Sunday, March 12, 2017

Percentage 2014

Good morning, good morning...time to say good morning

Usin g my chromebook and its a great ittle piece of personal electronics, the Chromie track pad sucks balls.

That said, let's get this blog undercontrol, Obligitory meneition of how long it's been sense the last blog....

I watched this movie, at work, and I can tell you ...

....this coffee is cold. My Love just brought it to me and it's, more accurately, warm. Some things (nmost things) should go unsaid. Note: ML noticed and did an immediate recall>reheat.

I was saying to Maude, I said "Maud..."...I can tell all who want to know what this video is about. Two NYC thugs to to Miami to be tugs, after two days of selling bcredit card service dor-to-door, Get richCoowboy Ving Rames). , get mixed uup woith the wrong people (Like


They get in trouble but come out okay...broship in tact. The new black exproitation movie, letting every snot nose who sells a bag of pot think he has la future, As a real player. I digress.

Situation: sitting in bed, little dog inbetween me and ML. We have been awake since 5:30 because of that same little dog. ML has her work and social media all on the phone. I have the Fire going, swingig Wu Tang's first on my NEW bluetooth ear buds. I got two bluetooth earbuds for under twenty five buck. I bought another for under five, but it takes a slow boat from China.

You have to keep everything charged, as in personal electronics, and I need two regarldess if they wrod together or not because I have given upo on sleepoing with wired eadseats. I've put upo with that ,interrupting my sleep more than the apnea does. And at the lab, I have become compulsive about checking the phone, whether it's in my pocket or on the desk. Now I can leave it in my bag. And bluetooth is a must when driving. There, reasons one, two, and three.

Don't you just love free time. Wasting time. Its not wasting time if you  enjoy yourself.

ML shares Cuteness-videos that she comes across on social media.

No more Wu...on to...kThelonious Monk....Liza....both selections compliments of MoMo's Prime account. He never should of let me on.

Time to read a book, also off Prime, that I have been slowly chewing my way through, ...compliments of Momo...Conspiracy Against eh Human Race by Robert Lugotti...chew it slowly least you choke, or fail to understand one fucking thing the guysdf is trying ot say. This is phlisophical, jkust like Sen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.....

Thomas Lugotti, correction...

Next day...

Not going to let my inanity to sort all my pics before I can finish this, I am going to put a post together with what I have....and as for the's a few for me to work with...

TUMBLR is one convenient  place to find inspirational/ thought provoking quotes. Garbage in garbage out...fill your mind with excellent thoughts.

These goofy basta rods were all the rage when burlesque  was the main form of entertainment...Marking, I think that's tight

Alaskan thunder fuck...

This poem goes somewhere unexpected, into some dark realtor metaphor, bet the way it starts...really hit a cord with me...turns out, after looking up this poet I had never heard of, that this point was published in a poetry mad right after one of the shootings that killed at least ten people, sorry I don't know exactly which on, sorrier that more than one such tragedy  occured...turns out this tissue the unofficial official poem for 2016....

This one is a pinups, a thick gal, calender art, and my Dad always said women use to make themselves flour-sack drawers

before you keep it up, you got to keep it where you can find it.


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