Saturday, August 27, 2016

Image result for Marcella

Marcella Backland left the Metropolitan Police for the sake of her family, only to have her husband leave her. She returns to her job on the murder squad, investigating a case that seems disturbingly familiar to her.From IM database

Okay… I am a sucker for British television. Marcella is one of my favorites, from her right behind Luther. I like this program so much that I did not even mind that they left the big question unanswered, why did Marcella move the body? I could watch it again and I suggest that anyone else who likes good television watching. I even told my mother about. That's how much.

Note I am not illiterate I just use transcription software and dictation software for most of this so there's going to be a lot of errors. I am not going to take the time to edit this to any extent.

The seed was planted during my pinch watching of Marcelo. The serial killer she was chasing or was herself, used a plastic bag to kill their victims. Just now, in season 10 episode 22 of supernatural, Frankenstein used to back subdue some food that one of the. Spoiler alert I guess I should say. But here's what grew from that seed. Why do people flailing around with their free hands trying to grab the person behind them has the bag over the head… Why don't they just poke their thumb or finger into the back and rip it open so they could breathe. Right?

8:03 AM

I am dictating my Journal. I do not seem to be able to sit down long enough to write one. I am listening to the original ROM stokers Dracula, the unabridged version, and have been for the past week while driving to and from work. The characters inspire me because, like Stephen King's Carrie, Dracula is written in the form of excerpts of peoples journals. Lord knows I need to catch up on my journaling.

I just watched my business driving through a school zone.

I am hyper excited to go to work today. That is not been the case for many days. I have let myself get caught up in trying to control the game. I have no control. And it is just a game. My strength lies in my ability to see work as play. I have the unique profession that allows me to play with my instruments and write as much as I want. I can make list after list after list. I am truly in my element. The reason I wasn't happy is because I began focusing on trying to control other people in the situations. I have done myself no service by the way I have reacted to K  about hiring a med tech. To the contrary, I have lost my credibility. It is time to reestablish myself as a scientist and a technical analyst.

And I would like to thank my hero Alan Watts for it was listing to his lectures that I was able to form a point of view that fits my situation. I am the Jester. My days are filled with dance. If you haven't listened to any of Alan Watts lectures, because he mentions the Jester and Joker quite often, and I'm sure this takes some getting used to. But by the dance he means being able to move and function. To be active in the present. When he talks about the Joker with adjuster he is talking about someone who has the insight to know that this is all a game. And the Jester giggles when he sees other people taking the game too seriously.

I woke up in the middle of the night, listening to Alan Watts lectures, and a smile came over my face. It is all a game. I can quit or I can stay but the truth is sooner or later I have to comment please with what I do here in the present. I need to stop saying I don't like drama because as we know the people who say they do not like drama are the people who crave and instigate drama. In no small part, my elevated mood is due to the results from my most recent proficiency test on the instruments at work. I am dead on. Part of me was trying to control other factors because I did not feel I had control of the laboratory, of the instrumentation, no confidence in being able to analyze samples. The results of that test has boosted my confidence to no end.

As usual, I have so many things to do before we go online on Monday. By online I mean taking blood samples. I have waited to the last minute. But, I have made preparations that will allow me to complete all tasks as assigned in a short bit of time. A couple of late nights will not kill me. What is the saying, no one ever drowned in sweat.

Here's another one, the only helping hand you will ever receive is at the end of your own arm.

I am sure that my mood will wax and wane and I will feel desperate and depressed but I'm doing everything I can to foster the Jester's role. I pulled the Joker cards from several packs this morning. I found my hat, the Joker, and him wearing it along with some very very casual clothes. This morning was actually very productive. I was surprised to get an email from dad just after 10 o'clock last night. Obviously he is worried about mom's continued treatments. They have to let that should go. But I can't take their hand off of it for them. In the email, dad asked that I re-sand a couple of pictures of the boys that mom had seen but could no longer locate. So I dumped my phone of all the pictures I had a boat boys and asked H to do the same.

And I used my time this morning, to complete an order I had been building on Amazon. A case and keyboard for W to use with his tablet. And not one but two sex toys for H. And for myself, a trailer hitch insert of a skull that lights out. How cool is that?

