Sunday, January 26, 2014

You're Next (2011)

You're Next (2011)

I think it was a pretty good movie, when you choose something you haven't heard of out of Red Box, your taking your chances.
I do think the blender was too much, but otherwise believable.

When a gang of masked, ax-wielding murderers descend upon the Davison family reunion, the hapless victims seem trapped... until an unlikely guest of the family proves to be the most talented killer of all.
Monday morning.

Programming my mind to get ready for work. Listening to my YouTube subscriptions. Started the morning my meditation. It did me a great service. Meditation put me into the observer mode.

EH: Some people need to get fucked up. Crisis in order to rise.
EH is Eliot Hulse. He is giving advice on how to deal with a lazy bastard
Mor fits the profile perfectly. But I am not ready to set him straight right now. Mor knows what he needs to do. He is figuring it out. I have to believe he is aware and working on his own. If anyone needs to be thrown off the cliff into the lake, forced to learn to swim, forced to get shit done, it’s me. So until I have my shit under better control. I’m in a supportive, not assertive role with my loved ones.

Now on to Mr. Green, leader of the genome project...see Walt's business as being similar to the Human Genome project. It requires a group of scientists to come together to do a very focus and defined action, goals. With a single purpose I'm really wrestling with how to make Walt's project include me. All I do is avoid contacting him and at times, see it as a futile effort. But it has promise. And I could be fundamental to the project’s success...
Now The Vlog Bros SciShow...bug sex is interesting, queen bees secrete a saturated hydrocarbon that caused the insects around them become infertile. ..Wow...there is a story in there somewhere.

Minute with The Frugal Crafter. I was interested because she was working with sprays. She has a tool that held a felt tip and sprayed fluid over it, making it into an ink spray

Another SciShow about Leonardo Divinchi...codices...covering many disciplines of art and literature....the power of observation...ME!!
I will start calling my journals codexies. Compositions were so specific to the little books, half blank, half ruled. Hey, that's me, half ruled, half blank.
I am just full of analogies. That is the awakened observer. Observation requires comparison and contrast. So...observe on muther fucker.
7:33p Monday night.

Family home evening, minus the Latter Day Saints.
Deano and I are watching 'Supernatural'. He brought his dinner up here. I ate mine with Head and Mor. Dinnr? Delish. Fish sammies. Frozen fish, unfortunately. Kelly said I was better than that. Well, I'm not. I do not live on the coast so most...all of the fish I buy will be frozen.
Head is happily watching the Bachelor. Juan Pablo.  Mor has a new game. I'm sure he is playing Doda too. But he has another interest.
Elmer, the pool man, got the pool working. Pulled a big 'rats nest out. that is what he calls a tangle of leaves and sticks. He brought a pump, to such in the opposite direction than our pump. No luck. He had some contraption he built, rusty with age, which he went and brought back. It worked. Come to find out, it was probably my doing. I never turned the pump off when I emptied the leaf basket. So, a lot of leaves got sucked down on my account. Two hundred dollars later, we are back in business. Cheap for rate amount of time Elmer put in.

Beautiful day. cold front coming in tonight. It is a weather pattern that started at the artic, normally it circles the artic, the north pole. As part of the way it works, sometimes it makes a wider pattern, coming all the way down. Learned about tat on SciShow on YouTube. Thanks Hank.
I had a stress free day. Take those while you can get them.
John H, on the other hand is having one of the hardest days of his life...
When he suffers, Head suffers.
I didn’t get to take a walk tonight. I had to go get dogfood instead.
didn't know we were out yesterday. I also picked up some rice cakes because I've been forgetting them for Head. I found dome Greek probiotic yogurt and Trix on sale. Ohh, and pretzels for Mor. Dean likes the trix and me, I need the yogert for breakfast. Eating healthy and all that. I had leftover oatmeal. Leftover for what I cooked Sunday.

