Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hemlock Grove 2013

A teenage girl is brutally murdered, sparking a hunt for her killer. But in a town where everyone hides a secret, will they find the monster among them?

Me: Love it!

And no, I will not marry it.

Monday night.
Here in Our room. In the recliner.
Watching a new Netflix series called 'Hemlock Grove'.
I spent time on the exercise bike. Spent time in the kitchen. Making ssssstir fry. Although I couldn't cook outside on the wok, I did a great job, crunchy veggies as proof positive.
Spent time with Mor. He has done a mathematical analysis as to whether it is beneficial to upgrade a character he plays a lot. It isn't but the masses will upgrade because it is the popular thing to do.

Head was working hard on her website. She is determined to make a go of it. She is not going to go with Ejhn y Hj, fiy. She is going to make it on her own.
I guess I kind of like this show, I always have liked werewolf stores from Lon Chaney right up thru
American Werewolf in London'. But if this goes 'Twilight' on me, so helm me,
I am too entranced to focus on writing.
I managed to put together a tolerable, no, more than tolerable, an enjoyable day.

I had a couple of major successes n the food front. This morning I woke up late but got to the kitchen on time to make waffles for Jeremy and Dean. Peanut butter and honey. I split a bologna and cheddar on whet with lots of mustard with Dean. Finished filling his bag with a large Capri sun, a banana, and a protein bar. And a bottle of water. I figured that would get him through the day, a day that included work and school.
At school, he interacted with some new folks, two people asked him to help them in the computer lab. And his study buddy set up a time to work on the next assignment. He had been concerned about not connecting, but as he put it, he figured it out himself.
Now who wouldn’t want to say that?

I went down to get a bowl of shredded wheat, with natural sugar and Head showed me here web site on the phone. It looks really nice, even on the phone. She is doing a great, awesome, fantastic job.
It has a twin peaks kind of feel too it .along with the werewolf.
I'll have to tell Mor. He is always looking for the next Twin Peaks.
Meditation done, living mindfully.

Filling my mind with SciShow. Learning about the atmosphere of planets.
Head is waking up. Rare. But there is a reason. She is going to take a continuing ed course in Ft. Worth.
Cold outside. Colder south of us. Weird huh? The whirling artic air went past us and is freezing Houston instead.
Crash Course is starting a new series, Phycology.

I browsed a crafter video. Too tedious but it looks like fun. I like the recycling focus of some crafting. Using everything and saving everything to make something else. I do that, when I use ink on a page, I use the left over ink on other pages.
Now I'm on to SciShow talking about logic 'Intuitive answers' are in more places than math. Math is the best example, but I see Mor's idea about group think going with the upgrade even though it doesn't really help the character. It’s an upgrade, right? It has to be better.
Tuesday evening.

In our room with Deano. Watching 'The Collection'. Dean and I struck a deal. He would help me make banana bread, and then we would watch the movie. I recommended the movie. Chef John recommended the banana bread recipe. Head asked for the sweet treat. She is having a hard day.
Well, she started her realty business because she had so much support from her friends, specifically Cindy Lou and Renee. Well, rather than all break off and go in business together, Cindy took a job with a big management firm, Renee stayed where she was. Cindy tried to arrange for Head to get a job at the same place. Head interviewed but didn't get an offer. Roane just got fired. Cindy got tired of commuting from Arlington to Dallas and decided to move. Only she didn’t' list her house with Head and she made and offer on a house and ...yep, didn't use Head. Head is devastated. One, if her friends don’t use her, what hope does she have of making a sell. And if she loses Cindy, well, she was counting on Cindy to promote her and send business her way. Whoa. A hit in the gut. She is in tears.
Two stiff rum drinks and she is feeling..not better, but numb. I used mountain dew, rum, and pineapple coconut juice. Two for her, two for me.

