Sunday, November 17, 2013

Tamara (2005)

Tamara is a girl who didn't quite fit in. Tamara is constantly picked on and when a couple of friends plays a joke on Tamara, it leads to her death. The friends bury her tries to make it seem that Tamara ran away. But all is not forgotten. Tamara returns as a sexy seductress and plans her revenge. (due to witchcraft). Well like they say: Karma's a bitch.-IMDB

I had to turn my head when she mind controlled the visual aide to take off his ear, tongue, and eye, with a box cutter....hear not evil, see no evil...

Couldn't find my comical animals file so I went with Helen M.


I am so fucking greedy. I know inside I want things, and more things. I want financial security. I want perfect health. I want to be loved. I am so fucking greedy.
And I think being cheap is somehow going to make up for wanting all those things. And that a steady paycheck will get me financial security. And that taking a walk and eating chicken breasts will guarantee good health. And that loving people who love me back will make me feel loved. I am so fucking stupid.
I need to the shower at the moment but I will come back to this. It's the weekend I can stay up as late as I want. Calvin, of Calvin and Hobbs, said Sundays sucked because it’s not a day off if u have to take a shower and go to bed early.  I could go to bed dirty but I won't. My grandmother taught me to never go to bed dirty. You won't sleep good/well. She always smelled like Noxzema when she went to bed...
Less rage. Much less self-deprecation.
Pinto is herewith me in bed, We are both doing our own versions of the bedtime ritual ...

What a fucking...blessing.
Something happened when H got involved, helping P make his bed. She put him up under her arm when I would prefer him to sleep down on the foot of the bed. But I can 'prefer' in one hand and 'shit' in the other and guess which hand would fill up first?
Rituals. That is hers and his. Mine is to put my four pillows up against the wall to lean against, and cover up with my of my two extra blankets. I prefer to sleep on one blanket and cover up with the other. Just as soon not get under the sheet and comforter. My grandmother made the blankets, so you know. Out of old tee-shirts. The tee-shirts mean something because I use to wear them and the blanket...blanket means twice as much because she made it. I probably have half a dozen. I should get them out and take pics for memories sake.
I should take a picture of most the shit I have and then give it away.

You'll have to forgive me. I am feeling it. Feeling the weakness of being needy and feeling the guilt of privilege. I have so, so much. I know that.
When I clear my mind, I am okay with it, and happy, and content, and generous. If you want it, I'll give it to you. If I can't, then that thin owns me instead of the other way around.
Hey, the nook can play music   while I write. I'm using Google docs, writing to the cloud. I like the way that sounds. It makes it seem so poetic. The internet is a wonderful thing.
While I'm thinking about poverty and the subject of the internet came up, I have a thought. When I read about idleness, it became clear that it is a rare commodity

My gawd, this Guy Clark Jr. is quite the musician. Loving what he's laying down.
Any who...Poverty. Internet. Idleness. Hard to come by. Those that can enjoy it have money. A few starving artists. But it’s hard to be creative when your unemployed and your kids are hungry. the internet wont feed the babies but for so little, you can get on the internet and get a world of information. Information of how to feed your babies maybe. How to find a job. How to improve your reading or  math skills.  Or access government or charitable sites. If you don't have even a an old computer go to the library. But if you can’t get to a library, if your too dirty or too far away or too hungry, well, the internet isn't going to do you any good.
The poor we will always have with us. -Jesus

I am proud of myself. I posted on all my blogs today. More than that, I sorted files so I could do it faster the next time. I liked editing this here journal and posting it. That was a rewarding experience.
I don't even care if anybody reads it. I see my blogs like my journals. They may never get read but I still write them. I know there are a few family and coworkers who look at some of the stuff. Content. You got to build content. And experience. You got to get comfortable with the medium. Time well spent. It took me until noon.

Then I took a little walk. I headed out to walk to the store, had a bag to carry my stuff back with me. But then I saw some aquariums in someone’s yard, put out for someone to take. So I hightailed it home and got the truck. Picked up half a dozen aquariums of various sizes on the way to the grocery store. They weren’t used for fish, I am pretty sure. Reptiles I think. I will bleach them out tomorrow and add them to the collection. Sooner or later I'm going to need something to live in them. Fish, plants, and or animals. This morning I watched vids on raising earthworms, which got me into other beneficial insects. Nematodes. Lady Bugs. Praying mantis. I go to  get some praying mantis. And they need flies to eat. So I watched vids on raising flies. People who raise frogs need wingless flies to feed them. Wheat wants frogs. I see a thread. I will put those tanks to good use.
I am so glad I got cleaned up. I feel fresh and clean. Can't sleep with an itchy butt.
Head is beside me, the light from her tablet shining in her face. I have a Bluetooth keyboard on a clipboard in my lap, my tablet beside me. We both have headphones in. She is just laughing. She read ...showed me a cartoon Jose made of Brianna. There is an app for making cartoons with avatars. His usually involve farts. Farts are funny.

