Saturday, November 16, 2013

"Miranda" (2009)

"Miranda (Miranda Hart) is 6 feet 1 inch (1.85 m) tall and gets called 'Sir' once too often. She has never fit in with her old boarding school friends, Tilly (Sally Phillips) and Fanny (Katy Wix), and finds social situations awkward, especially around men. She is a constant disappointment to her mother Penny (Patricia Hodge), who is desperate for her to get a proper job and a husband. Although Miranda owns and lives above her own joke shop, she lacks any real capacity for business, so it is managed by her childhood friend Stevie Sutton (Sarah Hadland). The restaurant next door is run by Clive (James Holmes), who also works as a waiter. He has employed a chef - Gary Preston (Tom Ellis), a university friend whom Miranda fancies. The various episodes revolve around this set-up."

This is her best friend and the manager of her joke shop, Miranda lives above the shop. In every episode her friend hold up this poster and sings these lines. I have started singing them spontaneously throughout the day.

Just a sample of Miranda's brand of humor. God loves a big girl.

Well, Hello.
It's been quite a while. 
It is all about the cycle of the seasons. Let me explain. During the heat of summer, I am on the porch, in the pool. In the mild spring and fall I like to hang out in the Lab. Now that's it turning cold, I am back in the office, aka The Tower. 
I'm back.

And I am trying out a new approach. I have a tablet now. So, I can journal on the 'cloud' and then bring my thoughts here. This is The Dump. I plan on putting the weeks journal up and spicing it up with pictures.   My intent is to cut and paste from here, my secret account, to my personal account, where my family, friends, and acquaintances can see.  Okay, family and acquaintances, I don't have any friends. But if I did....

131113 (aka November 13, 2013)
Good morning. Having some challenges setting myself up this morning. Trying to get my pocket clipboard organized to hold the tablet and all the accessories.
All the while my coffee getting colder and colder. The morning is cold. Too cold to stand on the bare floor without house shoe for very long. Those without house shoes can put on a pair of socks. I got up and started the coffee when the alarm went off. The dogs prompted me, wanting a treat. They are swelling up like hogs so they have to split a treat now. 
And I am showing great restraint on giving scraps to them when cooking. I don't want to feed them to death. If they have a treat, they will go outside, so they do their thing outside while I make the coffee. Sometimes I wait for that first, dark cup to brew, but not this morning. I choose to get back under the covers, the Warm covers and meditate. Positive affirmations So uplifting I must share with Dean and Head.
and that is the biggest....the highlight of my day. I coaxed Wheat to sit with me and I shared the story of the Vlog brothers with him. And we watched a CrashCourse in biology. He said he had heard others talking about it when he was at community college. He really liked BrainScoop. He is even thinking about making the Fields museum in Chicago his destination  for his Granny Trip. Granny trip =graduation gift form grandparents.
This coffee is different. I didn't use creamer, but fat free half-n=half with hot chocolate mix. Mmmmmm.
That brings me onto another subject. Health. Improving health. Improving health as a family. Head went to the doctor and was borderline everything. Specifically high blood pressure and diabeties. So, High exercise, low fat, no sugar =diet. Head is giving up sugar to go with her syrupy vanilla caramel creamer. She is exercising. Yesterday made two days in a row. Dean ...Wheat and I also have  two days of exercise on the books. Wheat and i danced to the Wii. The cold is moving our activities indoors but Head likes using the stationary bike out in the garage and now that Wheat has set up the Wi, will there is another option.
Heads text just dinged, MorMor making arrangements for his flight in today. He has had quite the adventure. We are all anxious to hear the details. All bout D.C. All bout Philly. All bout Nicole especially.
MorMor is on the train to B Baltimore to catch his flight. I think Granny got her wish, the trip has changed his life. For the better. No Machen Man can star single forever. He is a late, late, late bloomer. But that just makes him a gig, bigger, biggest prize. Right ladies?
Yes, the Machen's had a great day yesterday, I thought about this when I was sitting in the living room thinking about MorMor finding excitement on his trip, Head was writing a devotional on  about the meaning of life, and Wheat was working on his level  90 WoW character.
We are moving forward for the better.  And I am holding my own at work and looking forward to meeting with Walt to possibly start some new adventure.
I spent some time in The Tower last night. I ham sharing my Battle Station with Head. No problem. We never want to use it at the same time. She is on it all day and like I said, last night was the first time I'd been on it in a while. I lie the way she has it set up, bringing her printer up. I don't want to print, but I did use the automatic feeding scanner to digitize some of my sketches. I now have something to Blog. The VLOGBROTHERS inspired me to update my Blog. Is there a Vlog in my future? ??? Maybe.

Pudding Dump
What have you done today to feel proud?

