Sunday, April 28, 2013

Call Me Fitz

Call Me Fitz is a Canadian television series produced by E1 Entertainment, Amaze Film & Television, and Big Motion Pictures.[1] The half-hour comedy starsJason Priestley as Richard "Fitz" Fitzpatrick, a morally bankrupt used-car salesman whose consequence-free life is complicated by the arrival of do-gooder Larry (Ernie Grunwald), another salesman who claims he is Fitz's conscience.[2]

I have been watching the second season having missed the first episode. That's the episode with the fortuneteller told it all.

Good morning good morning it's time to say good morning

it's 830 on Saturday morning I plugged in, kicking it in, the weekend is here!

 Like animals fight themselves to. Have seen the enemy and it is me, and I'm a mean mother pucker.
Tomorrow is another day… Thank God!

 Well, this bonehead pictures starting with the San Antonio trip.
 Backyard baseball, San Antonio style.
 It is like looking at the trees. It makes you feel… Peaceful.
 Brought home some paints and I'm learning how to use colors… And Q-tips. I use Q-tips instead of a brush because I'm too lazy to clean a brush.
 Start with a clean piece of paper…
 And let the magic begin at a time.

 This is that Apple copyright talked about last weekend
 In those potato nachos that we ate during the fourth quarter.

Speaking of potato not chose, I will be enjoying the delicacy at the birthplace of potato nachos, J Killian's, the local bar. I love it. Just like every college hangout I ever hung out in. As a bonus I will be able to buy dinner. Why my so excited about buying dinner? Because the couple were going with pick up the tab last time and I did not want them to take me to some expensive place and have me pick up the tab two or three times as big as the one they picked up. Tit for tat. Hamburger for hamburger. I chose for nachos. Pitchers of beer were six dollars. Even sucking Steven. I win. I at least breakeven.

I have set up my paints again it is time to start the Q-tip to the paper

Let's get a movie started…


Eight talented candidates have reached the final stage of selection to join the ranks of a mysterious and powerful corporation. Entering a windowless room, an Invigilator gives them eighty minutes to answer one simple question. He outlines three rules they must obey or be disqualified: don't talk to him or the armed guard by the door, don't spoil their papers and don't leave the room. He starts the clock and leaves. The candidates turn over their question papers, only to find they're completely blank. After the initial confusion has subsided, one frustrated candidate writes 'I believe I deserve...,' and is promptly ejected for spoiling. The remaining candidates soon figure out they're permitted to talk to each other, and they agree to cooperate in order to figure out the question: then they can compete to answer it. At first they suspect the question may be hidden in their papers like a security marker in a credit card, and they figure out ways to change their environment to expose the hidden words. But light, liquids and other plans all come to naught. Soon enough, the candidates begin to uncover each other's background, prejudices and hidden agendas. Tensions rise as the clock steadily descends towards zero, and each candidate must decide how far they are willing to go to secure the ultimate job .

It is 10 o'clock.
I have drawn about three or four pictures.
Then I made breakfast the group. A Mike muffins. Copyright pending. Head is going to work. She has a meeting.

Pretty good movie. I kept me interested is hard to do nowadays. Let's try another one…
Rampage LKRG

File:Rampage Boll.jpg

Edgy stuff especially after what happened in Boston

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Speed Reading
My comment, you'd have to be an idiot says.

My comment, you think with a title like this it would of won an Oscar. Not a flippant chance.

 Neil Gaiman & Dave McKean - Violent Cases
My comment, this is one of those graphic novels. Lisa: comic books in my day. I really like the overpayment. Came across a book he wrote Anansi Boys 

Snow Crash

Snow Crash is Neal Stephenson's third novel, published in 1992. Like many of Stephenson's other novels it covers historylinguisticsanthropologyarchaeology,religioncomputer sciencepoliticscryptographymemetics, and philosophy.

