A fast-tracked inspector, a hardened detective sergeant, and an expert in historical homicides investigate modern crimes with connections to the past in the Whitechapel district of London.
Note: I love this actor. He was so-so in Benidorm but fucking awesome in Phycoville and League of Gentlemen. Pretty good in this series, too.
Could this be any easier? I had this saved as a draft, up to this point. I'll put n just a fraction of my week's journal. I have been very prolific. But, some is better than none. So here goes:
Monday night.
I'm all alone.
Finally. Dean is jazzed up
about his algebra class. I called it. If only I could only...see, there's the
problem. If HE could only keep that level of enthusiasm up he would ace the
It has been a decent day. The
weather was perfect. Just a beautiful day.
I took my last homemade biscuit
to Jeremy. With a fried egg and a slice of good old American cheese. I choose
to go easy. No food. Well, some leftover pineapple and half a banana. Otherwise,
it was liquids. Green tea. Water. Coffee and almond milk.
I am back in our bed. Sheryl
enticed me by
Head and Pinty just to bed. Knocking
over the phone, I was watching Breaking Bad. I have the I must say i like it
back in here I have to put up to having my shit knocked over, but Head is right
next to me, I can feel her breath on my arm sometimes. Pinto is undercover,
literally. He is on his fluffy blanket. Under his lime green fleece number. And
I just know he’s here because i can feel him under the covers.
I managed to stay busy and it
helped that the powers that be were busy. I had time to work on projects. And
although I didn’t finish anything, I did take steps. And enough steps and you
get there. Right?
I had the chance to sit with Mor
tonight. We watched Spurs v. Pelicans. Then he goes off on a tangetn shoing me
Tim and Eric vids, and others like Tand E.
Dinner? Superb. I had that
roast and the pan drippings. I used a can of broth and starch to make a gravy.
Boiled some pieces of carrots. Mixed cubes of roast the pieces of carrots, and
cubes of baked potates to make carne gusada. I just heated the black beans and
nuked some leftover rice. Man, with some toasted tortillas, it was great. I put
an avocado and some excellent roasted tomatillo habanero salsa. It was the
bomb! Make no mistake about it. Just ta wonderful, super simple meal. It was
excellent. Are there any more adjectives I could use to describe it?
note: this is the exact car I had in highschool.
I got a walk with the dogs.
Holly got petted by a herd of ittle girls Pinty wasn’t having any of it. It was
Had a philosophy in mind today,
Make the Best of Your Life. I'm distracted; I am trying to get into Breaking
Bad This is the last episode of the first season. I thought. I though this would
be the last episode I watched. Probably not but here’s to jumping in.
Maybe I can get into it.
Give me a chance.
Kelly at work is really pushing
the third season of BBC Sherlock.
Okay, the episode is over. Take
a few minutes to write some thoughts down.
I have Sheryl believing a story
I made up. I told her that because of the way I was dressed while taking a walk
Saturday, a short bus stopped and offered me a ride. She believed it. I just
wanted to personalize a joke.
Here's another funny, I asked
one of the secretaries why she didn’t shake hands and make up. With whom she
asked? With your bra. You have been fighting it all day.
I took my tank you cards to
work. Gave Jean one for the Ma and Pa kettle DVD she gifted me and a special
watercolor of a poinsettia to Rihca and Bishal for the Momo dust they shared.
The good Nepalese shit.
The pool is broken. Had to order
a part for the filter. It won't hold pressure. We thought it was because it was
plugged but that may or may not be the case. We need to fix the filter first
before we know for sure. Fifty bucks. Arrives Wed.
I'm having a lot of nose
bleeds. I need to keep my finger out of my nose. But is dry and gets crusty. I know
you don’t want to hear about that but it’s the fuckinng human condition man.
People get dry, crusty noses. And itchy asses. And chapped lips. And zits. And
I am turning into the phlegmy old buy. Always coughing up something. I tell
people I'm slicing off a piece of lung. That grosses them out more and they
forget about the hacking. Smart, huh?
I am writing. What for I don’t kno
why. Will it ever get read? As I've answered numerous times before, probably
not. Hopefully not. But I have to write I have to think and writing gives me an
excuse to think. In the guise of ratting, I think. Just like in the guise of
art, I draw boobs and pussy. I blend the two with writing erotic fiction, where
I fanaticize in the name of creativity. See how sick I can be.
Instead of desert I enjoyed
some raisin bran. Yes, I put sugar in it but it wasn’t ice cream.
Get this, dean made himself a
snack to take to school. I advised him to put a couple of nutra grain bars and
a bottle of water in his backpack, he was facing a long day. He got the idea to
take fruit. So he peals a kiwi and wraps it in saran wrap. But, here’s the good
part, he also wraps a banana. An unpeeled banana. WTF?
I'm not happy with how I
expressed my motto for the day. Live life, enjoy life, it's the only one you
have. That comes closer. Live the life you’re given. Also close to what I'm shooting
for. Like, I didn’t post any blogs this weekend. Not because John is giving
Head trouble. He can't help it. Self-destructive is as self-destructive does.
No, I started I started editing last week’s fie. But nothing got posted and
...and I didn't care. I do not want to make it a fifty two week a year commitment.
I want to do it because it's fun and leave it at the. Guess what, I might never
plant a seed or fill a fish tank. I have to be okay with that because that is
the way it is. I can't deny the facts. Kant said that life had to be logical. That
is about as logical as it gets. The fats are the fucking facts. But I do want
to find my true self. I do want to discover the meaning of life. But I will
discover it being myself. Not by following instructions or waiting for someone
to whisper the secret to life in my ear. They don’t know. You have to figure it
out yourself and then it’s just yours. Kind of hard not to share with someone
else. Not like math or chemistry. Mor said it tonight, math and chemistry are just
learning things. Things you can’t' imagine or make up on your own. You have to
be told.
Gawd damn, I am creating one
hell of an editing debt. I looked over what I have down and it is barely legible
I blame it on the smallish keyboard, on balancing said keyboard on my lap, and
on being half sitting half lying in bed. Mostly it’s typing faster than I am
able too without getting sloppy drunk as a prom date.
Another funny. Head texts me
that she ate a soggy pear. I bought her a pear and she didn’t get around to
eating it until today, being sick and al. So it was a little ripe. I texted her
back, I would buy her a pear as firm as a fifteen year olds tits. Clever. Right?

My arm hurts and I need to
Thanks for being here.
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