Diner? Spectacular. Although Head burned the navy beans, it was not a problem. I had hoped to make baked beans. Mor put half of a pork loin in the oven. Delish. I used the drippings to make turnip greens. Fresh turnip greens with a turnip diced in it. Opened a bag of Cole slaw and put out my favorite slaw dressing, poppy seed. A fucking great meal.
Food and drink. Sometimes it is all we need to feel better.
Mor and I went for a walk. A little chilly. PInto had to wear a sweater. I walked him to save Mor the embarrassment. We talked. About....about how people are selfish. It is human nature. Even when people think they are trying to help, they are doing more for themselves than anyone else.

More is downstairs, I woud like to be watching a spurs game with him but he hasn't been promoting the sports and Deano asked me. Deano wins.
Work...well, I found out that middle management means you’re always in the middle. Either the bosses or employees are mad at your. That is if you’re lucky. If you’re unlucky, they are both pissed. Don’t count on them ever both being happy.
Today an employee hollered at me. Well, he doesn't write checks.
Head is watching 'The Biggest Loser'.
Tomorrow is another day. Thursday is my Birthday. Friday I'm off of work and, Unky MIke gave us great seats to the basketball game.
Parking pass included.
Going to get getter.
Could be worse.

Deano is listening to music. I have 'Hemlock Grove' playing. 'The Collection' might have been a little too Saw-ish for Deano. I’ll have to remember that when recommending future horror movies.
Our banana bread is gross.  It sucks. Overflowed. Made an ugly mess and ...bitter. We need to back up and try again.

Wednesday morning. Making the most of it. The only way I know how is to follow my habit. I must admit my electronic devices are really helpful in promoting my habits. They are habit tools, to coin a phrase.
Yet, they frustrate me when I wasn’t some in my family’s attention. Mor has his headphones on and is involved for an hour more. Head is constantly on her social network. Dean..He likes to play WoW or sit and listen to music and sing. So, my need for attention is minute compared to the comfort the devices bring my loved ones. I'm no there all the time and, like I said, I live my habit tools just like everyone else.
This morning has been meditation before the alarm went off. YouTube videos for the past hour. I still have one playing in the background. I found a new guy with ideas, Dan Ariely. A business psychologist.

I found him on a BigThink clip about self-control. His point, when it is something hard to do, hard to do because it is hard to do things now that don't have a payoff until the future, can be made easier by giving yourself an immediate reward.
Watch TV after you read. Finish a task, like exercise, and then have a piece of candy. Think about it. Think about it and then jack of. Hey, there might be something to this.
Dan A. thinks people made decisions based on how confusing and complex the options are. People don't like figuring it out or choosing.
When you don't know what you want, you are more vulnerable to outside influences.
I am not looking forward to the uncomfortable situations at work. Trying to get the staff to do what the bosses expect. It is impossible for me to make ti flow smoothly between the tow. Hence, my uncomfortable situations with both sides, sometimes simulantoesly. So when I think about it, my mind tries to find a way to control it. To make the employee fill out a schedule for the day to make Dean read for at least fifteen minutes a day. To make myself exercise and not get drunk.

There is a problem rather is control the problem or the solution? I don't think I know enough to figure it out but Elliot H. said to go with your balls, not your mind, only take a minute to look at what your balls are telling you. So ...why am I saying 'so' so much?
Now, there is another word for so, now, let me think about  if control is the answer or am I just creating more problem’s I think about the Tao, it says that the more one tries to control, the more devious the people who are trying to be controlled act.

So control just makes me have to control more to offset their efforts to not be condoled
Is it time to threaten? Let the other person know what is expected, and include yourself in this, once the end result is clearly defined, let the person make their own decision to get it done or not. It's all on them. If you don’t get done what is expected, then these are the consequences.
Pull or push?

Let me think about it with my cooker, with Dean, and then with myself.
With the coworker, get the work out on time, it's up to you to ask for help, if you don't you will be written up; enough documentation will dink your ship.
With Dean, you know you could read and if you don't you'll be behind how can he see a future consequence? Maybe if I can get him to read to me, then immediately do something fun, that would motivate him.
With me, is need to live a healthy lifestyle but I don't always feel like making the right decisions. I can bear down, for bursts of time, and maybe I'll do the right thing the majority of the time. But I know I will never do the right thing the entire tie.

