Iraq, US v. Afganistan, US v. Syria, UAE v. Iran, Russia v. Ukraine….that’s mos of whats going on now and most recently. Enjoy waiting for the soe to drop~

Resolutions…zero. I cannot hope to accomplish anything I do not truly want to do. Resolutions is more of a wish list of how I would like to be. It is not something I necessiarily want to do, but I’d like to see the benefit nonetheless.
What do I want to happen in 2018?
Blog often. It is a medium for my more trival pursuits of writing and art and food and everything….It’s public journaling. For example, I would use this journal entry as one of my blogs. It’s a place ot post my art. It is anonymous communication
1/1/2018 8:45:38 AM
Toxic pudding.
No, not the name of a underground punk rock band.
A cute name for fuckign up the bathroom. I had turned on the heater in My bathroom, the jack and jill between the guest room and office.  Its been said that all you need are comfortable shoes and a warm place to shit.
Also, I couldn’t impose on ML’s bathroom, I made the mistake of neglecting to put the seat downa dn now that we each hove our own shitter, she has come to expect the deat down when she delivers her payload. I had been usidng her  place beacause of Mo sleeping over, only the dogs wante dot go ut and I had  to pee immediately and I got in a fus and went downstairs without putting down the seat. I usually but down the lid and seat because it’s the correct thing to do. Funny, women never piss on the lid, so I’m thinking they might look before they sit after all.
Enough about bathroom habits.
Took the dogs out again for a minute, not much more. It is literally freezing out ther. NO snow or much in the ay of ice, but it is bitterly cold. W wnt to go for a walk. Hell, he suggested tennis before H ethought about it. Tennis? A walk, maybe, if we put on enough layers and don’t go too far. He is making resolutions and exercise and a stric no soda policy ar at the top of his list.

Things I want in 2018:
Blog often.
Take vitamins.
Good grooming i.e. keeping up with personal hygine and looking presentable.
(yes, I’m personalizing the fifteen habits of productive/successful people)
Cut eh carbs and sugar…eat fruit and protein..and veggies. Eat more veggies.
Honestlyi, I could nibble through the day and just eat one proper meal at night.
Be honest.
Don’t procrastinate.
Keep a to-do list…which means reviewing it often. Constantly, even.
Use the 25 min focusing on task followed by a short five minute break. Chip away at those really big tasks half an hour at a time.
Throw out old stuff, buy new stupp that makes life easier. I have so  many things already, it is time to use them  or loose them,…either way get them moving out of my life.
Transition from cigs to pipe, smoke responsibly.
Live in the present AMAP…as much as possible.
Let other people alone, don’t think twice about what anyone else does, think twice before doing anything. Wait for the best answer.
Realize you can’t do everything every day…being productive is doing something as often as you can to the best of your ability.
Okay, I’m beginning to sound like a quote from some self-help expert. I
Did I get every thing from the list of 15?
1.       Wake up early.
2.        Dress well.
3.       Eat clean.
4.       Don’t procrastinate.
5.       Focus on important tasks (25 min)
6.       Take breaks (5 min)
7.       Accept help/delegate
8.       Use tools to help
9.       Keep a to do list.
10.   Be honest
11.   Respect time
12.   Don’t go to bed mad
13.   Exercise
14.   ?
15.   ?
I guess I need to reviw my list. I’m memorizing analytical tests now. Best review before it become ….before I for….while it is still fresh in myi mind.
Enough. I will need to make breakfast for the group soon..Group, being Me and ML and our boys. Some might be saddened by having nothing to do but hang out with the family. I love my family. I enloy their company. I see it the we are blessed, blessed to the max, to have each other to spend thimes like this with. Big parties? I am sure the weather kept more people in than usual. We would of gone up for some pints of ber at Dr. Jeckyls if it hadn’t of froze up. But we were keeping it close to the house. We played a couple of board games. No bing drinking. Light meal. Ribs and black eye peas with fixin’s. MLO was the first to go to bed. She had been juggleing emergency ac…calls all night. We three saw the east coast ball drop. Sat with MO, W went to his lair to play WOW, visiting until just before midnight here. I saw midnight in bed, by four minutes. Hapy new year. Snore fart.

Okay…on to something else…maybe work on blogs

One of my instruments looking like a boss in black and white...
Here's the situation, I've completed the minimum requirements for a blog. I need to go on to the next one. I'll edit the remaining pictures....or not. I'll make them larger during editing, my breadcrumbs to know where to start when/if I come back to it.