Dinner was simple, just like the evening. . Dean worked the late shift. He isn't home yet. He'll be wiped when he does. Just enough energy to change clothes and grind on his dallies for WoW. Hey, it keeps him engaged. I'm a big fan of video games for the young people.
I picked up the diet coke, bread, lettuce, and red box video I went to the store for. also picked up an avocado, 70 percent chocolate bars, hot Cheetos, jalapeno potato chips, bacon and sausage. All specials. I got my ass chewed for buying Hawaiian rolls, should of gotten whole wheat bread. And the chocolate had enough cocoa but it had peppermint in it, unnecessary sugar. Mia Copa, mia Copa.. I almost thought ice cream, Blue Belle was on sale but that would of been a fucking catastrophe. Ice cream is the worst food for two reasons., no nutritional value and it hurts Head's tummy. She is lactose something. I used the diet cola to make a bourbon and coke. The bacon and rolls to make club sammies. While the bacon cooked, I watched a movie with H. Took the sammies downstairs to watch Baylor v. Tech. It was a shootout. Almost a hundred points in ...on the scoreboard by the end of the third quarter. It gave me and Mor a chance to visit. We talked nutrition. Tim and Eric’s new show, Bedtime Stories. Zach G. is in it too. We looked at cameras, he's in the market. And we both surfed redditt and he introduced me to another site like it, . I left him after watching some Always Sunny in Philadelphia to practice on his banjo.
Visited with Head a few minutes. She was reading about a homeless man and she saw his faith in God as a miracle, I just felt uncomfortable. Hence the rant nonbeing a needy fuck. It makes me feel helpless knowing people are struggling. But they are struggling whether I think about them or nt. I could give everything I have away and live a life of poverty but it wouldn’t solve the problem. It would help some out.

A wealthy man wanted to do something for Mother Theresa, something for her for all she has down for so many. He asked her what she wanted and this is what she said. Get up at four in the morning and go out in the dark and find someone who is afraid and unloved and make them feel safe and loved. Can't write a check for that.
H is writing a devotional to a friend (You!). She should have wings. She cares and she does something about it. I am glad she’s my friend too.
I downloaded my music that starts with 'A' onto the nook, and there is heavy metal I didn't know I had. I do not need one of those music services. H, M, and W pay ten bucks a month each for music on demand. I have more than I can ever listen through. Not a big music fan.
Note: get a good, why would I get a bad one?, recipe for Green goddess salad dressing.
I type like I fuck, hard. Bang those keys. H was commenting...on my typing, not my fucking...sigh.
So peaceful here in the dark. Fan droning in the background. the neighbors porch light shines across the balcony, the sheers taking a little of the light. I love our house. Not the physical structure, the way we've organized the space inside. it’s very, very comfortable. If you are looking forward to a vacation, you need to change the way you live.
Ohh my lord, the worst smell.   Head fessed up, blaming he beans. Ice-cream would of killed us both. She would of exploded and I would of suffocated.
Just the sign of a healthy metabolism. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Thirty-eight Special singing 'Wild Eyed Southern Boys'. Blast form my misbegotten youth. About the time I met H, as a matter of fact.
I stopped at two bourbon and cokes. the new house rule is one is okay, two is a special occasion, and no body of the world needs three of anything. so, I'm drinking the rest of the diet coke plain. Could only manage half a bottle but for less than a dollar, I'm not losing any money. Maybe W will drink  the rest while he plays Wow. I know M will be up all night. He slept until two in the afternoon. I'm afraid he's a vampire.
Okay, enough chit chat...I have a book to read. Funny that, it’s not a book. It’s an eBook but that doesn't matter either. Should I call it a novel.?
Oh, before I close, I followed a new site on reditt, about professional cooking. Chefs like to show off their knifes. there seems to be a lot of shit about the plastic wrap dispenser. It’s always fucking up or they are fucking with it. And they leave each other lots of notes. And they clean. Lots of pride from cleaning burned pots, greasy hoods, ....And they like to show burns and cuts. Gross as shit. And I learned when you quit at a restaurant, they cover you in whipped cream and or flour your last night. And they call their stations, battlestations, like the nerds refer to their computers.
Okay, now I can move on. I'll be back. Not to worry.

Instant pudding woke up and off to the crapper first thing.
Man, unusual for me to wake up this late. The sun is so bright. It's warm outside already. Yesterday it was shorts and tee-shirt weather when I took my walk.
I did wake up twice in the night. Pinto needed out. The first time watching Quincy M.E. . the second time watching a Korean movie called Antarctic Journal until I fell back asleep.  Although I will argue, watching a movie subtitles is closer to reading.
Not that any of that is noteworthy. What is, is head making coffee she never does. I feel like I'm on holiday. In really should take my need the write and work on some fiction. There is a third secret blog posts I'm thinking of posting w with some of my writing. Right now I'm in the city conceptual stage. Too early to commit to. Another Concept in mind is to translate memorable texts. I usually put out, and sometimes receive back, some very witty lines. Great text wit should not be wasted. Text wit. Twit. Too bad that term has been wasted on that group texting thing, twitter.
H tells me wheat is up. Going into work at eleven. I will send him off with a waffle and sausage breakfast. Although I had nightmares from worrying about the lack of nutritional value in waffles. Thinking up ways to make them healthy, not the waffles but the people who eat them. Add whole wheat, wheat germ, peanut butter, bananas, a and blueberry syrup. I saved the juice from canned blueberries I made way was in ongoing to pit that nectar down the sink. I will mix it in with some syrup and put it on waffles with blueberry cranrasians and walnuts mixed in.

 I have some bacon left over from last night's club Sammie's. I could crumble some into one of those peanut butter and banana jobs, voilĂ , The Elvis.

"Thank u very much."
"Thank u very much."
"No one can make waffles like Mama. Waffles and hand jobs were Mama's specialty. I had a thousand of each and I would give a million dollars and a Cadillac for one more. I miss u Mama!"

"Thank u very much."

I will go get a mug and start the sausage. 
(Funny, that’s what Elvis’ mama often said!)
Having my mug visiting with wheat. He is updating his music playlists and wants my opinion. He downloads from the on demand music service mentioned earlier. He uses his tablet as a juke box in his car. He has an adapter to hook the tablet to the cassette player. Poor people have poor ways.
Found a second page of symbols when I held down to the :-) -s.
Wheat: could u live like the Amish without the electronics?
Keep in mind he's got his tablet hooked up to his compute, computer with two monitors.
I said I could, if I had books to read and an instrument to play (badly) and a farm to attend to.

Wheat said he could too. 

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