dinner, fish mammies on sesame seed buns. Big and fresh buns. Some frozen French fries. And my personal offering, fried zucchini. I picked a big of square up for a buck yesterday. It ate 'like a boss’. Dipped in ranch dressing, ohh my goodness.
I fried a couple of peppers too. MMMMMM.
'Lost Girl'. Canadian Buffy, remember?
Deano and I finished two episodes of 'Supernatural'. Sheryl is still watching the Bachelor Mor is focused on his game. Headphones on, jamming to rap music. I said in honor MLK Day, which is today. Mor said I was a racist. I am of a race, but not against other races, per se. The episode. The girls are putting a crash pad together in an old warehouse.
I can hear Deano singing.
Singing is good. Will it's too bad. Not that he sings well. But back to the point, he enjoys singing and it doesn’t' hurt anyone.
Shit noting to say...I will surf the net.

Tuesday morning.
Listening to Brian Tracy
I have started his 'Self Discipline' lecture. I think I made it thirty minutes in. I did that twice. Once by myself. Again with dean when I was coaching him.

So far of his nine principals, I have listened to three.
1. Time to think. An hour a day to think.
2. Write down ten goals every day.\3. Plan your day. A are critical. B. worth doing buy no consequences. C's are nice to do but no consequences. Start the first A every morning.
4. Courage. Conquer the fear of "I can’t". If you have a quality in mind, act like you already have that quality and before long, Aristotle says, you will have that quality.
" one day at a time...
5. Excellent health habits.
Eat less and exercise more...
The old phone I was using to listen to his lecture on YouTube died, right on cue. Now I can back up and write down those ten goals.
Goal number one, I can live a healthy life style by exercising every day.
Goal number two, I can live a health life by eating just what I need, in type of foods I eat and the quantity of the foods I eat.
Goal number three. I can show my family how much I love them.
Goal number four, I can earn my living today.
Goal number five, I can learn new things today.
Goal number six, I can conduct myself with quite dignity.
Goal number seven, an

Wednesday night. Down in Mor's dungeon. He is playing another game. Something challenging his mind. Deano and Head are watching American Idol
I am trying to practice a little moderation.
The opposite of last night. All day I had quite dignity then I won some tickets to the hockey game? How did that change my life? Well I gave Mor and Deano the tickets. They went on the adventure. Head and I needed something to do so we sat at the bar at Applebee’s. I had three beers, she had two. We didn’t eat there. Head doesn't like the food. We picked up a bag of Mickey D’s. I loved my choice. Two cheeseburgers and a family fry. Pinto shared my fries. Head to   got a burger and a chicken sammie. She is now blaming it for giving her the bloody, yes bloody, shits.
She went to Ebby Holiday, a local realtor legend. They have a desk for her, for a hundred and fifty am month. I don't know what to tell her other than earn some fucking money. Well, I can’t really be saying hat. So, I have to realize I need to keep my job. If I lose it, we'll change our strategy but for now, let her do what she thinks will get her going. Let Mor do what he want. Let Dean do what he wants. And I'll try and use my time wisely. I have to admit that I am happy, for the most part. I am at Pease, at least. I am not really stressed at work. I am finally getting things done. For a while I was managing the lab and not doing any of my quality assurance things. I'd go a week and not get anything done. Now I'm just as busy, but I’m getting my quality things done. I wasn’t' getting any extra money for managing the lab so it's no skin off my dick.

Fight the power man.
I am really studying. Trying to learn all I can. And at home, I'm giving in to the writing and drawing. Trying to read more, watch less TV but there is a lot of good TV. I'm not going to bite the teat I've suckled for fifty years. I like TV. fuck me.
I also like beans and I made a really good meal for us out of a mess of pintos. I refried some, left some whole. More had a quesadilla with green chilies and serranos. He had whole beans and brown rice. Sherry wanted to finish her taco salad and have a tostado. Deano wanted a tostado and a chimi. I made several, half a dozen chimis. I put sharp cheddar, chipotle sauce with beans and brown rice. I had a tostado with some avocado on it and a chimi with everything on it. Sirachi, green chilies, lettuce tomatoes, sour cream. anything on the counter. I passed on the alcohol. Had plenty last night. The beer at the bar, a Mickey big mouth on the way over and vodka and seven before we left. And chips and crashers and a slice of bologna. A slice of bologna! What was I fucking thinking? That is when I knew I’d lost control of my day. So, today, I am regaining some of the dignity and control I desire.
Chimi = chimichanga
  • According to one source,[3] the founder of the Tucson, Arizona, restaurant "El Charro", Monica Flin, accidentally dropped a pastry into the deep fat fryer in 1922. She immediately began to utter a Spanish curse-word beginning "chi..." (chingada), but quickly stopped herself and instead exclaimed chimichanga, a Spanish equivalent of thingamajig.[4]

