Sunday, February 23, 2014

Grabbers: Final Call at the Bar

When an island off the coast of Ireland is invaded by bloodsucking aliens, the heroes discover that getting drunk is the only way to survive.

6:38 AM

I'm in the tower this morning. Dictating my journal instead of typing this will let Cheryl sleep. And it gets me up in about. The asked to go walking this morning at 7 o'clock. I want to be ready. I also wanted to clean up my art supplies that I would sit out all over everywhere

Drinking a good chicory coffee this morning. I must admit I'm forced to sweeten it with a little foo foo creamer.
One thing the dictation software does for me as it saves me a lot of editing.
9:39 PM
I can't say I'm not a little disappointed. I dictated a paragraph or two before I went for my walk this morning and seems to be gone. Only become easy go.

The end of the day, Mr. Damn good day
I got not one but two walks in. The first walk by myself is morning myself and Holly. This afternoon Holly and I were joined by Sherily           n Pinto. Moriarty walked. Dean also walked by himself before going to work. We got home we baked potatoes and I grill some steaks chopped up some salad. It was a good meal. Sure watch the bastard. And I got Dean to study. I fumed about it during my morning walk. But when I got home, I had a revelation. What does being like? Money! So I used my carrot approach and not the stick. My idea was to start a habit jar. To put $21 in the jar. And after studying, Dean can pull out a dollar. It's his money. I did put in one dollar, you put in 20. But the idea is to get the satisfaction and the positive reward at the end of each activity. I said in his office Can company. Now that I have books and things on that little computer I have something to do to keep me busy. Although it doesn't do the Internet, I can use the tablet for the Internet. And that's what I did. And that's what he did, study.

And I went down had a conversation or two or three with Morgan. A debate or two or three. An argument or two or three. Normal goings-on between us. Too hard heads.
Between getting Dean to study and arguing with Morgan, had asked me when I was going to holler at her. Sad.

My work was divided into two distinct phases. The beginning of the day I was extremely organized and efficient. Then I realized I had missed a deadline. A very important deadline. Something I have been putting off, I cranked out in an hour and a half. I should've done it weeks ago. Old friend dear friend what lesson do you have for me? Get your work done as soon as possible. Even if you don't turn it in, get your work done as soon as possible. I don't know if I'll ever be able to put this into practice.

I've been using my personal electronics and much, I forgot how powerful computers. It's faster. Small convenient. I've got bigger screens.
Speaking of bigger screens, I was going to buy Morgan's old monitor when he upgraded. But now, Morgan wants to get a better banjo. And he should. He is moving right along teaching himself the banjo. He is learning from the best. Grandpa Jones and string bean. I'm glad to see him take an interest. And he's reading. He just finishes the Gatsby. Just started Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Classics. Dead solid classics.

And I'm getting so spoil this dictation software, avoid the frustration of unique using that tiny keyboard and my tablet. I enjoyed the portability and forgot what a hassle it was. For bigger projects, I am definitely going to use the Dragon!
I need to find a way to use my digital recorder as a portable device that the Dragon can then. Put that on my to do list.
Exercise. Worked on. Ate well. Interacting with my loved ones. I'd say I had a damn good day.
I think I might reward myself by going and sitting in the recliner and doodling. Or I could just boot of Netflix with the click of the mouse and start doodling right where I sit. What's the better choice?
This morning during my walk, I listened to Bill Bryson's book about science. Lots and lots of science facts. Since I never know where I left off, I just let it randomly play through the album. Through the recording sometimes, I cannot tell who he was talking about because they only use opponents. He did that he did this. But one name I didn't get to learn was Henry Cavendish. The man invented everything. Invented hydrogen he weighed the world. And to do so he had to figure out the density of the world. He was a super rich super eccentric self-made scientist. My hero. Henry Cavendish.
But how about that movie.…

I am sitting up in bed, smartphone playing Netflix. Tablet partially covered by a Ladies Home Journal on the bedside table. I have withstood the temptation to eat chips and candy and wash it down with beer. No, tonight is a celebration, but I do not need unhealthy treats and alcohol to have fun. This, believe it or not, is fun. I just erased my confession to playing hooky tomorrow. Well, Seymour Hynie is anonymous... Semore is going to play hooky. To spend the day with his son's...and wife. But it isn't her birthday. It’s theirs. Everyone will be sleeping in tomorrow; I might as well join them. I will be the first up, but later than usual.

A bit of bad, bad news. They found the ameobas living inn Robby's eye. Confirmed. so its eye drops every hour for six months, he can sleep un interrupted but if I were him, and faced the possibility of going blind, I would get up at least a couple of times to put the medicine in.
We are all really concerned.

I walked twice, once this morning, again, alone. Then with Head and the dogs after work. Mor walked by himself. Dean did the same. After work. He was called in for a few hours.
I let him pull a dollar for studying on his own and waking. And his birthday is tomorrow.
Head put the gifts together. Cash. As is our tradition. An A&M pool cue and case for Dean. A gift certificate to Half Price books for Mor. They have agreed on Five Guys for dinner. No idea what will serve as a cake... Braum's ice cream?

