Two Canberra based brothers become entangled in a cover up that involves a remote outback community and key members of the Australian Government.
Maximum Conviction (2012)
When former black ops operative Cross (Seagal) and his partner Manning (Austin) are assigned to decommission an old prison, they must oversee the arrival of two mysterious female prisoners. Before long, an elite force of mercenaries assault the prison in search of the new arrivals. As the true identities of the women are revealed, Cross realizes he's caught in the middle of something far bigger than he had imagined. Written by voltage
Hello… I have goodness and I have bad news for you. The good news is you should watch the code. It is a series from Australia that is really well done. Give it a try. After the patents Stephan Stegall and Steve Austin made a movie. It is so bad it is good. You know what you're getting with Stephan Stegall, which has become mumbling dialogue with an accent pitched in to make it even more confusing by executive producer and lead actor Stephan's ago. I have to mention one scene for Steve Austin. It's a killer. Ha ha. Earlier in the movie one of the inmate women beat him with a stick. Read him so that he fell in love. At the end of the show she is killed in crossfire. When Austin's character walks in and sees her dad he says… Which one of you mother suckers just killed my God damn future ex-wife. Now that is some good writing.
Now let's get on all the bits and pieces of Internet trash I collected during the week…
The wasp flew under my hat when I reach back gently brush them out of my hair he repaid my kindness with the wicked sting. You can't trust wasps.
My nieces both started school this week.
And it was Ms. Sherrill's last week at work. She is transitioning into another company.
She wrote…
So excited to plant new seeds… New dreams that God will grow. Not my seeds, they are gods alone not be a burden. Because that's how God roles. When we work and serve within our gifting, he gives us everything we need to do what he created and calls us to do

And she added that we should reach for the stars…

… No matter how big are small you are.
I wrote my brother-in-law Eddy. I told him that I was afraid I become a pervert. That I had gone to the park and couldn't control the urge spank one of the statues.
I had hit rock bottom.
Rock-bottom Eddy.
Any replies stand up… It isn't that deep
A writer and his space this is actually where I blog about where I do my fiction writing. I have another, more private place for that.
Feeling gangster.
It has been 100° or more every day. Hot as hell. But still I enjoy my walks. I never leave home without a hat, sunglasses, and a canteen of ice water.
And always walks when I see an interesting car, as in the picture back to my oldest boy. He has a project car and a keen interest in the functioning of automobiles. This one here is from the late 1960s. I wish I could show it with the vinyl top victor it originally had.
I made a meatloaf. Those blogs are portobello mushrooms.
These are the best pick Brio paeans ever and a half an extra wide tip. Pick some up if you can find them. They should be less than two dollars.
Another interesting car in 1969 Mercury cougar.

And meatloaf is the gift that keeps on giving. I look forward to the meatloaf sandwiches.
And the oldest boy is searching for a straight 64 inch there might just be one inside this old girl
I made a cobbler from strawberries blueberries and apples and pears with a homemade cake poured on top.
And I love a grilled meatloaf sandwich.
And we had quiche and O'Brien
And I stir together a spicy caramel chicken served over jasmine rice.
This appealed to me in light of all of the rapid feminism that has become politically correct. It is not.
This speaks for itself and spoke to me about my boy, the youngest boy. But there's little weird in all of us right?
This will make a great drawing.
This is how I know I have all my ship together. I feel just like this.
I personally would change his to fried pies, cash, or popcorn vodka.
I always think of my father and George Carlin. In the day, he would bring back vinyl albums from the record shop as soon as the new performances were released. I still remember the day he brought home the seven dirty words you can't say on TV. We all listen to the family. And laughed and laughed
I thought about Ms. Sherrill and all the drama she goes through at the place she used to work
Another one that made me think of Michelle's drama at work
This is so true around our house.
For Ms. Sherrill
Ms. Cheryl of course, because I don't have any friends.
Dean, take a funking bath
How cool is this for Halloween?
Hello… I collect these words so I can read them again and again…
Some people come into your life just to teach you how to let go."
J. Johnson
J. Johnson
The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished."
Ming-Dao Deng (
Ming-Dao Deng (
Ask Science, Buddhism, Art, & Misc.
I am not your ideas of me
I am not my ideas of me
I am that I am
I am.
I am not your ideas of me
I am not my ideas of me
I am that I am
I am.
be someone’s counselor and help them with all their problems if its bad for your mental health
be there for someone 24/7
remain friends with someone who emotionally drains you
maintain negative relationships because you’ve been close for so long, because you’re related, or anything else
do anything that makes you unhappy or puts your health at risk
be someone’s counselor and help them with all their problems if its bad for your mental health
be there for someone 24/7
remain friends with someone who emotionally drains you
maintain negative relationships because you’ve been close for so long, because you’re related, or anything else
do anything that makes you unhappy or puts your health at risk
You are not a concept. You are freedom itself. You are love itself. There is no source for joy but your own self!
Enormous effort must be made to
Earn the realization that
Effort takes one nowhere.