So I only get a rum and coke if I exercise? Do I get desert if I eat my dinner?
I've thought about it and I think know more than I did, but I haven't reached any conclusions. I’m going to continue thinking about it.
Let me know what you think.
No don't. I don’t want to be influenced. You think about it though, start figuring it out for you and I'll start figuring it out for myself.
OH my gad. Mind wants to have continue this discussion with my boss. Figure this out. Get on board, cover some common ground. After I just said I wanted to figure it OUT for myself? After I just said I didn't want to be influenced? Wrong move. So why have that discussion? To control my boss. Like a dog to vomit I can’t keep from craving control.
Let it go. Let it go then build what you want. Let it go. Then rebuild. Throw it all in a pile then pick up what you want. Empty your drawer then put back what you want.

Hug someone you love, and dogs count.

Wednesday night. In Our room. In the recliner. 'Hemlock Grove' on the TV. Pushing it through the old phone. Chrome Cast is such a great invention.
Mor was asked, and declined, to watch Spurs v. Bulls. He is gaming. He is keeping to himself is what he is doing. That’s okay. I see him more than I would if he lived across town or across state, or across country. Deano had to go into work. He is dependable. He had a great day with Head. Head needed a diversion. She was there for him today.

I had a reasonable day at work.  
Tomorrow will be fun, an audit form my old friend Doug Berg from Detroit I need to write about him someday. He is a very interesting person. There ate a lot of people I need to write about.
Came home, went back to work to get my phone, and left it in my desk. It wasn’t that I was carcinoid someone would snoop, I need my electronics. I run them out of batteries several times a day and I have three.
Then....I took a walk. By myself. With Deano gone and Mor and Head having just exercised downstairs. Holly went with. Pinto was forbidden. He would get cold. Holly and I had a brisk walk. Invigorating. Home to make chicken noodle soup. I took every Tupperware from the frige to clean it out. I was glad to find out Deano had eaten the meatball sammie. Thanks. I heated up the potato waffles form Sunday. Mor and I ate them. the soup was great. I choose to eat leftovers. One, becasue there was some leftover spaghetti. Two, because soup always gets better with age. It will be twice a good tomorrow and twice as good as that the day after that. I enjoyed my walk a little more because I listened to another lecture on Hegel. This one was about the individuals. Discovery of the meaning of life.
Liked the part abbot each person tells the story of his life and makes sense of it and that, that right there is the meaning of life. What each life means.

Took a chance to make a snack, desert actually, between episodes.
Made a waffle. And I hugged Mor. He is gaming. And I hugged Head. She is watching 'American Idol', still on the auditions. Technically the entire show is an audition. But the first part is the auditions; the rest is the competition, the show.
I did like the way Keith Urban put it, that his opinion is just that. What he coaches on, Henry Connick might see as the best trait. Its opinion and opinion can come from the balls or the brain, right Elliot? What you think or what you've been taught.
Time to watch and eat that waffle.

Starting the third episode of 'H.G.' I still say more ‘Twin Peaks' than 'Twilight'.
I took advantage of this break, after checking on Head (listening to music in the living room) and Mor (gaming in the dungeon) to find my gift card. Head gave me fifty bucks to go buy work books at academy. I want that extra to buy any pair I want. I did get some gifts from the Pedrozas. Looking forward to opening them up tomorrow. They will be familiar, off my Amazon wish list.
What could it be?

Funny, I looked around for that gift card, no idea where it was. I noticed all my gifts are put away. So no hope of finding a cache and the card is part of the group.
No angst. I just kept looking at my most likely places. Even went through my wallet. And the last place I looked, because I stopped looking once I found it, was right on the TV table, with all my valuables. Picket knives, combs, where I put my wallet, things carried with.

I have my Idea catalog under this keyboard. I'll scribble in it. Maybe use the tablet to look for inspiration on the internet. My attention is on this show.

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