While now long as it did… Dragon work with me here… How long has it been?

I'm thinking it's been since your last visit my friend.
To be honest, not much just changed… Much has changed. Not much has changed. In case you're wondering, that's a good thing. The truth is I am right where you left me. Sitting on the back porch.

I wake up to the back porch so I will not disturb Cheryl because she likes to sleep in. Sometime in the morning there is an activity, like taking a walk or buying groceries or both.

There is always a big brunch. Afternoons are spent in the pool. Floating. Reading. Napping. And drinking. Eventually the drinking brings us out of the pool to make dinner. After dinner we visit to listen to music…

That doesn't happen very often… Everyone ends up in front of their personal electronics. The boys play video games

Cheryl Reeves writes listens to music. I read write and watch videos. I have been spending more time in my lab. I do the same things there that I do on the back porch only I have a computer to these and a microscope.
How would I look with a goatee?
Isn't that Morgan's cactus?
You only need one friend at a time…
I trust your filling your life starts with a breath, then a thought, then an action, then another breath, then it is he's got going on like that… You find a movie or book. Take a walk your run an errand. And cook something wonderful for yourself. Something that is more fun to make that it is the buy yourself a drink and toast the world is… Not how you want it to be.
Where did I go?
To the grocery store!
Actually, I went to return movies to the red box I decided pick up we needed for the week while it was there. Friday nights I buy junk food. Cheese makes frozen pizzas Coke Dr Pepper beer. Sunday evenings I buy healthy foods. Fruits vegetables meat.
A meeting drinking healthy… I am even drinking healthy. A bloody Mary has juice in it, right?
The bloody Mary is going to very smooth… The bloody Mary is going down very smoothly. I wonder if Dragon speak is inaccurate or if I will mush mouth?
Can we agree on a little of both?
Amazing green tea when I got up. I'm in the… Moderate mood. Less is more. More or less.
I might just be speaking to loudly. It's not… This might not be the only time I have that problem. I have been said to have a voice carries. My mother was always asking me my side boys, even when I was outside. My dad called the loud mouth line, one of the characters and a rival brand Kool-Aid's pocket when I was a child. Believe it or not I was a child. Believe it or not I still land.
Tonight we just eating beans and rice. There is risk of leftover from yesterday. Their sausage left over from the day before that. Head wants taco salad. Her go to meet if you ever had green goddess dressing? That is what we like on our taco salad and you know that every Monday in New Orleans tradition is to eat red beans and rice… And sausage.
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