Sunday, February 12, 2017

Finish before you get up.... a movie title this time. I will maintain tradition and mention at least one...Stephen kinks lesser known films that rock...
Silver gullet
Sales lot
Running man

Picture if you will...two people sitting on the back porch of their house. TTYL
He dogs amuse themselves barking at squirrel in the trees. Two cups of coffee in us...playing either our personal electronics.  Personal e's have replaced the newspaper. Think on it....people use to get the newspaper delivered to their house. "Morning or evening edition, sir?" Answering your front door to pay the paperboy. People bought them on every nook and crazy of shops and streets. And honest people only took one copy from the machine. People carried them in their purses, briefcases, or under arm. They, newspapers were everywhere.

But wee have our personal electronics.

And it's a part of advertizing....having a presence on social media.

I have made a point and need to I can get up from this chair.

Later that day....

There were refreshments...

Now we few are rewatching/watching reruns of The Walking Use....season two, episode one.

My Love on line, seeing what is going on at Dr. JECKYL'S. She actually recognizes some of the local breweries.

It is an absolutely gorgeous day. Yesterday and today in the mid eighties. Dropping ten degrees a day until it gets in the forties later in the week.

And at four o'clock in the afternoon....

...this beetle crawl of a day brought us outside. For a moment to sit together on the porch. Enjoying this fine weather while we can...

My Love has just washed her dog, that this the flip side to saying "my dog". Wheat bathed Holly earlier. Hollhhy may be the family dog but Wheat has the honor of giving her her baths.

Picked up Dennis Lehane's WORLD GONE BY. He does such a great job of introducing and keeping track of so many characters. -

Here's to Sheryl she'said a real good drink, chug a lug, chug a lug...

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