He Never Died (2015)

Jack, a social outcast, is thrust out of his comfort zone when the outside world bangs on his door and he can't contain his violent past.
2017 December 12
11 AM
Holly and I are out for a walk. There you are passing a neighbor’s
house where they have had their dog out on a chain and yes it works for them
the dog appears to have wrapped himself around a tree. What
works for you doesn't always work.
Holly is being given a short walk by herself. She tires
easily these days. But she would sign up to walk all day if you asked her. Her
favorite thing is to get belly need in dry leaves… The leaves that collect in
the gutter… And looked around and sniffed until she has to take a crap.
It is an absolutely beautiful day. The weather is perfect. I
would be wearing shorts if I had not packed all of my summer clothes. Sometimes
I forget I live in Texas. A delay, holly has just Started to
sniff begin.
When the sniffing degrades into licking that is where I draw
the line. Time to move on.
I am taking a day of in lieu of pay from the laboratory. It
is a more than fair trade. I have been spending too many hours of their and now
that there is a low in the war… We all hope it is a low.… If not, I will have
spent my one day a week wisely… Keeping mold business alive.
I guess I should be more worried than I am. But compared to
what's ahead at work today is not my biggest concern I save my worry or an
impoverished retirement and a crippling visit terminal disease.
Holly is stopped, just to flex her asshole as far as I can see, … No was just relieving the
pressure so we could walk closer to the only person we have saying and she can
take a crap in front of him. It was a good dog? Holly is a good dog.
There is no one but how do I know in the middle of a
weekday. I am practicing to be an old person.
In less than a block I will drop Holly off the house. I hope
I remember to go in and use of nose spray. I cannot breathe.
And then I will decide whether or not to bring in tow along
for the continuation of my walk. This is how will will will will will will will
will will call on this car is a thought without those doors is is is is is that
I thought of what our club better on tests
editor is and how he is as long as you go off and I got my
no spray but not Pinto.
I am out for a walk on my own.
I see one of my neighbors is getting a full pipe replacement
to the road. I wonder how far they had to dig under the house. I spent a
fortune… What little I had accumulated… How quickly it goes away. That's old
I am more or less using today as a transition day. There are
several things I want to do. But things I need to do. One or two things I have
to do. But nothing that can't wait.
I am attacking the easy things on my to do list. Mostly
piddling around, taking a walk, and going to the grocery store. My love may not
wait for me to go to the grocery store before she gets hungry enough to get
cleaned up and dressed. Then we will go out and eat.
Let me put this down and I think of it anymore. Somehow we
always gets… Becomes a mind warm. Today it was an obvious ruse for him to go
for a walk. Whom goes for a walk dressed up and cleaned up. The boy is a slog.
Obviously he is meeting someone either Ebro Manse or a roll mats. If Shady is
how he makes it his own that he can be as shady as he wants to be. Try as I
might, I always end up being his excuse… Or at least I feel that way. It is his
life, and I need to move on.
A coworker, gray bowling… Mold were, shared a similar
situation. His younger brother dropped out of school in eighth grade and has
not held a job since. He sells plasma for cigarettes. Both of the boys live
with their parents. Almost too much for a parent to bear. I am not a nihilist,
but I do not believe that procreation is our soul intent at this point. I do
not believe bringing children into this world does anything but hurt the
society. And don't give me the next child could find a cure for cancer because
of plenty of next child's and albeit next child whether Richard minors someone
else's I'm just saying it would be easier to survive and provide if you did not
have those attachments. Because trust me I questioned whether or not those
attachments make life worth living. It would take a hell of a lot more than
that to just by the experience of living and dying on earth.
He says into a digital recording device which you will use
to create a blog on the World Wide Web… Things ain't so bad after all.
A man should always have one pair of athletic shoes he uses
it exclusively for exercise. It is a mindset thing.
They said it should rained during the night. It looks like
the rain will be here later this afternoon.
What are we doing…
want to do…
when we get to do it…
who do I do it with…
Not you.
this is the first walk I have taken in… In a couple of
weeks… But I have not walked once a week for over a year. I walked a little at
absolute lab but nothing regular.
I would love to have a day where there are no problems. Were
the problems go away for just one day. Problems are part of life. There is no
need to assess and think it over and over and over again… That will not change
Okay so let's talk this out
so I accept Wheat for who he is and what he is.
How does that look?
How does that chapter read?
When I think of how we will interact… It looks like we both
do our own things. There are only awkward moments when he or more rarely me,
try to connect. There's nothing to hold onto. He is my son he lives in my house
but he is not a close confidant of mine.
Me as his. So I will politely ignore his need to lie and
scheme and I will focus my attention on other things. The best I can do is not
drawn attention to any faults real or perceived, nor should I be a cheerleader…
We are all on our own is the lesson for us both.
Will will will will will
I am at the halfway mark of my walk through what means Dean
call the rich neighborhood also known as the cul-de-sac. The cul-de-sac, where
I met, is that halfway point. As
no worries has replaced don't worry about it or the East
Coast version forget about it in American slang… Do you want to know a secret
to happiness… Of course she did… Don't tell anybody anything. They either don't
care or will use it against you. I spent my entire childhood trying to ingratiate
myself with funny stories and jokes and gossip and I continued far longer than
it should've. It still happens but I detested.
… And that cat was cool because he never said a mumbling
word… Thank you Hoyt Axton
I have not had occasion to use the voice recorder in… Far
too long. I kind of miss it. People in the neighborhood might think I'm crazy.
Just like people on the freeway saw me using it on my daily commute probably
thought I was half off my nut. Madam there is no doubt about it. Today
I had an idea to de-clutter my life specifically my closet specifically my
wardrobe… By throwing away anything that was ripped or came out of the laundry
stain. I didn't think it very far. That would cut way too deep. I will go as
far as to keep the ripped rule in effect. If it's ripped throw it out. But the
stains… I will allow exception for bleach stains on my work pants. They are on
of voidable.
Cigarette dogs of World War I
the problem with meeting people in social situations is that
they assume that you are a social person. We meet people in and they always
want to get together and be not so much. I barely have time for myself. The
same way that Sheryl gets enough… That is satisfies her extrovert nature by
dealing with people all day… Then she is comfortable to be an introvert with me
the rest of the time. For me, I get enough people with the socializing I have
to do for her sake. I am not looking for these introductions to become
relationships. One of my loves friends is trying to blackmail her saying she cannot
commit to a dinner date between the two of them until I am available to babysit
her boyfriend. Basically that's what it comes down to. The guy talks nonstop
about either his money and things or bitching. I just do not have time for that
And don't get me wrong, I see, or believe I see, the same
situation in reverse between myself and other individuals. Individuals that I
reach out to that have little or no interest in a relationship with me. You can
be the sweetest peach on the Tree but some people just do not like peaches. I
do not take it to be offensive. I am glad they gave subtle hints that could be
perceived and acted upon without any further irritation to all parties
Will will will
I am currently reading Butcher's Crossing… And I
should know the author's name because I read one of his other works, Stoner.
I'm less than a block from the house.
It appears Wheat his come home from his how shall we say…
No faultfinding.
No faultfinding no faultfinding the faultfinding the
faultfinding of faultfinding no.
Well.... goodbye
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