It has been over 21 days now without a toke. And I am still testing positive. They before yesterday a couple of my samples came up undetected. I am trying to figure out how to flush my system and then lock the drug in my fat by eating, so the cycle is to drink lots of water and not eat and then drink lots of water and eat. Right before I have to go for a test I will start eating. That is another stressor. It is been on my mind. Because I will have to quit my job before I test positive. In a way I have been demonizing my job to make the exit easier if and when the time comes.

Traffic is congested but moving here on the Tom Landry Expressway. Are is it George Bush Tollway? No that's it, George Bush. Looking at everyone I realize that we are all doing our part. As Alan always says the garden needs seeds and plants and snails and worms and birds. I am not alone out here, obviously. Everyone is doing their own dance.

It is time to go back to what I was doing, listening to Brahm Stoker's epic tale.

Signing off
the Joker

There's a lot of discussion about what this phrase really means… Not the whole thing just the California… Some people say that it's all about being a good person and this person is exemplified in the cowboy character the other side is a little more alpha male… Train the cowboy is someone who kicks ass and takes names… Sit in the trucking is not so bad

I sent this to Sheryl of course…

16 0824
9:40 PM

it has been a 12 hour day for me. It isn't that bad. I managed to get a lot of things done today. As usual, not everything I had hoped to complete but I worked nonstop. There were complications. One instrument was configured incorrectly, I do not understand how that escaped notice by all of the different people who have worked on the instrument. Someone will come out tomorrow and fixed it. I had hoped to demonstrate competency by running a known sample on that instrument. The day before I had ran that sample on another instrument with surprisingly good results. This one just takes a little more effort. I am shoving all of… No I have been working all along. If I hadn't I wouldn't be able to complete all the tasks that I have to finish before the end of the week. I did manage to print out the call of the quality assurance manual. It is an abbreviated sham. But who can judge me? I will have a significant amount of the documentation ready for the pathologists to sign on Friday. That almost guarantees a another late night tomorrow. Not to worry, H is taking her friend S out for her birthday. Saving me from having to go out with Sandra and her boyfriend, the asphalt on… T. What a Dick. I will never forgive him for inviting us out to a restaurant of his choice, when he knew we were watching our money while I was unemployed, and sticking me… And not picking up the bill. He has plenty of money. He had just bought a brand-new Datsun sports car the day before. The reason for the dinner was to give H a gift, which she knew the value of, 10 talking dollars. It was an epic slab in the face. All of which, I will never forgive T  boy.

I am zooming down the highway at 70 miles an hour plus, everyone else is going just as fast. I should be home in no time at all. I have time to buy a beer. I will not sleep without it. I just witnessed a jerk take the breakdown lane and passed someone on the inside. On believable. I will move to the slow lane and crew. Pablo Cruise. Seeing your Pablo group.

I'm saving the best part of my day for last. While enjoying my second 72 of the morning, S    came to let me know that someone was on the phone. All of the phone calls are either internal that is from someone I know in the company work of Thomas salesperson. Except for this one. Who knows if anything will ever come of it, but this person was looking for a laboratory to do proficiency testing. That could mean a lot of different things. I asked him to explain what he needed and… He needs me. And the best part is… Wait for it… It is a cannabis lab. It has only been open for four months and they need to get set up according to iso-1702 five requirements. Which I know backwards and forwards. Absolute diagnostics and not do any testing that meets their requirements. But, I can be a consultant and work with them. If they'll have me. During the conversation, J , mentioned that the second problem that he faced besides analytical methods was… Wait for it… Wait for it… Mold. Can you believe that? Mold. I am a mold God. So he gave me his email address and I gave him my resume and transcripts. And Bob's your uncle. Let's see where it goes. I could be flying to Canada quite a bit. Could I know that's Australia…

And if that wasn't enough… I have held out little hope that shut a B will hire me on in the laboratory that he is currently trying to build. It could happen, but I'm not counting on it. But today way be had an offer for someone to buy his lab for half of $1 million. He is not selling. The businessman counter offered to have him put a lab together for them. And guess who way be pitched to run the new laboratory? You don't even have to wait for it it was me. Later in the afternoon, suede he calls to say that tomorrow at 11 o'clock, he is bringing the businessman over to look at the lab and the way it is set up and meet me. I took the time tonight to update my resume which I did not do for the cannabis guys… The pot people… So now I have it fully covered to include my most recent experience as a lab director and technical advisor for medical laboratory. It is almost too good to be imagined. And even if neither one of these offers come to fruition, it shows that there is work out there. And that I did the right thing by getting into the medical laboratory business.