I enjoy talking to you. Your mind appeals to me. It resembles my own mind except that you happen to be insane.
George Orwell,
…at every moment of our lives, we all have one foot in a fairy tale and the other in the abyss…
Paulo Coehlo
Paulo Coehlo
Be careful with words
They can harm, they can disarm
But above all else
Be careful with your silence
Sometimes it says so much more.
They can harm, they can disarm
But above all else
Be careful with your silence
Sometimes it says so much more.
You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.
- Carl Jung (via fyp-psychology)
- Carl Jung (via fyp-psychology)
Feeling better
If you’re not feeling so good, you don’t have to feel bad about feeling bad. You have it in you to feel better.
It’s not your fault when unfortunate things have happened. It is your option, however, to see the positive possibilities going forward.
Your life is a lot of work and it’s completely understandable when some of what you work on doesn’t work out. Take it as an opportunity to reconnect with your dreams, and to feel better.
There are all kinds of things to be concerned about, and you are wise to be wary. Yet you’ve made it through a whole lot of challenges before, and grown stronger, so now you can allow the fears to softly subside.
There are many things that affect your feelings. The overriding factor is the way you choose to see life in this moment.
So give yourself a decided advantage, and choose to see more of the positive side. Feel better, because you can, and because it empowers you to live the life you desire.
— Ralph Marston
If you’re not feeling so good, you don’t have to feel bad about feeling bad. You have it in you to feel better.
It’s not your fault when unfortunate things have happened. It is your option, however, to see the positive possibilities going forward.
Your life is a lot of work and it’s completely understandable when some of what you work on doesn’t work out. Take it as an opportunity to reconnect with your dreams, and to feel better.
There are all kinds of things to be concerned about, and you are wise to be wary. Yet you’ve made it through a whole lot of challenges before, and grown stronger, so now you can allow the fears to softly subside.
There are many things that affect your feelings. The overriding factor is the way you choose to see life in this moment.
So give yourself a decided advantage, and choose to see more of the positive side. Feel better, because you can, and because it empowers you to live the life you desire.
— Ralph Marston
in the loneliest moments i have been there
for myself.
Sanober Kahn
in the loneliest moments i have been there
for myself.
Sanober Kahn
The splendid thing
about falling apart
is that
you can start over
as many times
as you like.”
― Sanober Khan
about falling apart
is that
you can start over
as many times
as you like.”
― Sanober Khan
are powerful
forces of nature.
they are destruction.
they are nourishment.
they are flesh.
they are water.
they are flowers
and bone.
they burn. they cleanse
they erase. they etch.
they can either
leave you
or brimming
with home.”
― Sanober Khan
tags: indian-authors, poetry, poetry-quotes, powerful, wisdom, words, words-have-power 19 likes Like
are powerful
forces of nature.
they are destruction.
they are nourishment.
they are flesh.
they are water.
they are flowers
and bone.
they burn. they cleanse
they erase. they etch.
they can either
leave you
or brimming
with home.”
― Sanober Khan
tags: indian-authors, poetry, poetry-quotes, powerful, wisdom, words, words-have-power 19 likes Like
I keep my kindness in my eyes
Gently folded around my iris
Like a velvety, brown blanket
That warms my vision
I keep my shyness in my hair
Tucked away into a ponytail
Looking for a chance to escape
On a few loose strands in the air
I keep my anger on my lips
Just waiting to unleash into the world
But trust me; it’s never in my heart
It evaporates into words
I keep my dignity upon my chin
Like a torch held up high
For those who have betrayed me
Radiating a silent, strong message
I keep my gratitude in my smile
A glistening waterfall in the sun
Gently splashing at that person
Who made me happy for some reason
I keep my sensitivity in my hands
Reaching out for your wet cheek
Holding you, with all the love
The love I want to share, and feel
I keep my passion in my writing
My words breathing like fire
Screeching against an endless road
As I continue to be inspired
I keep my simplicity in my soul
Spread over me like a clear sky
Reflecting all that I am
And all that’s ever passed me by
And I hope you will look
Beyond my ordinary face
My simple, tied hair
My ordinary tastes
And I hope you will see me
From everyone...apart
As I keep my beauty
in my heart.”
― Sanober Khan
Gently folded around my iris
Like a velvety, brown blanket
That warms my vision
I keep my shyness in my hair
Tucked away into a ponytail
Looking for a chance to escape
On a few loose strands in the air
I keep my anger on my lips
Just waiting to unleash into the world
But trust me; it’s never in my heart
It evaporates into words
I keep my dignity upon my chin
Like a torch held up high
For those who have betrayed me
Radiating a silent, strong message
I keep my gratitude in my smile
A glistening waterfall in the sun
Gently splashing at that person
Who made me happy for some reason
I keep my sensitivity in my hands
Reaching out for your wet cheek
Holding you, with all the love
The love I want to share, and feel
I keep my passion in my writing
My words breathing like fire
Screeching against an endless road
As I continue to be inspired
I keep my simplicity in my soul
Spread over me like a clear sky
Reflecting all that I am
And all that’s ever passed me by
And I hope you will look
Beyond my ordinary face
My simple, tied hair
My ordinary tastes
And I hope you will see me
From everyone...apart
As I keep my beauty
in my heart.”
