Sunday, September 4, 2016

Limitless (TV series)

Limitless is an American dramedy television series based on the 2011 film of the same name that originally aired onCBS from September 22, 2015 to April 26, 2016.[1][2][3][4] It stars Jake McDorman as Brian Finch, who discovers the power of a mysterious nootropic drug by the name of NZT-48. This drug unlocks the full potential of the human brain and gives its user enhanced mental faculties. It is a direct sequel to the film of the same name, which in turn was based on the novel The Dark Fields, and takes place four years after the events of the movie. The series was ordered by CBS on May 8, 2015. On October 23, 2015, CBS picked up Limitless for a full season of 22 episodes.[5] On May 18, 2016, CBS confirmed Limitless will not be part of their 2016–2017 lineup, but did not announce its cancellation, saying that they're discussing the future of the series with other networks.[6] On May 25, 2016, Craig Sweeny announced the series has been cancelled after one season.[7] 
(off wipedia)

Okay okay… Here we are findings time for ourselves… Myself… The second week in a row. It has been one stressful week. Trying to go live at the lab. Trying being the key operative. There are… Issues. But sometimes you were not ready for the answers until you have a question.

If only I had the powers of the character and limitless. I understand this is also a movie. Haven't seen it. I do get a charge out of watching the sky views his superhuman… Really he is using all of his human ability. Nothing superhuman about it. He is using all of the brainpower that we all possess but do not have access to. It is a good series. Great to see the sister from the Dexter series in this one.

Books… Currently I'm reading Michael Cripe's airframe. More about airplanes and union shops that anyone would want to know. He does get a little preachy. Remember rising Sun and… I forget the title of the book where he made the case against global warning… Global warming.


The twin jet plane en route to Denver from Hong Kong is merely a green radar blip half an hour off the California coast when the call comes through to air traffic control:

'Socal Approach, this is TransPacific 545. We have an emergency.' The pilot requests priority clearance to land - then comes the bombshell - he needs forty ambulances on the runway.

But nothing prepares the rescue workers for the carnage they witness when they enter the plane.

Ninety-four passengers are injured. Three dead. The interior cabin virtually destroyed.

I must've downloaded this off of tumbler a week ago today. Like a broken clock, the saying applies… Eventually

a word about these downloaded pictures some are from tumbler, others are ones people sent me, and personal pictures are mixed in there too. When you see a name or two or three, under a particular picture this is who I passed the downloaded pictures onto. I am emailing attached to my parents, wife, and sometimes Momo.

 16 0829
8:21 AM

A great weekend following a great week. Friday night , I waited with Head for MoMo as long as we could but he was tied up at work. They are kicking off the new client he was hired to work with. They eat lunch at their desk, lunch provided. And stay until work is all done. He came home tired and beaten. So Head and I went to try a new place she had heard. While driving there I realized that cool kid was just the back corner of Jay Jillian’s  where they sold growlers full of craft beer and had Margarita machines on-site and for rent. So we high tailed it to our true love, Dr. Jekyll's brewpub. When we get there we made a new friend named Mary. Mary was the representative for community beer. And it was quite night so with every beer ordered from her Burberry you got a glass. Head found one she liked, we both had the same thing on the first round. On the second round she stayed with the one she found and I tried a 12% IP a, their flagship beer. It was good I could taste the alcohol and the malt not the hops so much. We went home with four glasses and Chinese food for Head. I wanted a hamburger. So we went to Brahms. Head was so out of it she ordered another dinner there. It worked out because the leftover meals were there when Dean and his friend came home. Dean's car is in the shop. So he is bumming rides.

