Sunday, July 24, 2016

Stranger Things

Stranger Things

The Perfect Mash-Up of the Best 80's Sci-Fi!

Me… I have been watching this, yes it is great, series usually on my breaks at work. How long are my breaks? None of the got damn business.

Trying to put together a very efficient blog. I have gotten together my usual photo dump. The photos are pictures I have taken and pictures are downloaded. Most of the downloaded pictures were from comfort. New this week I want to populate the dump with From recordings I made of my morning commute to work. It will be random and silly and dish… All over the place.

I also want to start a section listing the current video… Which I'm already doing… And, this is the Newport, books that I am reading and/or listening to. And any music that might come to mind.

The book I am currently reading while floating like a third in the swimming pool is 
James Lee Burke's 'Swan Lake'. 

I like this bigger font, best change to it.  

Music: off-hanc I'd say we should all remember 'Itsy Bitsy, Tenney-Weenie, Yellow Polka Dot Bikini'. Admittedly an oldie but I heard it yesterday and it's the only song I remember at the moment. 


"I fell in love with a girl in Japan..."

I absolutely love that SONG and   Buck Owens IS SINGING IT man  …

PHOTO DUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sheryl heads word for the week was shenanigans. It seemed as though all of her tenants were performing shenanigans.

I would love to draw this picture. Look for it in one of my art blogs.

Another picture I would like to control.

An introvert's motto…

This is for one of the technicians helping with the computer system at work. He is helping me but does not see it as part of his job.

There… How much more simple can you say it…

Momo loves cars but he especially loves the Volkswagen Vatican…

I have never seen one of these on the road…

Another art project

That is the talking truth… Anything you start be prepared to do by yourself if necessary… You will be on your own more times than you think…

An art project for you know who…

definitely an art project

Where is your buck it bucket?

Would you believe an art project

really it is



why am I doing this. Obviously it is art. If I draw it you will see it.

Unfortunately this used toO true

I guess these reminded me of dad.

And this one I emailed to him

Dad's favorite actor

Every teenager's dream when I was a teenager

So there

I saved this to share with you know who… There are a couple of pictures I saved   but downloaded before I sent them… Consider it spilled milk… We're blogging it…

You know who would not be impressed by the way I organized the sequence of pictures… I can be forgiven because I did not organize the pictures…

A great place for one of my hermit stories…

 Hello hello hello everybody … it is Friday … Which explaiNS the good attitude July 22, 2060 and I'm going under the bridge on my way to work… there we go ... the bridge is a tight fit underneath ... 

 learning is hard
many a hard lesson
if I'm correct, the lesson I'm learning right now is that the blinking light on this was recorded means it's on pause
I'm almost sure I had a blinking light all day yesterday

if you're lucky

 ... this music is like scaring me... .

 but I will ....

 I really should speak slowly or the voice dictation software but… But… This has to be spontaneous… 

 excuse me ...busy ....just saying

  greasy constipated… Doesn't make any sense…

These kids and their crazy music

minutes into the show folks out to enjoy yourself  …

I just missed my exit was because ... cars came on that were not going to merge they were taking over… Concentration... and got off on the wrong exit ...  what I needed so I did a loop around no big deal…
But it has me thinking… How things can easily go wrong when you're distracted… Minimizing distractions is a big part of being efficient… And I also believe timing how you time your activities… You have so much energy you have to use it… You will not be productive 100% of the time… Just be as productive as you can…


and it is only 835 and I LEFT AT two minutes after eight so when there is NO traffic, when the thing works like it's supposed to… The thing being the Tollway… I got here in 30 minutes

A Photoshop picture of you know who

SENOR EDDIE and his floatiE

Chicken livers

Chicken dinner

I told you know who in the text with this picture attached how much better things were because she was around…

A Bentley in the back and a Subaru Impreza in front… Someone spends money on cars…

This is in the parking lot at work…

Honey they have three chairs left, do you want them?


 AT work ...time to open up and I think I'd have a walk through... a cigarettE IS in their somewhere...

The damn things will run forever…

Now and audio to text of my morning commute… This is new to the program… Nothing ventured nothing gained…

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