My comment, this is the current book that I'm listening to on my iPod

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Wolf Creek 2005

Just when you thought it was safe to go hiking in the bushes again...along comes Mick Taylor. Kristy, Ben and Liz are three pals in their twenties who set out to hike through the scenic Wolf Creek National Park in the Australian Outback. The trouble begins when they get back only to find that their car won't start. The trio think they have a way out when they run into a local bushman named Mick Taylor. Wait until you get a load of what Mick has in store for them. Their troubles have just begun.

This is me: I like scary movies and I like this scary movie even though it was more torture that I usually like. I do not enjoy hostile Arnie the other torture movies. But this one had a high element of suspense. Watch it just to find out what head on a stick means.

Good morning.
You get me before that my first cup of coffee. It is 744 the morning. And if something good about life we can't wait to jump out of bed and get started. So what is the goal for the day? To learn! Now, where to start?

I've already started learning. Before even get out of bed. Started reading books on my phone while I lay in bed. I wasn't alone. Head and Pinto were there. But I wasn't alone reading either, Head had her phone and was reading her devotionals.

I read about being frugal. My only fear is to die without her retirement. Because I know I'm not in heaven retirement. So I'm already reading about how to be frugal. Frugal is another word for poor.
I also read about gardening and I really really really want get started gardening. I can't seem to get motivated. I will put a seed and dirt today that's a promise. No maybe about. I will plant the seed.

I switched from reading books on my phone to watching videos on how to repair fish tank. After having watched about 30 minutes of other people fixing their fish tanks. I now think I can fix my fish tank. Wish me luck.

I felt guilty about not putting more pictures in yesterday's ongoing try and do better…

It's already time for that second cup of coffee

 I'm back… Second cup of coffee in hand. I took the opportunity to put a batch of dough in the bread machine I am making piggies in a blanket this morning. Unfortunately we never heard from her friend Trudy. Perfectly understandable. She came into town from Denver and I'm sure her family had lots of things for her to do. A phone call would've been nice.

What is up with this awful but as long as I can start learning…

The magazine is a good place to start:
Science - April 12 2013
Newsflash, global warming is bad.
Bottom line, behavior developed very early in the evolutionary scheme of things

Music Was My First Love
Why do human beings enjoy music? Salimpoor
et al. (p. 216) combined behavioral economics
with brain scanning to explore how a piece of
music is considered rewarding to an individual
when it is heard for the fi rst time. They discovered
that neural activity in the mesolimbic striatum
during listening to a novel piece of music was the
best predictor of the money listeners were willing
to spend on buying the piece. These observations
implicate sensory cortical areas in reward process-
ing, which the authors attribute to the aesthetic
nature of the judgment.… I have to share this one with my youngest he loves to listen to music. This may explain why. In terms of biology that is.

Cloaked in Silence
The daily commute can be a trudge. On top
of that, you often have to share, involun-
tarily, in the irritating noise coming out of the
headphones of someone intent on going deaf
prematurely. Of course, there are also the more
serious safety aspects of protection from sudden
and loud noise, as well as the peace and quiet
provided by good sound insulation. The ideas
developed over the past decade in cloaking
an object from view using metamaterials and
transformational optics can also be carried to
other waveforms, including acoustics. Using such
ideas, Sanchis et al. have designed and fabri-
cated a three-dimensional (3D) acoustic cloak for
airborne sound. Their cloak consists of a series
of concentric tori that surround a sphere about
8 cm in diameter. Designed by an optimization
algorithm and using a 3D printing method to
fabricate the directional cloak, initial character-
ization shows that they can reduce the scattering
cross section of the sphere for sound of 8.55
kHz by some 90%. A design modifi cation should
be possible to make the cloak omnidirectional.
Perhaps it won’t be too long before such a cloak
can be incorporated into headphone design to
stop sound leaking out.

