Monday, March 26, 2018

Big Mouth (TV series)

Big Mouth is an American adult animated sitcom created by Nick KrollAndrew GoldbergMark Levin, and Jennifer Flackett based on Kroll and Goldberg's tweenage years growing up in Westchester CountyNew York, with Kroll voicing his fictional self.[1] The first season consisting of ten episodes premiered on Netflix on September 29, 2017

Image result for big mouth series

Plan what you can, or embrace your inner chaos. For some of us, there’s no point in thinking about planning for a trip until the hour before you’re about to leave the house. What’s the use in stressing out for three days over packing? Alternatively, others have to lay out every day’s wardrobe in advance, calculating the benefits of every item, until you can be confident that you’ve got everything you need.
  • If you tend toward procrastination, don't tell yourself you need to change your ways, unless it's getting in the way of your productivity or your ability to finish things on time. If it works for you, it works. Make sure you schedule enough last-minute time to finish tasks, and you'll let those deadlines produce your best work. Simple and easy.
  • If you stress about unfinished tasks, do them ahead of time to put them out of your mind. Don't abandon the packing half-way because you started early–finish it off and call it done. Simplify by doing it now, getting it done, and relaxing. Simple and relaxed.

Iously cut and paste from somewhere else...and I'll tell of those dummies down infomercial on everything. Literally, everything from pets to potash. Tonight I looked into the self improvement section at topics like : patience,  being your best, how to simplify your life... and I was just this close to logging on and making a list from one of the infomercials...but this was the passage that imp spared stop worrying so damn much. 

I had given up on improving myself, for about the last year. Content to get lost in the day to day....neither lab I had during this time was very secure, so I put all of my worry into it. Justifying ignoring any real effect at self improvement based on my insecurity about work. We are programed to get distracted,mitsy a coping mechanism. I haven't read that anywhere, it seems obvious. 


Oh, we're cooking now. I can pretend to be one of the e-authors on the Broken Robot Podcast. Each has a job yet makes time to write, edit, promote, and publish their writting. I love these guys. Only, it's just two at the moment. The third must be taking a break. And to be forthcoming, one has made it to where he doesn't need the full time job. I

Tap tap tap... WTF

My love dozed off before I came out on the balcony. She woke up and started looking for me. Tapping on the French doors when she found me. I might of started myself.

I am on the balcony along with the corgi. It is a beautiful night. Not even the mesquitos  that tormented us all summer.  Sitting out here, listening to the a.c. kick on and off...more on than off...and the planes flying west from dfw. I need a hit...

Monday, March 19, 2018

Midsomer Murders

Image result for Midsomer Murders

Midsomer Murders is a British television detective drama[1] that has aired on ITV since 1997. The show is based on Caroline Graham's Chief Inspector Barnaby book series, as originally adapted by Anthony Horowitz. The current lead character is DCI John Barnaby (Neil Dudgeon), who works for Causton CID. Dudgeon's character is the younger cousin of former lead character DCI Tom Barnaby (John Nettles). Dudgeon first appeared as randy gardener Daniel Bolt in the Series 4 episode "Garden of Death". Dudgeon permanently joined the show in 2011 following Nettles' departure....wikipedia

me...I have grown to love this series. I am at the pivitol episode, in the twelveth year, whre John Nettles leaves. Time to go back and find Nettle's other detective series, it had a ten year run in the 90's. Berger???...

And if you stip to think about it, when you get past the shcok of havign at least two, usually more, people murdered per can see whata sick sex lives these people lead to incite murder. Grandfathers breeding the half-wid daughter so he cna double down and breed the grand daughter, to produce the greatest piano player of all time...OF ALL TIME! Weopen are horney as hell, in all of the MIdsomer communities, and the men are not picky, young old, big little or small...Plenty of homosexuality for good measure. Come for the murders, stay for the cum...

Yep, celebrated my wife's birthday this week. Tuesday with our son's, Wednesday just the two of us. We choose not to go out...rather she did. The birthday person gets the priveledge of picking where to eat on their birthday. We had homemade tostadoes and Mexican rice to go with the angle food cake I bought at the grocery. She insisted on my butter icing, so I did bring something to the table.

Lets go down the list: my gyes are getting bad, I pee all the time, my fillings are coming loose, I manage one boner a year, I can't even remember what I've forgotten, I say "what" several times in any conversation, I smell more rotton odors from my body, I look rought as hell, I am that asshole old man aka grumpy, my nut sack drags the ground, my poop smells like baby shit, ....I agree, Golden years suck.

My Love shared this and the next two with me. She has a sick sense of humor, I have damaged her permanently.

Okay, now that no one is listening, I can finally come clean. No one is obviously following me so the site is secure. Secure to relay sensitive information between me and and who ever the fuck I choose to include.  Who cares?

You should. I am out here, takign away some of the biggest threats to our community. I am an investigaor, ...the closest thing to describing me is Sherlock Holms.

I sometimes cross the line form being an introvert to an asshole...actually, I jump that line like I jump rope...

I wonder if we all pretty much think the same or are we snow flakes, no two alike....

I know, I know...I have some fucking nerve..comparing myself to the great Sherlock ...the great detective Sherlock Holms.

No, I do not have a Dr. Watson, nor am I looking for one. I hunt alone.

so maybe I am thumbing my nose at teh fact that my blog is as seure from being read as if it were on my hard drive, ...encrypted.  The namesake, John, is long gone.

No, I'm thinking most people say fuck somewhere in their response to meeting me. I tend to be ...unique in the way I deal with people. Weird is the most common response..

But take heart...I get along just fine. I function. I usually do not offend but I've never been what you would call popular.

My dogs and Bunny love me. I'm okay wiht that. I have a fovorite song, 'Spare Me Your Love' by Caitlain rose.

I have the most peaceful place to run my operation out of I've lived with Bunny all my life. I've had some Uncles but for the most part, it's been just me and Bunny..and her neighbor Louise.
I think they are gay for each other or something.

Not that Bunny doesnt' have enogh boobs and sex drive to spread around. she's 'done it all' as hshe puts it, and that's where she leaves it. It's not always best to leave a negative impression....sometimes things get out of hand.

Most all of the time, it's just Bunny, Louise and me around here. And the two dogs. A Terrier and a Corgi. It's enough activity for me. Leaves me better able to focus on my work. Finding toxic people and ...and dealing with them.

Bunny is a big enough distraction in and of herself. She is not obvious about it, but she has her subtle ways of getting attention. And pretty girls love attention and to told they are pretty...over and over and over again.
Her way?
Why, to dress 'casual'and pants are always optional.MOst of the time she chooses to wear a wrap that she can't seem to keep closed. It keeps her from leaving skid marks on the furniture. And with a bush that hairy, she con't cover it up, it would be like wearing two pairs of wooly chaps...only n her pussy. Pussy Chaps.
Yeah ha! Ride 'em cowboy.