wikipedia: Manhunt: Unabomber is an American drama miniseries created by Andrew Sodroski, Jim Clemente, and Tony Gittelson, starring Sam Worthingtonand Paul Bettany. It depicts a fictionalized account of the FBI's hunt for the Unabomber and premiered on Discovery Channel on August 1, 2017
Came across this one idling time away at work. Yes, I watch videos at wok, only when I'm too lazy to read or not dozing. Yes, I sleep at work but only when I'm not eating or smoking.
Yes, I'm glad in this day and age of Social Media, I have an anonymous site to let it all hang otu. Smoker 'em if you got em..and pass the joint.
Note: people do not pass the joint, or blunt, as is more common now days, because with shit as strong as Strawberry Cough and Durban Poison, you don't roll that shit up.
The movie?
Ohh, yeah, I've been in the stash already.
The series is pretty damn good. Based on facts. Brought to light a whole story that I never bothered to pay attention to when it was actually unfolding, ...hey, I was just a kid. the Unabomber, much like the Lee Harvey Oswald as portrayed in Kings JFK novel, had lofty goals. He just , Like OzzyRabbit, chose to kill people to make his point. He was all against technology, a Luddite. Experts who reviewed his Manifesto and other writings, said he holds the same view most educated people do, that technology can have the tail wagging the dog if things aren't thought out. Anyway, I included the first picture because in almost every episode, the FBEye agent spread his shit out on the floor and figured something out.
Read up on UNABomber, and that crazy in Sweden(?) who killed all the youth at the political camp, on that island, he used the UB Manifesto to voice his concern about letting Muslim Refugees into the country....and he was right about the threat, but shouldn't of shot 67 people (54 in the head) and made one fall off a cliff and another drown trying to get away. 69 murders plus a car bomb of the political party ofice. Again, not the correct way to affect change.
Short on time, enjoy some pics...
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