Not Just a Human Zoo
Human beings are stewpots of microorganisms infl uenced by a variety of environmental
perturbations to the detriment or enhancement of our health. Humans have penetrated
and disturbed nearly all habitats on the planet and in their turn infl uence the symbioses
and pathogens in the wild animals they encounter. For example, Amato et al. have dis-
covered that the diversity, richness, and composition of the microbiota of Mexican black
howler monkeys correlate with the quality of the habitat they inhabit (and eat). Monkeys
living in habitats degraded by human activity have simplifi ed microbiomes displaying
fewer genes for butyrate production, implying an impact on the monkeys’ overall health.
In an another example of an anthropogenic perturbation, the health of zoo elephants
has been compromised by an emerging, fatal, haemorrhagic herpesvirus disease, which
Zachariah et al. report also affects working elephants in southern India. It seems that
in this case the virus is endemic to Asia and has spread from this focus as humans have
spread elephants around the world’s zoos.

It is a 8:45 o'clock,… I like Dragon put that… And I've read 15 pages of the magazine. Here's my observation: the basic biology I have been studying with my youngest can be seen in almost every article. The youngest and I talk about building knowledge. The first time you read something you're just trying to get the main points and if there are too many points just a few main points. That's why you have to come back and study more to get the rest of the main points or to move on to the minor points and eventually get to the fine details. The basic review of biology has done me a world of good and society says that I should party know all the. Even if I knew it, by ability to remember indefinitely is limited.

I think I'm going to stop now and move from science to drawing because I am inspired by… X-ray of the mouse brain. Don't judge me. I cannot control where my inspiration comes from. Garbage in garbage out. Mouse brains in mouse brains out.

A little music while I draw…
Gary Stewart - Gary's  Greatest-17 Original Hits
Gary Stewart (May 28, 1944 – December 16, 2003)[1] was a country musician and songwriter known for his distinctive vibrato voice and his southern rock influencedoutlaw country sound. During the peak of his popularity in the mid-1970s Time magazine described him as the "king of honkytonk."[2] He is remembered for a series of country chart hits from the mid- to late- 1970s, his biggest hit being "She's Actin' Single (I'm Drinkin' Doubles)," which topped the U.S. country singles charts in 1975.

It is in 07 and I'm back whereby the end? My dough us ready so I made piggies in a blanket and chicken sandwiches. The chicken sandwiches to eat during the basketball games afternoon. The San Antonio Spurs versus the Los Angeles Lakers. Guess where I will be at 230 this afternoon.

Right now I'm looking through a little 50 page anatomy book. The size alone tells you that it only covers the basics. But remember I just told you, the basics will carry you through to the details.

Have you ever heard Michal Dutkiewicz?

Freaky stuff, hey?

What you looking at?

I don't know what am I looking at! Pussy!

 I haven't shared any comical animals in a while sorry to disappoint. Hopefully we'll get through Turtles and Cats Move on to Other Funny Funny Funny Animals. Hopefully Funnier Animals. I'm Just Not a Cat Person. Turtles I'm Okay with.

Did you notice, that wherein it looks like wherever you move his eyes follow you?

Get some music started…
Jon & Vangelis - The Friends of Mr Cairo
It sounds a little theatrical for my tastes but I can't say it's bad music. I won't throw it away because… I don't have to

1-The 4-Hour Body An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman

When you feel mired in details or confused by the latest-and-greatest contradictory advice,
return to this short chapter. All you need to remember is:
Rule #1: Avoid “white” carbohydrates (or anything that can be white).
Rule #2: Eat the same few meals over and over again.
Rule #3: Don’t drink calories.
Rule #4: Don’t eat fruit.
Rule #5: Take one day off per week and go nuts.

It is 2 o'clock and I just got back from one hour walk. Actually I created a hybrid between the walk in the jog called the shuffle jog. Copyrights are pending so feel free to use it until those of fallen the place. It was great day little cool but once I worked up a sweat I was very comfortable. The most important things that I stayed active for an hour. I got home, and enjoyed a large ice water. I am waiting for the game to start at 230, and for the Apple cobbler that I put into the oven to be ready… Also at 230.

Head is catching up on her young and the restless.
The youngest is playing World of Warcraft also known as wow.
The oldest is surfing the net and watching breaking bad.
I just finished my shower and will blog until game time.