Saturday morning I woke up at 6 o'clock as usual. Head stayed in sleepy town for a while. Eventually we had coffee together and then I went across the hall to the tower. Working on my blog. And generally get organized. I decided to backup the 2 1/2 TB of information I have on my computer. It desperately needs a cleaning. And I am afraid I will lose everything when we clean it. Also I need to have a place to backup information from the laboratory. It is useful information and I'm sure I will need it someday. I watched supernatural and blogged and organized computer files. Ordered this a 5 TB external drive. MoMo made sure that I got the new 3.0 USB configuration for fast transfer. We went on a buying jag. Head bought a new phone because she has worn out the power outlet. She cannot get it to charge. We also ordered another sex toy. I think we had one come in…  yes we did… on Friday night   we played with it. A small latex covered remote control and. She did not like it at all. It did not get the job done. It is now mine. It makes my balls feel like a fly is crawling the on them. Don't judge me. The color purple was the theme for the night because the egg, purple, came with the tablet cover I bought Dean, also purple. He showed it to me on Saturday. It had a detachable keyboard and was a pretty nice setup. If I did not already have a chrome book with a keyboard I would consider getting it.

The pool boy, Luke, is having trouble getting the pool ready for us on Saturdays. He stopped by to dump chemicals at 8 o'clock on Friday night and then did not make it to the house until around noon to work on it. He said he needed some more chemicals and a chance to earn more money cleaning the DE filter. Sure just make sure the pool is ready from now on Saturdays.

Deborah and family invited themselves over,, which is a treat, don't get me wrong. We had to tell them to wait because the pool was still cloudy. We went out there and they showed up while Head was getting her smoke on. I had taken one cigarette   from work and had just lit up when she pulled into the driveway. I had to throw it out. Deborah and her son Zack and her daughter Emery swam and drink beer and visited until her husband Trevor came and brought more beer and we drank more and talked more. Funny thing, Deborah shocked us all by walking into the grass beside the pool and announcing that she was urinating. She walked over to the edge of the pool and had Head splash water on her feet and then jump back in. She did it a couple of times. I don't know whether it turned me on or disgusted me  or disgustingly turned me on. I had a pretty good buzz when we took a quick shower and met them at a new restaurant. Don Miguel   was seen right next door to mamas pizza on fielder. I had wanted to try the place but it is the polar opposite of the other Mexican joint we go to. It has padded menu with no prizes. I think we paid 50 bucks for two people I think they paid a couple hundred for their family and a guest.

Trevor invited me to the technology group. Kind of a science club. Remembering how hard it was to get a job on monster and indeed, I think it will be worth the hundred dollars and the time to show up there. He also asked me if I would consider looking over the data from their project… I think it is something to do with carrying the common cold or the flu or something like that. They rented a mini lab at… One of the big pharmaceutical companies in Houston. The company downsized   their lab and rented out many labs. Johnson & Johnson? I don't know for sure. They have some Korean Dr. they moved down there to do the work. And for or something five other PhD's with long resumes to look over the data. I have mixed opinions.

I have started participating on eBay. I bought a five dollar Barlow knife because I remember having one as a child. I also found an Imperial fisherman's knife with a pearl handle and the optional upgrade, beer opener. I bought it for Eddie because he likes to shove something under beer tabs so he doesn't break his fingernails. By the way, Eddie   finally put a drain in the cooler box he made for me only he made it flash with the side and you could not get a grip on the lid and open it so I had to get a pair of pliers and work it off I threw the lid away. I will use a stopper from the inside of the cooler. What a dumb ass. I always call him Eddie squared because seriously, everything he does he does twice.

Saturday night after Don Miguel, we came home to an empty house. Dean was at work. He drove MoMo's car. MoMo went to a social event. For nerds. It is called a LAN party. You take your computer and played Doda. He took Head's car. We had the house to ourselves. I made it so far as to get naked and then passed out. All that beer and margaritas caught up to me. And one Tito's vodka and seven when we got home. As you can imagine. I woke up Sunday a little rough. But I woke up early, bound and determined to read.

In the email I had written my mother on Saturday, I proclaimed a day of reading. I took Michael Crighton’s airframe into the pool and managed five pages before the company showed up. On Sunday the first thing I did was reach for a Kindle and start reading. I read the book in the pool. Just me and Head. We had the best time. Making silly videos. Sleeping. Munching on salty treats. Drinking beer. However, I was productive. I went to Kroger after reading and having coffee. I like to shop before the people get out of church. I ended up grabbing so much food that I have enough for two weeks. I forgot to put my Kroger number in and without the discounts my bill came to $350. After discounts, 250. I reached for my wallet to pay and… No wallet. Head begrudgingly bought me… Brought me my wallet. I wasn't even embarrassed. I put the food up and then we went swimming.

