Monday, November 16, 2020

Briarpatch on USA

 How do you kow if you are burned out or just a lazy mother fucker?

Well, work as hard as yu can for as long as yo can and when yo get really, really tired, that's burnout. Now stop beinglazy.

It is 0956hrs n a cool and sunny Sunday. Wheat is off to church. SHE is reading her phone, half time work related, the other half social media/news/yellow journalism....

SHE has a right to be worried, we are a step away from following Peru down the broken-Democracy path. 

But, no polotics here. my private BLOG. 'John' has long since sailed out of our life. I still have a diploma of his, I would like to return. I can't throw it out so here I sit, carryig his shit around. I digress. 

THis is an outlet of GRATITuDE....glad to not be workign, glad to have smake, glad to have a voluptous, sexy wife. Here I can be grateful for some of the greatest gifts i life. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. 

I am pearched at the console of my 'battlestation', my computer equipment as old as the term 'batttlestation'. But if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Hell, I added Bluetooth to it today and configured a bluetooth keyboard (connects t up to three things at once so I hav eit connected to the computer, my work laptop, and my phone) and...a BT gaming mouse. Far fancier than I need but a pass down fro also handles three devices. I am using it for the computer and laptop. 

I set the other wireless keyboard adn mouse combo to the side, handy for when ShE needs to use the setup. She will not appreciate the additional BT connnectivity.

By the way, it is Day 336 of th eC19 Quarinintine. Not a true Q but that was when the first lockdown was put out, and things have loosened uup to the point of bringing on a massive second wave of covid cases....right at the holidays....

I will save my holiday plans and photos for my public Blog...this is a place to be myself....

I imagine my 'battlestation' to be more of a 'battle ship' today. I watch a lot of yatch walk-throughs. Some are out of this world, not an owner operator but those are the ones I really like And I like blue-ocean trawlers, not party yatchs. Give me 3500 natical mile range and the construction to handle rough seas.  Love me some trawlers. 

So, I see my set up as the conslole in some 76 foot trawler. I almost have as many gizmos. All I need is a STEID(sic) chair. 

I hear HER in the galley now.

Brought me back some oatmeal form the galley...we feel rightous havign not given out to our impulse to snag an Egg McMuffin....

I't the food you DON'T eat....(think jazz: the notes you don't play...).

I will let teh oatmeal age while I stow away some boxes under the bed, in teh ample storage space. Too many walk through vids...

And Befoe I eat teh oameal and watch something on one of the three screens....before I do that, I need my old phone (new phone two weeks ago) so I can do a dump, clean it off, and use the contents to build a BLOB or two...

And the winner is....BRIARPATCH on USA.

per Wikipedia:

"When Detective Felicity Dill is killed in a car bombing, her sister Allegra Dill, an investigator working for a senator, returns home to San Bonifacio to find her killer. In the process of her investigation, she uncovers a web of corruption in the small Texas town.

I have the old files flyng onto the ol'BS...

It is a process, dup the pictures, sort, blog. In that order. I have a million pics that were never sorted or blogged. But I have them....

Master list:

Amazon return

clear garage: right, center, left, back...

rye grass

dry cleaning

car tires

grocery shopping

Pardon the random downlad from my personal life, had one thing blockkng my mind so I thought I'd clear out it and the other six dwarfs so I could hav e a relevant thought. 

So...This series BRIARPATCH. LIke the fact it is set in Texs. Love the characters adn they are characters. The story is promising. Action! Mike love Action. We'll see

(ques the video)

Caller asks: "Silly Bob, 

Damn, I just wrote a witty text I wish I was set up to share here. I don't want to send myself a screen shot...but that is how I think I'd do it. 

Back to the moment. Trying to stay in the moment. 

I am hungry again, food begs for more food, fuel the fire. I need to stay keto as much as...that said, tonight's dinner plans ...include homemade rolls. 

Hey now...let's back this up a little. I don't recognize a scene they are fevering back to.

Too much information...Kick back, now is the nime,...not during the week. Sit up straight and put your head into it. A solid mantra.

The nenue for't want to leave that hanging out there. Rolls (to make sure there is bread in the ous for my Adult Child...and brussle sprouts SHE picked out. Chicken thighs, because we have some left over. They need to be cooked. Salad. I'll squeeze some veggies in, by gawd.

Coffee liquior. Name brad icon: Kaluha(sic)..making my own. To cheap to buy an icon when i don't have to. It is just vodka, coffee (instant or fresh), and lots oof brown sugar...but go light as you can. 

Beautiful day, too nice to keep Silly Bob inside all day. There will be plenty of time to enjoy the indoors n the months to come. We went out wlkign yesterday: me, SHE, the dogs. That is us now. The Boy is exercizing his independance. I get that. Best he can in the situation he's in. He isn't alone. The economy is tougher than ever. Tougher than ever. 

And it has never been easy.

Kick back in my non-STHID captian's chair. 

Captian's Log, today's date...

For one thing, musings shouldn't get center stage, I'm switching monitors...

and adjust the font so myu tired eyes can see..

large anyone....I guess this is Large for this blog-ware.

Let's enjoy the show, shall we...

DRONeS. Drones crossing, mueling shit I'd bet, at teh Mexican boarder. 

It is 1141hours...still early in the day. Time to take some things off that list.

I get hungry when I get stil. Nervous habit.

Brought back some goolosh and cornbread.

Now a dog wants to keep me company.

How to make Coffee Liquor for real?

1236hr...downloading and sorting pictures etc..

Enough...I have enough to do what I want to do. I have enough shit to post on almost every blog but art. I need to spend dome time in front of the scanner to get osme art rready to Blog. I ahve spent the ast two weekends, a day each weekend, with my art. Using water acrylic, cridit cards, and expanding my use of layering. I have colored/painted ots of titties. 

Here is the dump for this categoy of Blog:

Okay, so the lot have been uploaded...burt I'll give you a tell: I make comments when I enlarge the pics..not enlarged no comment. 

Note: guns and cars come to this Blog. Puppies and cabins into my Family Blog.

The next day: returning to the scene of the crime! I lit this sit, unsaved, open for the world to see...only not much of theh world gets into my pilot house. It is  a solitary place by choice. Maybe a dog or two (plural). 

The missus is watching THE VOICE, givign me an oppertunity to hav esome time locked away in my mental fantasy world, I have been practicing escapeism for so long, I can't seperate play from reality.

I am grateful for all the mismatched crap I have that make my life unique, uniquly me.

I have just been watching a video in Russian, and I didn't miss the subtitile until now, a medical board inquiry as it turns out, as I Iturned on the subtitles.

Fuckign rockign this BlueTooth keyboard. It will pair with three: my computer, phone, laptop....I but I fuckign mentioned this when I was putting this Plog entry together....Go look....By fuck I di. I am a broken ufcking record. Fucking. Fucking. Fucking.

Finished Briarpath during my nap at work today. It was a decent series, I am happy to report. Kept its cool facade the entire ten episodes.

Well time to shut this thing down. Go write a respectible blog abut food oro dogs. 

Later Assholes. 

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