― Sanober Khan
"When you do things from your soul, you feel a river move through you, a joy - Rumi"
via KushandWizdom (via kushandwizdom)
(via flowgently)
— 3 hours ago with 1213 notes
(Source: isao-takeda, via flowgently)
— 3 hours ago with 6681 notes
“And you know the reason I really love the stars is that we cannot hurt them.
We can’t burn them or melt them or make them overflow. We can’t flood them or blow them up or turn them out.
But we are reaching for them.
We are reaching for them.”
Laurie Anderson, Another Day in America
— 3 hours ago with 1 note
#laurie anderson #music kafkasapartment:
Wilmington, North Carolina, 1950. Elliott Erwitt. Gelatin silver print
Wilmington, North Carolina, 1950. Elliott Erwitt. Gelatin silver print
— 5 hours ago with 55 notes
Video: Overprotective Raccoon ‘Rescues’ Brother from Swimming Pool
(via tastefullyoffensive)
— 5 hours ago with 8074 notes
"I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing."
Agatha Christie (via mistymorningme)
(via budddha)
— 6 hours ago with 158 notes
"You will meet many types of people in your life. You will meet delicate flowers, raging oceans, quiet forests, towering mountains, and colourful skies. You will meet thunderstorms, you will meet lightning. They will knock you down, they will leave you breathless. You will meet sunrises, you will meet gardens. They will give you light, they will take you on adventures. Explore them. Get lost with them. They all have something different to teach you."
r.a.s (via seulray)
(via budddha)
— 6 hours ago with 9097 notes
(via ▶ Golden Record: Crickets, Frogs in Golden Record: Sounds of Earth)
Did you know that NASA has a soundcloud account, with all kinds of really awesome recordings, including the entire Golden Record that is attached to Voyager?
I can’t wait to download all of this stuff and get to work making my own ambient tracks with it.
You make ambient music??? Where have I been? I need Wheaton Space Music in my life!
— 7 hours ago with 439 notes
"As long as I continue to take myself seriously, how can I consider myself a saint? How can I consider myself a contemplative? For the self I bother about does not really exist, never will, never did – except in my own imagination."
Thomas Merton
via KushandWizdom (via kushandwizdom)
(via flowgently)
— 3 hours ago with 1213 notes
(Source: isao-takeda, via flowgently)
— 3 hours ago with 6681 notes
“And you know the reason I really love the stars is that we cannot hurt them.
We can’t burn them or melt them or make them overflow. We can’t flood them or blow them up or turn them out.
But we are reaching for them.
We are reaching for them.”
Laurie Anderson, Another Day in America
— 3 hours ago with 1 note
#laurie anderson #music kafkasapartment:
Wilmington, North Carolina, 1950. Elliott Erwitt. Gelatin silver print
Wilmington, North Carolina, 1950. Elliott Erwitt. Gelatin silver print
— 5 hours ago with 55 notes
Video: Overprotective Raccoon ‘Rescues’ Brother from Swimming Pool
(via tastefullyoffensive)
— 5 hours ago with 8074 notes
"I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing."
Agatha Christie (via mistymorningme)
(via budddha)
— 6 hours ago with 158 notes
"You will meet many types of people in your life. You will meet delicate flowers, raging oceans, quiet forests, towering mountains, and colourful skies. You will meet thunderstorms, you will meet lightning. They will knock you down, they will leave you breathless. You will meet sunrises, you will meet gardens. They will give you light, they will take you on adventures. Explore them. Get lost with them. They all have something different to teach you."
r.a.s (via seulray)
(via budddha)
— 6 hours ago with 9097 notes
(via ▶ Golden Record: Crickets, Frogs in Golden Record: Sounds of Earth)
Did you know that NASA has a soundcloud account, with all kinds of really awesome recordings, including the entire Golden Record that is attached to Voyager?
I can’t wait to download all of this stuff and get to work making my own ambient tracks with it.
You make ambient music??? Where have I been? I need Wheaton Space Music in my life!
— 7 hours ago with 439 notes
"As long as I continue to take myself seriously, how can I consider myself a saint? How can I consider myself a contemplative? For the self I bother about does not really exist, never will, never did – except in my own imagination."
Thomas Merton
"Shame is a soul eating emotion."
C.G. Jung
C.G. Jung
Under the obsessive thoughts and plans, under the emotions, positive and negative, there is an ocean of peace."
There is nothing very remarkable about being immortal; with the exception of mankind, all creatures are immortal, for they know nothing of death. What is divine, terrible, and incomprehensible is to know oneself immortal."
Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges
Care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner.
Do your work, then step back.
The only path to serenity.
Lao Tzu
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