Three college friends hit the biggest party of the year, where a mysterious phenomenon disrupts the night, quickly descending into a chaos that challenges their friendships -- and whether they can stay alive.
Me: Liked it. Entertaining. fun. Made me think. And it has that supernatural element. Meteors just scare the shit out of us, right?
Okay, I find myself here again, in all too familiar territory. A Saturday morning and itching, just itching, to work on my blogs. But how to go about it? With so muhc time havig passed, teh Ideal of maiking a chronological blog doesnt' work. Well, it only works if we start form here. Yes, I've done this before. Just like I'v estarted exercise sprograms or diets, which I like to call nutrition programs. I have no other option. I can only start from wheree I am. There is a life lesson in there, you don't have to look hard to see it. Without the benifit of a time maching, teh past is beyond our reach. but what is the past by now in a minute from now. And the future, it is now in a minute. so, one's best chance of affecting the past or the future. is to focus on now. See how it works?

I have several sources of content: personal journal, fiction, original pictues, downladed pictures, downloaded quotes. Books. Websites. Art. Not to forget art. Well, I have another site for that. And contem plating anohter one for fiction. fiction needs editing, needs time. Time I'mmnot going to spend a th te moment. My plate is full to overflowing. Let me do this one thing Tthis one thing I do".
Let's start.
Ten things I am grateful for...
My family
Being free of a stressful deadend job
Finding a new job and the excitement that goes with it
Writing writing writing
Reading and studying
Time to think
Delicious nutritious food
Inspiring children
Now sit for fifteen minutes in silence
Me… I'm actually trying to meditate for at least 30 minutes. Not the 15 minutes won't do.
You don’t have to explain anything to anyone. You don’t have to justify anything, and in fact, you cannot. The best use of your time is to find a moment that is pleasing, and milk it for everything that it is worth. And then, if we were standing in your physical shoes, we would add them together; we would pretend as if all the happy things happened at the same time; we’d add to it; we’d make it up; we would float it into the future. In other words, we would just get on rampages of joyous mushing and mashing of the deliciousness of our life experience. Today’s potential for joy is beyond anything anyone has ever lived.
Me… I'm not the only one who believes in living in the moment..
On this road called life, you have to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you got, and remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget, learn from your mistakes, but never forget. People change. Things go wrong. But just remember, the ride goes on.” — Unknown Author
Me… I think I sent this to Mr. wheat… But as we all know, what we see in others is what we can't see in ourselves… Are you listening Dr. Mike?
There are no mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn; whatever steps we take, they’re necessary to reach the places we’ve chosen to go.
Richard Bach (
Richard Bach (
Me… See my comment above…
When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life."
Eckhart Tolle (via star
Eckhart Tolle (via star
In drama camp you are taught in improv class the "yes and" rule which means when someone suggests something you never deny it, but accept it and roll with it. Which is an incredible life lesson, I thought.
Ah this is indeed a wonderful life lesson. We flow, always flow
Ah this is indeed a wonderful life lesson. We flow, always flow
Me… Tried every day. Agree with everyone before you had your two cents worth. Let them know you heard them and that their comment has value.
We are always looking to make ourselves comfortable in the prison house. We might think that if we get the cell wall painted a pretty shade of pale green, and put in a few pictures, it won’t be a prison any more.
“please go slowly”). Essentially, what they were saying was take it easy, go slowly, and you get there. They seemed highly amused by the attitude I had towards my practice, as though they could not understand why I was so driven. They did not have the underlying emotional disposition in their psyches that said they were not good enough. This does not mean they did not practice and work hard. It meant that they let things be and did not have the neurotic intensity of striving many of us suffer
“please go slowly”... take it easy, go slowly, and you get there. Do not forget, you are good enough. This does not mean to not practice and work hard. It means that it is best to let things be and did not cause yourself to suffer.
Me...this one, below, is for me to read again and again...
he essence of our experience is change. Change is incessant. Moment by moment life flows by and it is never the same. Perpetual alteration is the essence of the perceptual universe. A thought springs up in your head and half a second later, it is gone. In comes another one, and that is gone too. A sound strikes your ears and then silence. Open your eyes and the world pours in, blink and it is gone. People come into your life and they leave again. Friends go, relatives die. Your fortunes go up and they go down. Sometimes you win and just as often you lose. It is incessant: change, change, change. No two moments ever the same.There is not a thing wrong with this. It is the nature of the universe. But human culture has taught you some odd responses to this endless flowing. We categorize experiences. We try to stick each perception, every mental change in this endless flow into one of three mental pigeon holes. It is good, or it is bad, or it is neutral. Then, according to which box we stick it in, we perceive with a set of fixed habitual mental responses. If a particular perception has been labeled ‘good’, then we try to freeze time right there. We grab onto that particular thought, we fondle it, we hold it, we try to keep it from escaping. When that does not work, we go all-out in an effort to repeat the experience which caused that thought. Let us call this mental habit 'grasping’. Over on the other side of the mind lies the box labeled 'bad’. When we perceive something 'bad’, we try to push it away. We try to deny it, reject it, get rid of it any way we can. We fight against our own experience. We run from pieces of ourselves. Let us call this mental habit 'rejecting’. Between these two reactions lies the neutral box. Here we place the experiences which are neither good nor bad. They are tepid, neutral, uninteresting and boring. We pack experience away in the neutral box so that we can ignore it and thus return our attention to where the action is, namely our endless round of desire and aversion. This category of experience gets robbed of its fair share of our attention. Let us call this mental habit 'ignoring’. The direct result of all this lunacy is a perpetual treadmill race to nowhere, endlessly pounding after pleasure, endlessly fleeing from pain, endlessly ignoring 90 percent of our experience. Then wondering why life tastes so flat. In the final analysis, it’s a system that does not work.
Bhante Henepola Gunaratana.
Me… Insightful ship, right? Always grasping or rejecting or ignoring them leave much time for living does it?
Me… Another one for someone else was really for myself
Me… I will be a student to the day I die
Me… Cool as hell. That's it.
Me… Sometimes words are not enough.
Me… Remember how important it is to be kind yourself.
Me… Now this one is for Mr. wheat. One of our things is watching the TV show supernatural together.
Me… I sent this one in an email to miss head, to help her with her office drama.
Me… No, I do not have a new job. But when I get one this will go out in an email to everyone that gives a ship… Crap.
Me… Buddhists perform tea ceremonies, practice archery, make sand drawings, and make flower arrangements as a way to practice focusing on the moment.
What do you like to do?
Me… Here is a couple of interesting websites:
Me… Feel free to friend me at good reads see what books I am reading and what I thought of those I have read
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