We ate a simple dinner of frozen fish, steamed fresh broccoli, fried cabbage, and salad. I bought the better fish, best of the frozen.
Then I sat with Mor and visited, actually visited and watched a documenrtry on children n medieval times. Dean and Head watched the girls on American idol. Tomorrow the guys. Thursday the eliminations.
Eventually, I made my way up to our quarters. Set up in the recliner and watched the rest of 'Menovolent' while writing in the codex. I am being sequential in this composition book. Front to back, Putting one page after another, same for writing. By the time I finished writing tonight, they were equal.
My eyes are going to force me to go to sleep. I quite literally can’t keep my eyes open.

1402 19
8:26 AM

Happy happy day! It's the boy’s birthday!
I woke up and did an hour and a half of meditation. It was a little much but I enjoyed the affirmations because those are hard for me to do on my own.… The feeling of stillness is worth the effort. To just… The. To quiet all those voices in my mind. The best I can do is replace them kinder softer less frequent voices
Enjoying the chicory coffee. Morgan is sharing his gift with me. It is as bitter as a mother-in-law's heart, and that's what makes it extra special here's to Maybelle, my mother-in-law
I have made my way, followed by Holly, into the tower. Rather than start a movie, I started YouTube video. An instructional video for drawing a landscape.

Look up with sketches and I feel better. The first one before seen trees and underbrush. The second tiger. A goofy ass time I need more practice.
I hear Dean singing in the other room. I wanted to say happy birthday but I don't want to disturb him. We have a walk planned for this morning. It's a beautiful day for it.
9:53 AM
I went in to see the boy and lo and behold he was working on his mass. Correction algebra!
I tried working with my ink nibs. They suck. I can blame the cheap paper with a cheap nibs take your choice.
I don't like dunking anyway.  
Now I'm watching a demonstration of white charcoal on black paper. I'm ready to try myself with a white colored pencil and blue paper. But I can journal and watch the video before starting. Think that was the problem with my sketch of a tiger this morning. I tried to do the drawing along with him when I should've watched it and then gone back and try. This guy has a live of great tutorials and demonstrations.
I'm watching the video again I wasn't paying very good attention.
I hate cats. Not hate… So much as not excited about.
I've gotten out my idea catalog nine putting positive affirmations in bright colors on different pages such as more is less moderation, things like that.
40 5 PM
Let the party!

This morning then I headed off to the DVM. Oh no. That is what got Cheryl and Dean into trouble. They tried to renew his license online. They got onto a fake website and lost $14.99. Cheryl had to cancel her card. Of course it would not renew so we had to go in. We waited in line. Passing the time doing algebra problems. Only to find out his licenses expire for another four years. Oh well should happens. We made our way to the skateboard shop. Only it was for long boards only and that means the really fast kind. They did have a cool short board that had worked on and Dean bought it. We had to take you to the mall to get the wheels put on. One of those skate shop clothing stores. The manager of the store help Dean takes everything out and said his board affording. We came home. Just in time to open cards and for Dean go to school. I visit with Morgan for a while. Then I got a great email returned back from Walt. He will be ready to working Texas in 3 to 6 months. That's just perfect. It could mean a major difference to this family. My mantra for the day was we have all we need… And that might be true.
Maybe later I'll share some of the things Morgan and I talked about. Cheryl was in on the discussion too. Right now I'll go on to how I went for a walk. I took both dogs. When I came home I did my stretching. And now I'm sitting at the computer dictating this entry enjoying a brandy and seven up and one of my guilty pleasures. Those potatoes stick snacks. You know the Chinese, little can? Now they come in a bag and they come in different flavors. Barbecue. Sour cream and onion. I'm enjoying what's left over from my Christmas stocking… Don't worry I just open them…

9:07 PM
Back by myself. Finishing up the scary movie called Satan's Little helper. Yes, it is exactly what you think it would be. Not the worst thing ever seen. That's all you can hope for in a horror movie.
You know, I almost want to give up. This is a good thing. Don't get me wrong. Morgan shared some of his writing with me. The ship is fantastic. Seriously. It is great. Good thing I write for fun because there such a difference between what he does and what I do that I would do what I do knowing that he did what he did. See, is sentences like that that doom me to mediocrity. At least I can blame it dictation software, right Dragon?

We had a great dinner. Five guys hamburgers. Those guys do one thing, make hamburgers and French fries, and they do it right. Morgan always compliments them on the focus. I hope you bring the same thing to our business given the opportunity. Focus on what's important nothing extra nothing superfluous nothing for show.

After my brandy, I went up to the grocery store and got a quart of beer for Dean, his favorite Bud Light, and a sixpack of Coors for me. I shared with Cheryl. It's his 21st birthday. He should have a beer. We enjoyed a beer and then drove to a hamburger place. When we got home Dean and Cheryl watched American Idol and eight their cookie, in lieu of a birthday cake we had a birthday cookie. And Mia Morgan went downstairs where he shared his writing with me. That pretty much sums up the evening.

About 20 minutes left of Sam's Little helper. Now makes it 930. Hell, I'm watching another movie.

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