Head is watering the plants while I cook dinner. I tried to make as much food as I could while I was in the kitchen and using the same dishes. Saves everybody time. I made hamburger steak with grilled onions and mushrooms and cream gravy over mashed potatoes. I boiled brussels sprouts and asparagus pair. Head called it the stinky too. Asparagus making your urine smell and brussels sprouts giving us the farts. She told the truth. I also bought a Marie calendars coconut cream pie. That was dinner. For the rest of the week I made a huge lasagna. With eggplant and pepperoni, fresh mozzarella and provolone, and a pound of hot sausage. That will go in the oven tonight. I used the rest of the hamburger meat… I boiled it so that we can have sloppy Joe night after. Their salmon for the night after that and hotdogs and Chile for the night after that the week is done. I'm at work and already christens assistance assistant is here happy days happy days siding off the Joker

Music by the Gary Hamilton a local artist.

Singer songwriter Berlin Thompson used to play with Guy Clark all the time






Downloaded this before going the Rangers game on Sunday… Rangers lost to the Astros by one run

This is for Head For though what she is going through John.

This looks like a great art project for me

You know her family comes from Iowa…

Be the sweetest feature on the tree but some people just don't like peaches.

Stevie Ray Vaughn died at the age of 35 on August 25… I think.

I definitely   have to try and roll this

I sent a few of these vintage postcards and pictures to my parents, knowing they would appreciate them.

Momo loves HP Lovecraft.

How true is this?

I sent this one to dad reminding him stretch before and after exercise.

I would really like to have an old-school fiberglass dune buggy like this.

I thought Morgan would get a kick out the fuse generations take on the classic 1911 45 automatic pistol

I have started sayingpeopley and fucky a lot. Like this place tis too peoply for me and things are getting fucky  …

Head has a thing for lavender field… And this would make a great art project.

There is only one person I would ever send this to… And I did…

Same goes for this cute little piece of work.

Momo's dream home… Or where I can see him living large.

Yes, yes it is…

Cover me I'm going in…

 The way my life is going right now at work.

This one goes out to my boy Wheat.

Dad sent this to me which officially makes it a dead joke.

I need to remind myself of this on Monday morning when I go to work

I love to eat lobster rolls with my mom at the place by her house.

And my mom loves doughnuts… She said would like to keep this where one

 16 0831
8:21 AM

This week is pacing itself out very nicely. We pulled blood on Monday and I started running them. Today I am testing my cells on the chemistry machine which I have more confidence in the immunoassay machine not to worry. Someone is coming in to help me on Thursday and Friday with the immuno machine. Running real samples. I am moving forward. Staying busy. My efforts are paying off. I got the director to sign off on all of my standard operating procedures. She brought along a compliance specialist to look at my documents. The compliance specialist added a lot of quality details. Things that will keep me from getting dinged and audits.

Monday was definitely the busiest day. I interviewed a young lady who lives over in Fort Worth. Nothing concerns me about her abilities my only concern is that she has a little bit further drive at me and I know how hard this drive is on me. Right now I'm on the Tollway inching along.

Just got off the phone with Ronnie who wants to send samples in temporarily and open up their own lab. The trouble is it looks like his lab is going in over at Mesquite. That is twice the distance that I'm going now. That is a dealbreaker. He said he liked my honesty the other day. I just let it all hang out. Once he said that he knew the strong arms. There was no reason to not be brutally honest. He was going to either like me or not. Like the old Indian saying goes sometimes your reputation is built on top of the reputation of your enemies. Everyone knows the strong arms are outhouse rat crazy.

The pace is picked up by moving along at 70 mph. Temporarily. Always temporarily. If we can all just go one steady pace I would settle for 40 miles an hour.

Yesterday I wore sloppy clothes and it took me all day to answer a   questions about how many test tubes of blood we would need. And I spent a lot of time managing the meager inventory that I have. It will be a lot easier once I have a fully stocked refrigerator. Right now I am ordering every day just to stay operational. I did not get a chance to run all of the samples that I wanted but I have the time. I needed to meet with that compliance consultant and keep everyone else happy first and then get to my work.