some say you only have so much self-control and others say it's like a muscle, the more self-control you have the more you can get. Which is it? Is it a finite amount or can you have unlimited self-discipline?
There is no one I trust to tell me.

I think I'll go get in bed and read for w while. Reading g always makes me feel superior
Let it be man. Let it be. Get your mind around the reality of the day. Dig?

down in Mor's dungeon. H and D are watching another night of American Idol Auditions.
Mor is shopping of r anew monitor. His is not cutting it. He hates that his phone is low quality, his Google chrome is low quality, so he wants to have his main thing with a decent view.
He didn't wash his hair today.
That is so like Mor.
He might be becoming a neck beard. No taco bell wrappers blowing around like tumble weeds yet. But after the hockey game, he bought D some, you got it, Taco Bell.
It has gotten cold has shit. But believe it or not it will be in the seventies on Saturday/Sunday.
I have an offer to borrow some passes to the Ft. Worth stock show. We can walk around. Not rodeo tickets.
He has concord what the players of DoDa call 'the burden of knowledge'. But he has knowledge I really don't need.
Like Italian political history. It's not hard, it is just a 'burden of knowledge'.
Dean needs to develop the habit of reading. He needs to read to be a student. Even if you don’t like to read for pleasure it is how information is transferred.
You need to read.

Why the fuck is my tablet not charged. I just unplugged it. It must not be plugged into the outlet or the outlet is turned off. That happens all the time. I wouldn’t be surprised.
Dinner: grilled ham and cheese and split pea soup. Good quality food.
I know last night I was ranting about hoarding. Not here, but in the Codex. Codex = composition,. but I don’t think I wasted the money. I bought things we need to eat Bell peppers, yellow and orange. Apples. Yellow squash. I got the bread I went in for. I picked up a loaf of French bread for tomorrows dinner. I have meatballs in the freezer. Bought mozzarella too. I did get a sixer of Mickey's , more to have something drink on the way home than to stock the fridge. I bought bacon. Surimi both because the price was right. Those will get eaten. Pace for Mor, he was complaining he was out and he won't write things on the list. Twenty five bucks later, I'm gone with almost more than I can carry.
Don't tell anyone, I bought a large box of sugar Cookie pop tarts for a buck, and some Christmas flavored Cliff bars for a quarter each.
Update: the poptarts sucked. Went right in the trash.
A bag of potatoes too.
Bananas. Did I mention apples. A bag of yellow apples. Should have bought them all to make apple butter. We are out.
I thought I’d make lava cakes tonight but I'll save that for tomorrow with the meatball subs.

Work kind of sucked. Just ta single incident spoiled the whole day. It’s never enough. You can bust your ass and disappoint or drag ass and disappoint. Either got it, you disappoint.
I think it has something to do with the bosses not feeling in control. when they are a part of the process, when they have the feeling of control, things are what they are. When it's what someone isle is controlling, it doesn't measure. I know it is not wise to talk about work but I fucking work there so I can say what I bloody well want. I have an opinion. If not there, in my own journal, if nothing else.

Blutowski(sic) said it; you wake up and force yourself to shit so you can go earn money for someone else. 

“It was true that I didn’t have much ambition, but there ought to be a place for people without ambition, I mean a better place than the one usually reserved. How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 6:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so?”

