Sunday, October 11, 2015

Hand of God (TV series)

Hand of God is an American drama series created by Ben Watkins. Along with Hysteria, the premiere episode is one of two drama pilotsAmazon streamed online in August 2014. Viewers were allowed to offer their opinions about the pilot before the studio decided whether or not to place an order for the entire series.[1] In October 2014, Hand of God was ordered to full series by Amazon Studios.[2] The series officially premiered on September 4, 2015

I say...great series. What are they going to do for a second? This one gets wrapped up with a bow.

The real source of “stress” is actually internal; it is not external, as people would like to believe.”
David R. Hawkins

Sometimes I remind myself that I almost skipped the party, that I almost went to a different college, that the whim of a minute could have changed everything and everyone. Our lives, so settled, so specific, are built on happenstance."

— Anna Quindlen,

I’ve come to trust not that events will always unfold exactly as I want, but that I will be fine either way. The challenges we face in life are always lessons that serve our soul’s growth."

— Marianne Williamson
 In other words...
A wrong turn lead me to a field of flowers and suddenly I’m second guessing every wrong turn in my life.

Every wrong turn has lead me to where I am currently, and I am happy as hell, so were they really wrong turns?

sensitive people could benefit from being in one another’s presence. She sends me an agenda explaining that we’ll be sleeping in rooms designated for “napping, journaling, puttering, meditating, organizing, writing, and reflecting.”

The book Quite

They have difficulty when being observed (at work, say, or performing at a music recital) or judged for general worthiness (dating, job interviews).

"The truth is that the ego is not a snarling monster; it is more like a frightened child who has taken on more responsibilities than it is capable of managing. The path out of this dilemma is not eliminating the ego, but loving it enough to liberate it from the inappropriate load of work that it’s assumed."

— Rabbi Alan Lurie 

The way to change others’ minds is with affection, and not anger.
- Dalai Lama

Let be whatever will be. Give up trying to manipulate. This is freedom."

I say...take a gift when it’s offered. I have a unique opportunity….ohh, I AM unique.

"Either accept your life or change it. Any other position is insane."
Eckhart Tolle

"I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing."
Anaïs Nin, The Diary of Anaïs Nin
— 2 days ago with 398 notes

"I felt both wildly, piercingly glad to be alive and also like I did not know what to do with the life I now held in my hands. It was as if someone had handed me the moon, and what does one do with the moon? What does one do with a life when one had expected to be dead?"
Marya Hornbacher, Waiting

I say...this was from today. Goes with my acceptance of the present, to thrive with theis great situation. I will not calll it an oppertunity becsue that makes it seem like a trial or test of sorts. We move from situation to situaion an dthe important thing is how we take it.l How we use our time.  How we choose to think of what is happenign around us.

"Dangerous consequences will follow when politicians and rulers forget moral principles. Whether we believe in God or karma, ethics is the foundation of every religion."
Dalai Lama

"Let be whatever will be. Give up trying to manipulate. This is freedom."

So much hatred and aversion–even that within myself–comes from an ignorance or unwillingness to stop and think about things as complex and varied rather than monolithic.
It’s easier and more immediately satisfying to judge and condemn based on quick and general assumptions.
Harder to stop yourself from scratching that itching wound, and to ask, would it be wiser if I withheld a judgmental reaction and just went on with my life?

-original Thzilla

We often will say in times of trial that God is testing us. Or the Universe is guiding us toward something better, perhaps uncovering our Buddha Nature. We must allow these tribulations to burn away our iniquities so that we may one day be pure before God.
Maybe there’s something to this. But I catch myself (somewhat jokingly) saying this when something uncomfortable happens to me, and I wonder if I do this to make my suffering seem less boring.
You suffer so much better if you imagine the end result is celestial in nature, don’t you? But what a long fall you will have if you realize that perhaps your suffering is not so magical, so holy. Maybe it’s best to just not think anything of your suffering at all, and to just let it happen to you in the same sort of way you breathe.

-more Thzilla

 Truly powerful people have great humility. They do not try to impress, they do not try to be influential. They simply are. People are magnetically drawn to them. They are most often very silent and focused, aware of their core selves. … They never persuade, nor do they use manipulation or aggressiveness to get their way. They listen. If there is anything they can offer to assist you, they offer it; if not, they are silent."
Sanaya Roman, Living with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation
i say...thsi hits home. Especially my constant pushing and pulling of Dean. Let the fucker alone. Not out of spite, but use that as a reason if you must. He needs to do his thing. He needs to meet hte person he’s become. We all do. We alre all changeing. Reintroducign ourselfs and rediscoverign ourselves and others.

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