Saturday, July 2, 2016


When she was a deeply troubled teenager, Nikita was rescued from death row by a secret U.S. agency known only as Division, who faked her execution and told her she was being given a second chance to start a new life and serve her country. What they didn't tell her was that she was being trained as a spy and assassin. Throughout her grueling training at Division, Nikita never lost her humanity, even falling in love with a civilian. When her fiancĂ© was murdered, Nikita realized she had been betrayed and her dreams shattered by the only people she thought she could trust, so she did what no one else before her had been able to do: she escaped. Now, after three years in hiding, Nikita is seeking retribution and making it clear to her former bosses that she will stop at nothing to expose and destroy their covert operation. Written by The CW

My relationship with Nikita… Although she hates it when I say that we have a relationship… But it's real to me… Just playing the doting fan. I like a little more meat on the bone. Nikita is interesting and has enough fight scenes to allow me to do other things because I don't want to watch the fights he while I'm watching Nikita what other things would I be doing? Work. Since we are bootlegging baseball streams, our server will not allow us to watch Netflix at the house I can only watch Netflix at work. I have a sweet setup. I hooked my chrome book to an extra monitor and, Bob your uncle, it works great. I can either use cordless headphones or keep my phone Bluetooth in my ear and just add the chrome book as another phone. The only problem is that the connection falls off when not being used. But that's beside the point. The point is I watch Nikita at work.

Let's do a picture dump!

Speak of the devil this is pretty much what my office, call it a battle station if you want, looks like.

The chrome book is attached screen on the right, no left side the cordless headphones are on the desk and that is a temperature monitor behind the headphones, so I can monitor the temperature of my office and the laboratory. Now that's pretty much it…

And this is a reverse shot of me sitting at the desk, I have made a green themed junk table as you can see.

Looks good first thing in the morning? I don't.

Using the panorama feature, I tried to capture how the desk is set up while I put this blog together.

And you thought you had a bad day. This poor Buffalo was burned, not mall, and escaped the bare only to be put down the next day.

How cool to see the local brewery or in Arlington use my absolute favorite TV show,

This was the only horror TV series when I was a child, the night stalker.

A bad picture of me followed by a bad picture of her.

A great picture of the view from the balcony followed by a nether great picture of the view from the balcony.

I found this classic M Pollan station wagon, or it may be a caprice, same thing, part outside of our favorite craft beer pub.

Walking from the car to the pub.

Another picture of my desk, notice the Tocco, followed by another picture of my desk… Same Tocco.

A picture of my new tablet

She is contemplating how good that lavender beer tastes. I chose peanut butter again.

A picture of me at the pub followed by another picture of me at the pub.

And another.

Staging some pictures before we play a couple of hands of gin.

Never bring a knife to a gunfight.

Did I mention we had gone to the pub to celebrate our anniversary. After a couple of beers, we went to a local fish basket place.

I ended up getting tablets for everyone.

Sometimes I wonder how big tablets will be before they figure out there to big.

She is waiting for me to go to the pub again.

I can't say that I expected her to say… Put on a flocking shirt… In response to my fashion choice.

Back at the pub and I brought cards again.

And this time after the pub we went to the local Mexican food joint.

A pretty good-looking jewelry a no… She really likes the lettuce wraps.

My dogs are not big enough to run away with. I guess I'll stay.

Meanwhile in Odessa Texas…

I enjoy looking at tumbler sites about introverts. It is good to know there are other introverts, and I don't have to meet them. I honestly thought I was the only person who hated to hear the doorbell ring.

Although she is not an introvert, she gets enough time with people so that we can bend time like this. Not much different than when I put on a happy face and go out and mingle.

I'm an introvert and I'm tired…

… And I'm fat. I am not being self-deprecating. I am just telling it like it is. And no, I do not like wearing pants.

Ha ha ha… We just bought a new dishwasher… The mechanical kind… Ha ha ha

I saved this to pass on to her, I want to copy this into a journal and give it to her. Should have done it for our anniversary, but I lost my wallet… I left it on my desk…

Johnny Cash said exactly what I would like to say to the woman that I love.

And a 1970s Firebird formula was my  dream car as a teenager.

A lot is being said about gun control after the shooting at the gay club in Miami, or wherever in Florida.

You got that right Kermit, is there room for one more?

The green tit.

a… Time to move onto another project… Called these pictures for the ones worthy of my family blog.

Maybe someday I will blog often enough so that I can get back to the archives.

Maybe… Someday…

Happy Forth of July, ..., try to be independent of your mother's tit,you Nancy-boy.

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