Saturday, September 21, 2013


Really...even the Amish?

It won't hurt when I fall down from this bar stool
And it won't hurt when I stumble in the street
It won't hurt 'cause this whiskey eases misery
But even whiskey cannot ease your hurting me
-Dwight Yokum

This song is stuck in my head.  I had it que up while at the lab. I had to go in to stread some micro plates.  The microbiologist is out, lucky me.

This is a little different than usual, for one thing, I had to have the hard drive replaced on the computer.   Thanks, M-dog.
But it has me behind. No Dragon Spek dictation softwar. I willl have to enter text the old fashoned way, with a keyboard. 
And worst by far, I had to delete the pictures of comical animals...ahhh....sadness.  Must find something new to post in stead.

I had some pics to use.  


That is my 'Pee Wee Word for the day'.  I am trying to reduce the things I have. I definitely do not want anything. No more. Actually, one of my daily goals is to give something away. A book I have read. A pen.  When I had money, I'd give pocket knifes out ot folks.  If they asked to borrow my knife, I'd let them keep it. Obviously they needed it so I'd let them keep it.  Friday, I gave away my lunch. If someone will take womething I have, they are doing me a favor.  If I can't give it away, then theat thing owns me, if I can give it away, 

Tricia's husband Daniel has been missing for seven years. Her younger sister Callie comes to live with her as the pressure mounts to finally declare him 'dead in absentia.' As Tricia sifts through the wreckage and tries to move on with her life, Callie finds herself drawn to an ominous tunnel near the house. As she begins to link it to other mysterious disappearances, it becomes clear that Daniel's presumed death might be anything but 'natural.' The ancient force at work in the tunnel might have set its sights on Callie and Tricia ... and Daniel might be suffering a fate far worse than death in its grasp.

Know why it's hard to be happy?

It's because we won't let go of the things that make us sad.

Monday, September 2, 2013

21 & Over (2013)

When Straight-A college student Jeff Chang's two best friends take him out for his 21st birthday on the night before an important medical school interview, what was supposed to be a quick beer becomes a night of humiliation, over indulgence and utter debauchery.

Me… Two things come to mind after watching this movie. One, thinking your response can happen in any. 21 years old may be too old or too young. If it's a person. I speak from experience. The memory of my own. And most recently having experienced my niece's 21st birthday. There was vomiting on the living room floor. Didn't start out that way. It started out, like this movie,… My dad is saying… The trouble with trouble is it starts out like fun.My dad had another saying that applied to drinking… Is a around the garage long enough you will get grease on your pants. This party has two beer pong tables, standard for modern parties. A keg of beer with a beer bong, because this party was for the girl's the funnel had pretty beads glued on to it. After I went to bed, there was a fight several of the girls. Some of the adults got involved. In these situations there is always someone who runs out in their underwear and asks… What's going on? I was that person. Morgan came up with a quick response… Not your pants, he said.This story has gone on too long but the second thing that comes to my mind is that each person needs to choose their own path. Because of this message, I think this has vowed it is fun and truth.

 Take your cat for a walk… It is fat!

I only have eyes for you… And you… And you…

“The greatest gift you can give somebody is your own personal development. I used to say, "If you will take care of me, I will take care of you. "Now I say, I will take care of me for you, if you will take care of you for me.” - Jim Rohn

I came across this quote and thought it held a valuable insight. And then I looked up wrote it…

Emanuel James "Jim" Rohn was an American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker. His rags to riches story played a large part in his work, which influenced others in the personal development industry.

He would make a statement like this because it puts money in his pocket. That is the trouble trying to have an original thought. You hear someone else say it better. And then it is no longer an individual and independent insightful thought. Emerson said that in one of his writing. Damn.

May I yes listening to a personality on YouTube. Search for the following video or click on the link below.…

The Power of Silence

If you like that one search for this other title below…

I have no feelings :/

Morgan turned me on to him with the video listed below…

How To Escape The Rat Race (create a non-job)

I have spent a lot of time today reading about…

Ralph Waldo Emerson (May 25, 1803 – April 27, 1882) was an American essayist, lecturer, and poet, who led the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. He was seen as a champion of individualism and a prescient critic of the countervailing pressures of society, and he disseminated his thoughts through dozens of published essays and more than 1,500 public lectures across the United States.

 "the infinitude of the private man."

 in the fall of 1837, Emerson asked Thoreau, "Do you keep a journal?" 

last night I went to a community concert, one of those free concerts, with my favorite Texas folksinger

Ray Wylie Hubbard 

Here's a life hack for you… Pull up the bottom drawer of your desk, overfill it with pillows, and put your feet up.

It is time for bed, off I go. Dad did this not mean just sleep… For sex… But a quiet time to watch videos and read and listen to audiobooks and music.

Gone for Good: A Novel 

Keen Eddie - The Complete Series

Dexter in the Dark

Childish Things by James McMurtry