That is from the BBC hit Miranda. I love her! She is a modern Lucille Ball.
And I love the nooks feature of adding notes. With the kindle, I was introduced to the joy of an immediate dictionary, advancing to the highlight feature to make lists of vocabulary words and memorable quotes. The n has the option to instantly Google and now I am loving the notes feature. I can journal as I read. My idea is to make a weekly blog out of this here Google docs journal and book notes.
I do not have anything as valuable to contribute as say, the VLOGBROTHERS do, but maybe, just maybe, if I start using the medium, it will grow into something. I think how their personal blogs are now a part of an huge information network.
It has gotten chilly. We don't turn on the heater for the first frost. It makes the shift in weather seem more dramatic.  This is Texas so the weather will be back in the eighties by the weekend. But it is nice to sleep in your own zone of warmth. You can't heat the other whole bed, which is what it feels like your body, and the body of the person next to you, does on hot summer nights. It is all u  can do to maintain the cocoon of warmth for your person. If u shift out of the zone u quickly retreat back. And if u get too warm, then I can shift out of the zone to use the cool sheets to bring the temp back to perfect.
So, thinking it out, I can post the raw journal on my anonymous account and then cut and paste the best parts over to one of my personal blogs.  I have started dong that with my sketches.   I crop out the naughty bits to post portraits that won't offend.


Quite a bit and its only 7.31...and that's pudding time!!!
Hey...I can make pudding and write!!
Life hack...tried drinking coffee before my nap and the caffeine kicked in so I wasn't as groggy.
Lh...eating an orange does perk u up. It’s the smell. Like eating a mint or chewing mint gum.
I put link sausages in the oven while I made coffee. I expect them to be ready to make a takeaway breakfast after my shower.
Awake before the alarm. A gift of time...I choose to spend the time reading and writing. I did it impossible to separate one from the other. When I read I must write. My excitement...over the notes feature of the nook is solid evidence supporting my need to document my thoughts when reading something somebody else wrote...
This morning my mind is on Idleness. Imagine that.

The subject came up in the audio book I has started, trying to be able dad back to sleep. One of the dogs woke, I was awake groggily jacking off, but the dog got me out of bed.
Tue long and short of it is I am awake and not concerned about it in the more than revealing I masturbated. Both can be seen as a blessing rather than a burden. My lover doesn't mind if I spill my seed. Who else should be concerned.
The audio book was The Moving Finger by Agatha Christie. The third in the Marple Series. The benefit of idleness was brought up.
Worth a Google.
Note...someday nook and Google will require footnotes.
I like  to start with images of a subject I've chooses to browse. I look at the pictures and use them to find interesting sites to read. The first pic was of an engraving, from a series done in London in 1890 to enforce the virtues of work.   Next, several pics of young girls and androgynous young men lazing about. Then a classic rubenesque nude. 
Then a pen and ink off an oriental studying. Close to what started the search, the book mentioned a painting of an old Asian playing cat's cradle under a tree. Moving on, I found a quote over a picture of a sweatshop. The quote was by Bertrand Russell.
 I clicked on it to find his speech on idleness. This passage appealed to me...

First of all: what is work? Work is of two kinds: first, altering the position of matter at or near the earth's surface relatively to other such matter; second, telling other people to do so.

I will hopefully come back and make a study of the entire speech someday. I bookmarked it and took a break to put this back to o look at more pics...
...7.07a..many pics, YouTube vids, and movie trailers later. I have one more interest to add to my journal along with a movie to my Hulu que...Jane Austen.  The movie is Miss Austen. Some quote able quotes...

her last words, when asked by her sister Cassandra if there was anything she wanted] Nothing, but death.

[when asked why her heroines always flawed] Pictures of perfection make me sick and wicked.

One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

I might even read Pride and Prejudice...
Pudding break....
I must turn the bathroom heater on even before making melts the pudding. Conversely, a cold toilet seat sets the pudding like granite.
Have to brag on wheat. He sat his GED yesterday. No. 3.…this time on his own dime. Win or lose he is moving forward, ever forward. Couldn't be prouder.
Made the most wonderful veggie soup.   I, that sounds dictatorial. Head cut up a roast and browned it in oil before putting it in the slow cooker. I know she added onion but not sure how she spiced it. The meat was tender when I came home. All I had to do was chop and boil carrots and potatoes. Sautéed more onion, a medley of peppers, mushroom and garlic.
Run and get back under the covers...shushed for being loud. A hug for head and pinto...
Drained the tubers. Back in the pan with canned corn, peas, green beans, and stewed tomatoes. Made a broth out of canned cream of mushroom and tomato soups with vegetable juice to thin it out. In go the waited veggies. Done. Served to an appreciative family. I had a pan of buttermilk cornbread to go with. With what? Thee soup, silly!
Damned fine meal. Damned fine.
Watched Rockets v. Nets wit MorMor. Talked about living the perfect life. Bottom line, who knows what that is? An exciting basketball game fizzled out into foul ball. M reminded me bball is a game on f percentages more than most other sports. I enjoy watching with him because he keeps up with the players. He is my personal color man.
7.31a...time to gee cleaned up and get going. I do love my grooming routine. I found a lady on YouTube this morning who used a bath as a way to life coach. Unfortunately she also coached women on how to pee in public so I chose not to subscribe. If for no other reason than t not be exposed to all of the other you bids on woken, usually drunk, often Russian, pissing in public.

I'm off....

My Dad in front of the Capital in Austin with The Kinkster. Kinky Friedman. If you don't know who he is, it's worth a Google.

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