Pause for the cause

I stopped at the QT to get a couple of beers. I only drink one. It's a really big beer. But they sell them to for three dollars. $3.25 with tax. I got tired of always leaving with three quarters, so now I take one of those quarters back in so that I have the exact change. The QT is more than a convenience store. They serve food there. If you can call a maple bacon milkshake food. They have specials that meet their clients needs, for example if you buy an energy drink they will give you a doughnut to go with it. You will be hyper and incoherent for the rest of the day.

I just want to add one more event in my day as I drank my beer from a Styrofoam cup. Damn that's cold.

In the interview I thought had been canceled wasn't. Zaire out fan, a Lebanese native, once me just to call him Sam. An older gentleman. Who by reputation is lazy and eager to cry racism. I gave him the interview of a lifetime. We spent an hour and a half together. We are now best friends. Or so he left thinking. I really do hope that K calls him up to see how the interview went and finds out how happy he was and how eager he would be a work with me. I managed to document what I knew he would lie about. That he had been fired by Swaby at another laboratory. I asked him multiple times if his resume was complete. He did add one job that he was currently doing on the side. Because he wanted me to know that he couldn't give that job up because he is a man of his word. So he will need to come to work at seven and leave at three so that he can go do the other job for at least another month or two. Salary… $70,000. A bargain. He doesn't have a chance in hell of ever working with me. And after today I don't know how long I will be working with me… At absolute DX.

I will finish my cold beer and listen to Dracula the unabridged version and I will get home at about 1015. Much love to all.

By the way mom was really excited about her treatment today and she is eager to start the program and have her live lined up for. She takes at least a half a dozen pills. What ever happened to take an aspirin and call me in the morning. Good night.

16 0825
8:29 AM

I am almost to the lab. Meeting the service technician to help repair the instrument or decide if there is a problem with instrument… But I had a thought that I wanted to capture.

I have spoken about the gesture and how life is a game. And it occurred to me, that like again, good sportsmanship serves everyone. I have to remember to not take the physical, mental, and emotional bumps and bruises personally. It is all again the gesture knows this and that allows him to carry on.

I'm really loving this gesture thing. I keep junk or cards in my pocket and set them on the table while I work. I am trying to develop an eccentricity. When you have as many as I do you can always use one more.

16 0825
9:44 PM

I am driving with one hand, close to home, near cowboy Stadium. The other hand is alternating between this digital recorder, on ice cold lone Star tallboy, and I took advantage of the convenience store food counter and bought a three meat pizza. A slice. I am inspired to Journal, such as it is, because the characters in Dracula spend so much time documenting their adventures. They believe as do I that the details matter. And to have the information captured, to review… Invaluable.

I best keep it short laced my pizza get cold and my beer get hot. But I wanted to say how things worked out today the perspective new laboratory owners came by and I was struck with a blabbermouth of honesty. It started when one of the guys, R , new B . I made sure that when he left I told him that if he saw been tell him he's a piece of shipped. He understood exactly how B  was Andy getting fired was a badge of honor and it it was even a greater honor that I lasted seven years under mama. He called her mom. Everyone must call her mama. After they left I had my appetite back. I went to Jack-in-the-Box and ate a hamburger and one Tocco… Two tacos were too many. After my belly was full I went to work on the standard operating procedures. I finished not too long ago but I finished. It amazes me that this ignorant ass Indian pathologist didn't even know if we were a moderate or a high complexity lab and she managed to talk K  into hiring someone she knows who knows to read the SOP's. If $125 makes her sign the paper then so be it. Let them read it. Tomorrow I am anxious to spend the day on the instruments because Monday K  will come into town and donate her blood… I warned her that I was reading Dracula and that I might take more blood than I should. She said she will drink lots of water and get her veins ready. That was the highlight of my day. I expected her to call. Pissed off because of what Dr. K was stirring up. But to the contrary. The we bonded. And I'm looking forward to her to come. MA… And she is not trying to micromanage the lab… And she is not avoiding me… She trusts me and is leaving it all the me. So wish me luck. Back to my pizza and beer night.

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