― Charles BukowskiFactotum

  I wish you could patent style, then I'd have a patent on the way I wear my hat. It's called The Pop Up. But until I make a machine to fold the hats or sell the hats folded, there is no intellectual property. Just style.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Whitechapel (2009– )

A fast-tracked inspector, a hardened detective sergeant, and an expert in historical homicides investigate modern crimes with connections to the past in the Whitechapel district of London.

Note: I love this actor. He was so-so in Benidorm but fucking awesome in Phycoville and League of Gentlemen. Pretty good in this series, too.

Could this be any easier? I had this saved as a draft, up to this point. I'll put n just a fraction of my week's journal. I have been very prolific. But, some is better than none. So here goes:

Monday night.
I'm all alone.
Finally. Dean is jazzed up about his algebra class. I called it. If only I could only...see, there's the problem. If HE could only keep that level of enthusiasm up he would ace the semester.
It has been a decent day. The weather was perfect. Just a beautiful day.

I took my last homemade biscuit to Jeremy. With a fried egg and a slice of good old American cheese. I choose to go easy. No food. Well, some leftover pineapple and half a banana. Otherwise, it was liquids. Green tea. Water. Coffee and almond milk.
I am back in our bed. Sheryl enticed me by
Head and Pinty just to bed. Knocking over the phone, I was watching Breaking Bad. I have the I must say i like it back in here I have to put up to having my shit knocked over, but Head is right next to me, I can feel her breath on my arm sometimes. Pinto is undercover, literally. He is on his fluffy blanket. Under his lime green fleece number. And I just know he’s here because i can feel him under the covers.
I managed to stay busy and it helped that the powers that be were busy. I had time to work on projects. And although I didn’t finish anything, I did take steps. And enough steps and you get there. Right?
I had the chance to sit with Mor tonight. We watched Spurs v. Pelicans. Then he goes off on a tangetn shoing me Tim and Eric vids, and others like Tand E.
Dinner? Superb. I had that roast and the pan drippings. I used a can of broth and starch to make a gravy. Boiled some pieces of carrots. Mixed cubes of roast the pieces of carrots, and cubes of baked potates to make carne gusada. I just heated the black beans and nuked some leftover rice. Man, with some toasted tortillas, it was great. I put an avocado and some excellent roasted tomatillo habanero salsa. It was the bomb! Make no mistake about it. Just ta wonderful, super simple meal. It was excellent. Are there any more adjectives I could use to describe it?
note: this is the exact car I had in highschool.
I got a walk with the dogs. Holly got petted by a herd of ittle girls Pinty wasn’t having any of it. It was great.
Had a philosophy in mind today, Make the Best of Your Life. I'm distracted; I am trying to get into Breaking Bad This is the last episode of the first season. I thought. I though this would be the last episode I watched. Probably not but here’s to jumping in.
Maybe I can get into it.
Give me a chance.
Kelly at work is really pushing the third season of BBC Sherlock.

Okay, the episode is over. Take a few minutes to write some thoughts down.
I have Sheryl believing a story I made up. I told her that because of the way I was dressed while taking a walk Saturday, a short bus stopped and offered me a ride. She believed it. I just wanted to personalize a joke.
Here's another funny, I asked one of the secretaries why she didn’t shake hands and make up. With whom she asked? With your bra. You have been fighting it all day.
I took my tank you cards to work. Gave Jean one for the Ma and Pa kettle DVD she gifted me and a special watercolor of a poinsettia to Rihca and Bishal for the Momo dust they shared. The good Nepalese shit.

The pool is broken. Had to order a part for the filter. It won't hold pressure. We thought it was because it was plugged but that may or may not be the case. We need to fix the filter first before we know for sure. Fifty bucks. Arrives Wed.