It's 930 at night… Time to put this puppy to bed.
The Spurs won their basketball game against the Lakers. It was a boring game. I made Apple cobbler for the first half of the game. I made chili cheese fries for the fourth quarter. Kind of a backwards dinner. I'm saying I didn't cook dinner. That was it. Then I came up and read for a while. I was glad when Dean came up to studies in biology. We studied for a couple of hours. We just finished. Now I'm going to read in my bed and get ready to go to work tomorrow. As always, I wish you well , I think of you often. Good night.

Big stan 2007

Once upon a time, there lived a tiny, insecure man who learned the only way he could make his enormous ego feel comfortable in his teeny, tiny body was to embarrass, humiliate, and torture others. He thought he was a master of disguise, fooling others into believing he was a big man. Yet he was only fooling himself, and through time his unconscionable behavior repulsed and repelled everyone. If his heart was three or three-hundred sizes too small, it didn't matter by then because no one was around to even care...

This is me, I just read this summary and it is not much of a summary at all let me go get something better.

A weak con man panics when he learns he's going to prison for fraud. He hires a mysterious martial arts guru who helps transform him into a martial arts expert who can fight off inmates who want to hurt or love him.

This is me, yes. Yes I like this movie. It's toilet humor with a positive message.

It is 230 afternoon on Saturday and I've come up to my room to spin some energy. Cheryl said you could use some entertainment something and nothing better to do with my time and puts McCain together the young man.

This may sound a little weird, I think eyes talked about this before, the way my mind works is that I can like a mother characters. Sometimes… Sometimes when I'm at work I'm Gil Grissom and CSI trying to investigate a mystery. When I meditate, I become Eckart Tolle
  that little German man with the big nostrils. And when I read my books, I become the characters in those books. Right now I'm reading Woo,
 a series written and released through Kindle. It was never a real book. I spend a lot of my time pretending I'm one of the characters in the story. This pretending is something that I've done my whole life. I spent a lot of time by myself. I was only child for 12 years. I had working parents. So entertain myself, I set from the TV until I was inspired to create a game to play in my mind.

I'm getting to know a lot of characters, literal characters, on You Tube. There are weird and crazy and funny and lovable people on YouTube. YouTube is better than any encyclopedia. Better than any university. Better than any magazine. Better than the TV station. YouTube is unique unto itself. YouTube is for passive observers like myself what Facebook is to social people. It's something the Internet has bought rock that is unique. It never would've happened without the Internet. And there is someone John, that you have to meet. If Elliott Hurley doesn't ignight a spark inside of you,  your fuse is wet.............This guy is crazy. Crazy in a great way. We were all crazy. I think everybody should catch Elliott Hurley's craziness. I have Cheryl listening to Elliott's YouTube post called rat race. I have are listing for two reasons. One, is whether or not it's a good thing for you to look at. I want know she agrees it is something that you would benefit from listening to. Second Cheryl has dreams too. She needs inspiration to. And Dragon that's the wrong kind of 'to', I'm talking about also.

How To Escape The Rat Race (create a non-job)

So either use the link on your web explorer or by putting the title in YouTube and go there and take a 20 minutes to listen.  Let Elliot give his idea about live in free life. Sounds damn good. My eldest just shared this video with me to her three days ago. I more than suspect, that this is the reason that he dropped out of school and this is the reason he is excited about making his own way in this world. An education cannot make you excited to make your way in this world.So, what does make you motivated? Usually it's desperation, food, benefits… All the trappings of society, of what Elliott calls the system. My oldest talks a lot about things you must do the things you need to do. Must is not a place you want to be. Must are things that you grit your teeth and bear. Need. Need is something a lot different. Need is when you have to do something, you are so driven to do something you cannot stop yourself from doing.  Our friend Elliott is living a life to live. God damn, I want to lead a life that I need to. I have no complaints, there is no reason to even pretend like I can. But I can want better. Like I told you John I'm not very good at the -9 to 0. I am not good at healing. But I am good and getting better. I guess if I was a baseball player, I would strike out if I get behind in the count. But if I can get ahead in the count.… Watch out. My batting average would be 600, 700... 800 when I am a head in the count. And I have to admit, I'm a head of the count at the moment.

