Saturday, January 4, 2014

Arctic Blast (2010)

When a solar eclipse sends a colossal blast of super chilled air towards the earth, it then sets off a catastrophic chain of events that threatens to engulf the world in ice and begin a new Ice Age.

Thursday evening.

Down in the dungeon, Spurs v. Nicks.
We are tired from the New Year's celebration. The family was sick, Head and Mor, so we didn't go out until Tuesday. Mor and I haven't had an evening watching sports and bullshitting in a while.
I sat with Wheat watching Big Bang Theory. Dinner was frozen fish, frozen popcorn shrimp, and frozen French fries.
I like to be a real secret Santa. I give or 'trade' away any gift I can. With exception, I would not give my ramekins my Mom and Dad gave me. But anything else, I'll give it away to anyone in my immediate family who will take it. So, that is basically my boys. I also take the unwanted gifts. Example, Nana gave the boys sheer, nylon, zipper vests. And the way they zip they are most likely for women. I took them both and wore one to work. No one noticed. And I got a cheap watch, pen, and knife set form Nana. They are broke so don’t judge. The box said seventy nine dollars. But you can print anything you want. Two thousand seventy nine. I noticed the old man had a new phone watch, nice and pricy. So I decided to wear my cheap watch with dignity. It won’t last long.
Anyway, I am just silently jabbering while more jabbers out loud.
So, the day was not very stressful and fairly productive. Everyone wanted to get work done and basically keep to themselves. I came home at lunch to see the Pedrozas off. They came over last night to open gifts and eat. I made frozen pizza
A jar of spaghetti sauce. Then I didn’t have to apologize for going to bed because the whole house was dozing off. Sheryl and Renae stayed up visiting and watching TV. Am still tired.
Last night, man we were all beat.

So the mages were the first to arrive followed by the droves us… Eddie and Cheryl are catching up

Anna and the rest of the girls are putting their pretty paint on… Getting ready for New Year's…

Danny and the big orange ball were inseparable…

I called this combination the JJ because of a coworker who gets crispy every weekend with Guinness beer and Tito's taxes made vodka…

Wheat was so happy to get his Harry Potter scarf, thank you thank you thank you and candy…

Now New Year’s, we all stayed up late. When Eddie is the first to go to be, the night is getting long in the tooth. I stayed up late as anybody. Low key but fun. Dancing. Hanging out. Average food. I was not happy with my yellow curry momos. The fried rice was great. My spring rolls were good. Mor made the rice, by the way.

Morgan is turning out to be a great cook. His fried rice is excellent.

This is me making the Momo's… Which are dumplings…

We drew names and had a gift exchange…

Keeler you have something to share with everyone?

Katie enjoys one of the spring rolls…

Hunky Steve made an appearance…

Time to get ready to bring in the new year…

Here is some of the dancing that I talked about…

Our host, uncle Mike was in charge of the music…

Eddie and Danny showing off their new knives from the gift exchange…

We went out Tues at noon and Mike and I went shopping He fronted the money. We kicked in as did the Pedrozas. We came home with lots of food and groceries. I didn't have much time to write. Took quite a few photos but that is all I could manage. Too much time cooking. Cooking most of the time, visiting quite a bit.
Football game, Aggies v. duke at the Chick filet bowl. Aggies came from behind to win. Manzel's last game, going pro after his sophomore year.
Yep I am fading fast.
OH yeah, went up to have some family time and Mor flooded the kitchen Sheryl is trying to clean with coffee and is heckling Dean about clocking out for breaks at work. Dean is working a few hours but clocks out for a half hour break. If it was on the clock it would be ten or fifteen minutes. Mor is being an ass. He must be tired. Head is grip. She is admittedly tired. Just pushing herself to stay up so she can go to sleep early. I went to bed early and woke up early only I listened to 'Skinny Dip' and rested early this morning. Pinty has had enough of the bickering He is making him a bed out of the coat Mor gave him to lay on. His is just making circles and scratching. Mor makes him stay on the coat. Holly hurt her leg. Either on the stairs or chasing stick. I gave her an aspirin in a block of cheese. Hope it helps her.

We are being forced to eat the cookies and treats sent home. Before they go bad.

I have my evening. Dean is working late shift. Head is rewatching a movie, the Robin William's love story that takes them both to hell, literally. Mor is downstairs. His favorite sites are being hacked. Shutting them down.
I had a relatively productive day at work. Ready for five o'clock. Came home, had a beer with Head and phoned in her order for Thai. We picked up a quart of Mickey's. On the way home, Head let me pop into the liquor store and I splurged for some brandy. We added a bag of burgers to add to the Thai. Done. Home for the evening. Watched Wheel of fortune while we ate. Visited and watched the cotton bowl. That brings us up to date.
Guilty pleasure: disaster movies. I am finishing the one about flash freezing the earth. A hole in the ozone is letting in the super cold outer space.
I still have that kid inside me. I actually get into the movies, pretending to be on site. Monitoring the disaster right along with the heroes. I guess I should switch for journaling to some fiction....
Tell me some of the magazines aspiring writers should read.

God, there are so many. Black Static from the UK has good stories. Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction sometimes runs horror stories. Subterranean Magazine has good horror. Clarkesworld, Lightspeed has a bunch of good stuff. Nightmare is good. Aurealis from Australia does well. has some horror, and hopefully will publish more as I buy some. Check out the ‘Best of the Year’ anthologies of science fiction, fantasy, and horror to get a feel for the state of speculative fiction....Ellen Datlow

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