Sunday, December 15, 2013

Kaw (2007)

On the last working day of Sheriff Wayne, his small town is attacked by blood thirsty ravens that eat human flesh. Meanwhile his wife Cynthia visits a farm where a Mennonite family lives to say farewell to her friend Gretchen and discloses a dark secret about the origin of the fierce ravens.

Saturday morning

Feeling like Sunday morning after having Friday off.
There is bacon sizzling on the stove. Making egg MikeMuffins this morning.

I woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep. Anxious for some morning sex.
I finished watching 'The Wrong Mans' series. Pretty good, when BBC gets it right, it's a treat.

We are on our second mugs of coffee. Wheat on his first cocoa of the day. He is anxious to have H go outside with him and watch how he slides down the hill. It is ice more than snow. I want to walk to the store but if the predictions of twenty three degrees for a high are correct, I might not try it. We have food tonight, chicken fettuccini, salad, and pizza rolls. I need to raid the frige and see what is edible. There is some chicken that we cooked before we went to San Antonio I doubt is any good but if it were; it would make a great chicken and rice soup. Man, I hate to see good food go to waste. The fuckikng boys will open a can of chili if it’s there rather than eat fresh food. I should just keep chili around and listen to them bitch that there isn't anything else. Mor want chicken breast and almond mild but he likes to eat chili and coke. Go figure.

And bananas must be in the one hour window of perfection or he cannot use them in his smoothies, they are not worthy. Well, he can deal with my manager’s specials and I can outsmart him by getting to the leftovers before they go bad. I won’t abdicate responsibility to an irresponsible person.
Know how you can tell its Saturday morning? There are animal shows on TV. H loves animal documentaries.

I need to let my anger go towards Mor. H says it’s better to just ignore him, in other words be passive aggressive, than to start shit by confronting the issue. So if I get pissed off about throwing away bananas and chicken breasts then I don't have to buy them. And he always bitches about the coffee beans I buy; he needs to pick out his own. I have other things to think about, I just need to figure out what that is....

The bacon smells good. We have a full package of English muffins I need to turn around. The kind with eight grams of fiber per muffin. That is heavy fiber content.

Good, no, great news. Chico reached out yesterday. Has it been three years? That doesn’t sound right but that is the number he put on it. He is being cautious. He reached out to Head. She is the safest bet to see how things set. Sit? He is divorced and hasn't seen his children from Joanna in years. I thought he might have gone to jail. He is back in Bryan, living with his folks, has a delivery job for some medical company. Maybe he'll come for a visit...
Way past my get in bed time. Not sleep, mind you, just time to get in bed.
Well, I had things to do. Working on drawing...landscapes. Landscapes and bridges. Rock bridges to be exact. While my hands were busy with pencil and pen, my mind was listening to Ray the Gardner. A YouTube Personality, goes by the moniker Pirracus, who has a system for growing plants. For growing a garden and for taking care of houseplants. He seems to have it pretty well figured out. And I like that he keeps it as simple as possible.
Dinner...bell, back up.

Didn't realize I hadn't written on the tablet all day. It slipped past me because I have been busy writing and using the tablet, just not using the tablet to write. So, after breakfast, I blogged. Took a little different approach. Went right to the pictures folder I wanted to work with and populated the new 'post'. 'Post' is the term for a blog page.  I put pictures up on the post and then went through the post, almost like a slideshow, making comments and deleting pictures. I enlarge some and keep others small. Trying to make the site interesting. I went back to Thanksgiving. I had put up a post on my private site, but not the public one. I just didn’t want to share all the ramblings from my journal. I can put them right up on the anonymous site, no worries. But it takes so much effort to weed out every potentially offensive remark......fuck it. So I just did the slide show thing like i mentioned.

It worked really well. And with the dictation software, the comments are easy to put in. Sometimes they get garbled, but if I halfway pay attention I can catch almost all of the errors. doing it that way, I can put things up fast. For example, I put up a 'post' of Wheat sliding on the ice.

It was so easy I not only did Thanksgiving, I also did the day after Thanksgiving. This morning I posted an old draft of corned beef. With the new method, I posted last night’s meal, as well. To complete the blogs, I cropped some scans of my sketchbook and posted them. I just go for one post of art a weekend, five pics if I can manage it.

I seem to make a formula out of everything. A recipe for success.
Nibbled on leftovers all day... Some taco soup. A Patti melt. So much food...don't forget the apple pie with sharp cheddar melted on it,  that it is no surprise that I didn't have much of an appetite at dinner. I split my bowl between chicken Alfredo and salad. Thought I would make snicker doodle cookies, but didn't.

I'll come back to the cookies.
Wheat is leveling up his WoW character. He started a new one now that he has time. He doesn't have to go into work. Some of the employees live close and they are working double shifts. Later on, when the weather breaks, he will work doubles to cover for them. But for now, he has the weekend off.

Head is going between social networking and Xmas decorating. She is almost finished...decorating.
Mor is playing a game. Actually, games. He is interested in a couple right now. He is either playing them or watching streams of other people playing them so he can get better. Smart.
I age, I read, I watched The Wrong Mans. Finished the series. Have just a few more pages on my book.
I made the mistake of going downstairs to hand out. More had his headphones on but it didn't matter. I picked up the WarHammer book, yes and actual paper book, trilogy and started reading. But he starts in on me as a food hoarder because I said although I wasn't going to make cookies; I would get some Oreos out of the picnic basket for them to eat. See, I keep a picnic basket ready to take at a moment’s notice with snacks, both savory and sweet with drinks. When I have extras I put them in there. That way, if we take a quick trip or go to a ball game or the Levitt, I have a bag packed. I thought it was a great idea but he definitely hurt my feelings saying I had a 'problem' hording food. I realize now that it, and by it I mean my response, was a backlash for not addressing the real issue I have with him wasting food and not appreciating what we get for him. So I took his criticism harder than I should have.
I didn't yell, although I did cuss ...I put the book down and told him I have better things to do with my time, and I left. That is when I went and listened to Ray and drew bridges.
Any who, that's what happened.
It is quite up here. I changed this out and Danish the novel and start a new series, maybe a movie, and then start another book. Fuck his book. He can keep it and his opinion in his ass pocket.
There there, no need to get vicious.
Fun day tomorrow. I guarantee. I am thinking about making tamales out of the beans I plan on refrying and that leftover brisket. I would rather make hash out of the brisket and bean and cheese tacos out of the beans but I don't have any potatoes or tortillas. Mor and I want to try and bake some naan. We watched a video on how to do it in an oven last night. I could eat some with just butter on it. MMMMMM.
Although I am craving a blue box of mac and cheese, I have to go with the food we have on hand. The box will be here whenever. I can make pigs in a blanket for them. Chile dogs if they want to make the pigs into a meal. I don't really have a dinner, unless they are willing to see the tamales as a meal. I like tamales with chili on them, tamale pie. MMMMMM.

Enough with the food. It is my hobby, can you tell?

Let me finish that story, 'The Killing Kind'.

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