I'm having a lot of nose bleeds. I need to keep my finger out of my nose. But is dry and gets crusty. I know you don’t want to hear about that but it’s the fuckinng human condition man. People get dry, crusty noses. And itchy asses. And chapped lips. And zits. And I am turning into the phlegmy old buy. Always coughing up something. I tell people I'm slicing off a piece of lung. That grosses them out more and they forget about the hacking. Smart, huh?
I am writing. What for I don’t know why. Will it ever get read? As I've answered numerous times before, probably not. Hopefully not. But I have to write I have to think and writing gives me an excuse to think. In the guise of ratting, I think. Just like in the guise of art, I draw boobs and pussy. I blend the two with writing erotic fiction, where I fanaticize in the name of creativity. See how sick I can be.
Instead of desert I enjoyed some raisin bran. Yes, I put sugar in it but it wasn’t ice cream.
Get this, dean made himself a snack to take to school. I advised him to put a couple of nutra grain bars and a bottle of water in his backpack, he was facing a long day. He got the idea to take fruit. So he peals a kiwi and wraps it in saran wrap. But, here’s the good part, he also wraps a banana. An unpeeled banana. WTF?
I'm not happy with how I expressed my motto for the day. Live life, enjoy life, it's the only one you have. That comes closer. Live the life you’re given. Also close to what I'm shooting for. Like, I didn’t post any blogs this weekend. Not because John is giving Head trouble. He can't help it. Self-destructive is as self-destructive does. No, I started I started editing last week’s fie. But nothing got posted and ...and I didn't care. I do not want to make it a fifty two week a year commitment. I want to do it because it's fun and leave it at the. Guess what, I might never plant a seed or fill a fish tank. I have to be okay with that because that is the way it is. I can't deny the facts. Kant said that life had to be logical. That is about as logical as it gets. The fats are the fucking facts. But I do want to find my true self. I do want to discover the meaning of life. But I will discover it being myself. Not by following instructions or waiting for someone to whisper the secret to life in my ear. They don’t know. You have to figure it out yourself and then it’s just yours. Kind of hard not to share with someone else. Not like math or chemistry. Mor said it tonight, math and chemistry are just learning things. Things you can’t' imagine or make up on your own. You have to be told.

Gawd damn, I am creating one hell of an editing debt. I looked over what I have down and it is barely legible I blame it on the smallish keyboard, on balancing said keyboard on my lap, and on being half sitting half lying in bed. Mostly it’s typing faster than I am able too without getting sloppy drunk as a prom date.
Another funny. Head texts me that she ate a soggy pear. I bought her a pear and she didn’t get around to eating it until today, being sick and al. So it was a little ripe. I texted her back, I would buy her a pear as firm as a fifteen year olds tits.  Clever. Right?
My arm hurts and I need to read.

Thanks for being here.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Arctic Blast (2010)

When a solar eclipse sends a colossal blast of super chilled air towards the earth, it then sets off a catastrophic chain of events that threatens to engulf the world in ice and begin a new Ice Age.

Thursday evening.

Down in the dungeon, Spurs v. Nicks.
We are tired from the New Year's celebration. The family was sick, Head and Mor, so we didn't go out until Tuesday. Mor and I haven't had an evening watching sports and bullshitting in a while.
I sat with Wheat watching Big Bang Theory. Dinner was frozen fish, frozen popcorn shrimp, and frozen French fries.
I like to be a real secret Santa. I give or 'trade' away any gift I can. With exception, I would not give my ramekins my Mom and Dad gave me. But anything else, I'll give it away to anyone in my immediate family who will take it. So, that is basically my boys. I also take the unwanted gifts. Example, Nana gave the boys sheer, nylon, zipper vests. And the way they zip they are most likely for women. I took them both and wore one to work. No one noticed. And I got a cheap watch, pen, and knife set form Nana. They are broke so don’t judge. The box said seventy nine dollars. But you can print anything you want. Two thousand seventy nine. I noticed the old man had a new phone watch, nice and pricy. So I decided to wear my cheap watch with dignity. It won’t last long.
Anyway, I am just silently jabbering while more jabbers out loud.
So, the day was not very stressful and fairly productive. Everyone wanted to get work done and basically keep to themselves. I came home at lunch to see the Pedrozas off. They came over last night to open gifts and eat. I made frozen pizza
A jar of spaghetti sauce. Then I didn’t have to apologize for going to bed because the whole house was dozing off. Sheryl and Renae stayed up visiting and watching TV. Am still tired.
Last night, man we were all beat.