I did manage to test myself, and I'm still almost 200. I need to be down to 20 or 50 at the very least. No one is pressuring me to take up this test. But that could happen at any moment.

I just hope that the HR guy is as busy as me and does not make it a priority.

Momo is staying late. He did not get home until 730 last night. The project they hired him for is going live. Representatives from the plastics company are there at the writer facility. Doing about the same thing we are doing in my lab. They bring him lunch because no one's leaving. We did get to visit. Eating sloppy Joe's together. With corn on the cob and grilled zucchini. Head did not eat with us. She had spent her day evicting people. Setting their stuff out on the curb. One quarter family was a specialist… Especially troublesome. When she came home while we ate, she had to work to pay her bills. There is a deadline of today at 10 o'clock that all bills must be paid. The problem is not her. The problem is that the vendors do not submit their bills until the day before. That is where I would institute some changes.

I dressed casually again today. Anticipating a day back in the laboratory. Not dressed up pretty setting at a desk. I am in my element. I am not afraid to fail. Every time I do something wrong I figure something out. And once I have it figured out I own it. I own that. So let's go make some mistakes let's build our tool belt of overflowing. Are you with me? Are you with me?

wheat started his first day of classes yesterday. Without a car, Head took him and picked him up. She said she should've called uber. Hopefully this car will be ready today.

I sent this to dad telling him that if you put this on the flagpole I would salute it… God bless America… Jump for joy… And when Julie leaves jump for Sue

I sent this to mom with the comment that this is how you feel when you're waiting for someone to find the keys and you are all ready to go…

When I saw this I thought about my niece loves sweets.

Definitely great zombie response vehicle…

I started a little project… Spruce up the chrome book…

They have been handing out's and Dr. Jekyll's four different breweries…

The little minion sticker is in loving memory of Stevie Ray Vaughn…

16 0901
8:06 AM

I have just started my commute to work. The traffic is extra thick turning onto fielder.

It's time to write, I can start journaling… Yesterday was only mildly frustrating at work. The instrument would not communicate so I had to just start over. Once I started over, it will out results. I have this whole week to run the samples. That is twice as long as I will need once we get going. I figure I can turn samples around in three days. To sometimes. That is if I get the computer system to make the reports automatically. I am not there yet. I am just trying to run samples. I see a schedule something like this… Run the chemistry machine one day and the biochemistry machine the other. I will do all blogs every day. That is comfortable for me by myself. But I'm no longer by myself…
Antoinette Philadelphia accepted the offer and will be starting on September 6. It could not be soon enough as far as I am concerned. She said that she is tired of being pulled into many directions to cover everything in the lab… I know how that feels… And that she is looking for a position to just run samples. Just samples. Welcome Ms. Philadelphia.

I left with a happy feeling. Drove home and mild traffic. Made one stop to get a cold beer at another stop to get a half a case of beer and bread for the family. We were out of bread for sandwiches. And after all that I am the only one who made a sandwich this morning. They are working MoMo late and through lunch so they are providing lunch for him. As I mentioned.

We had our go to dinner last night of salmon, kale, and rice. I spice mine up by putting Durkee sauce on the salmon and green chilies… hatch No less… In my rice with soy sauce. My tribute to Korean food. I also had a big salad.

I drank another beer and a shot of Chris's whiskey. It kicked my butt. I went to bed to watch TV and fell asleep almost immediately. I am trying to get started and a BBC series about magicians. Bringing magic back to England. I did not have to sit with Head because she wanted to watch modern family and I hate modern family.

My new watch at picked up on Amazon for under $15

Spotted this guy getting gas the other night… Which I'm sure he has to do a lot… And of course he has the biggest set of tests hanging underneath the rear bumper… Of course…

And I saw this guy right after seeing the other guy… Only a suspect this man's artwork… If you can't tell what the use, he cut a scene of horses and cattle out of iron and made a headache rack out of it…

I always wanted a melon knife ike my father's… Now I am one…

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