So the mages were the first to arrive followed by the droves us… Eddie and Cheryl are catching up

Anna and the rest of the girls are putting their pretty paint on… Getting ready for New Year's…

Danny and the big orange ball were inseparable…

I called this combination the JJ because of a coworker who gets crispy every weekend with Guinness beer and Tito's taxes made vodka…

Wheat was so happy to get his Harry Potter scarf, thank you thank you thank you and candy…

Now New Year’s, we all stayed up late. When Eddie is the first to go to be, the night is getting long in the tooth. I stayed up late as anybody. Low key but fun. Dancing. Hanging out. Average food. I was not happy with my yellow curry momos. The fried rice was great. My spring rolls were good. Mor made the rice, by the way.

Morgan is turning out to be a great cook. His fried rice is excellent.

This is me making the Momo's… Which are dumplings…

We drew names and had a gift exchange…

Keeler you have something to share with everyone?

Katie enjoys one of the spring rolls…

Hunky Steve made an appearance…

Time to get ready to bring in the new year…

Here is some of the dancing that I talked about…

Our host, uncle Mike was in charge of the music…

Eddie and Danny showing off their new knives from the gift exchange…

We went out Tues at noon and Mike and I went shopping He fronted the money. We kicked in as did the Pedrozas. We came home with lots of food and groceries. I didn't have much time to write. Took quite a few photos but that is all I could manage. Too much time cooking. Cooking most of the time, visiting quite a bit.
Football game, Aggies v. duke at the Chick filet bowl. Aggies came from behind to win. Manzel's last game, going pro after his sophomore year.
Yep I am fading fast.
OH yeah, went up to have some family time and Mor flooded the kitchen Sheryl is trying to clean with coffee and is heckling Dean about clocking out for breaks at work. Dean is working a few hours but clocks out for a half hour break. If it was on the clock it would be ten or fifteen minutes. Mor is being an ass. He must be tired. Head is grip. She is admittedly tired. Just pushing herself to stay up so she can go to sleep early. I went to bed early and woke up early only I listened to 'Skinny Dip' and rested early this morning. Pinty has had enough of the bickering He is making him a bed out of the coat Mor gave him to lay on. His is just making circles and scratching. Mor makes him stay on the coat. Holly hurt her leg. Either on the stairs or chasing stick. I gave her an aspirin in a block of cheese. Hope it helps her.

We are being forced to eat the cookies and treats sent home. Before they go bad.

I have my evening. Dean is working late shift. Head is rewatching a movie, the Robin William's love story that takes them both to hell, literally. Mor is downstairs. His favorite sites are being hacked. Shutting them down.
I had a relatively productive day at work. Ready for five o'clock. Came home, had a beer with Head and phoned in her order for Thai. We picked up a quart of Mickey's. On the way home, Head let me pop into the liquor store and I splurged for some brandy. We added a bag of burgers to add to the Thai. Done. Home for the evening. Watched Wheel of fortune while we ate. Visited and watched the cotton bowl. That brings us up to date.
Guilty pleasure: disaster movies. I am finishing the one about flash freezing the earth. A hole in the ozone is letting in the super cold outer space.
I still have that kid inside me. I actually get into the movies, pretending to be on site. Monitoring the disaster right along with the heroes. I guess I should switch for journaling to some fiction....
Tell me some of the magazines aspiring writers should read.

God, there are so many. Black Static from the UK has good stories. Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction sometimes runs horror stories. Subterranean Magazine has good horror. Clarkesworld, Lightspeed has a bunch of good stuff. Nightmare is good. Aurealis from Australia does well. has some horror, and hopefully will publish more as I buy some. Check out the ‘Best of the Year’ anthologies of science fiction, fantasy, and horror to get a feel for the state of speculative fiction....Ellen Datlow