He sings:

count your many blessings Them one by one count your many blessings see what God has done.

That little ditty is held with me since Sunday school.

So go listen to Elliott if you haven't so I can talk about it.

What do you love?

What do you love?

What do I love?

I've already scripted this out in my journal the day after I first watched Elliott's video. It took me two times to get all the way through it. That's almost 30 minutes. My teacher spans about as long as my desk. Regardless, when I finished the video I asked myself that question:

what I love?
Those easy to get started because I went to the dozen goals that keep for myself every day. Those are my goals. Those must be what I love. And it was about myself, my family, and learning.

Now I cannot make a business out of my family but I can make family my business. So I have a different approach with my family. But right now I'm talking more about the opportunities as a professional.

What do I love?

I love to learn. I don't care what it is. I have my favorites. I love to learn. I don't hang with things very long. But I love to learn. I have an innate curiosity. My oldest has the exact same mindset. That boy will look up something on Wikipedia and get lost down the rabbit hole for an hour reading one article after another article after another article just absorbing everything becomes across his mind. He loves to learn. His goal is to make a living by doing that. We share the same goal.

Speaking of my oldest, he is watching the New York Boston NBA playoffs and I hear a lot of hollering going on my curiosity is up I have to see was going on…

Well, Cheryl didn't get the spark. She thought what Elliott said is just common sense. That's actually a good thing. It's a good thing that she thinks it's common sense. It's a good thing that she sees something that should be obvious to everyone. I'm not saying the idea was totally new to me. I just like the way it Elliott said it. And… Elliott is a character that I can keep in my mind.

I love to learn.

Today I spent an hour gathering all kinds of things to read, things to learn.

A lot of books about science.
A lot of books about drawing.
A number of good fiction books to read. I love a good story.
Some music.
Self-help books. How to be happy how to be self disciplined. How to be organized. How to deal with difficult people. How to focus. How to meditate.
Other health books decides meditation. Cookbooks. Exercise books. Spiritual books.
More books that I can read in a month. Basic textbooks to study with my youngest. He will not be invited back to university next semester so we will go back to studying at home. In my opinion where studying belongs.

I love journaling with this dictation software, with the Dragon speak software. Like I said, I don't mind the errors. I think they're funny. The only reservation I have is that journaling on the web will be lost. It will not be as permanent as my written journals or the journals I keep in word processing files. Maybe I don't need to keep everything I write. Maybe I need to get over it. Maybe I need to do things because I love to do.
Because I love to do them.

So let's go a little deeper. Let me pull up one of those books. Let me read a little bit and I'll make comments to you.

Here are some of the science books that interested me, science magazine, scientific American, science and world history, geometry, microbiology,Laboratory and diagnostic tests, pesticides in the modern world, reality, principles of anatomy and physiology, science stories to teach critical thinking, the statistics for quality control chemistry lab, survey of mathematics, teaching general chemistry, and the basics of biology.

I think I may have overdone it on the self-help Chandra of books. Not Chandra, Chandra Chandra… Type of book.
No excuses the power self-discipline
change of life in seven days
critical thinking
flow the physiology of optimal experience
get up and do it!
How to be a genius your brain and how to train it
how to be a gentleman and timely guide to timeless manners
how to catch up. And lots of cool stuff guys used to know but forgot
how developers are concentration
how to make people like you in 90 seconds or less

now that I think about it, I really should go over and read some of those books that I passed on to you. That way those books would be handy if you are interested in them.

I'm a book quarter so sue me. At least digital books are not heavy.

It is 4 o'clock and I do not have time Virginia Journal. Time continue journaling. Time to continue journaling. Finally. I need to wash my ass and go grocery shopping. I have a brunch to cook in the morning. Cheryl has a high school friend coming over. A friend from high school. Trudy.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

1304 13 Identity Theft.[2007

.yes low-budget high-quality good story there is good in all of us there's bad in all of us

When a drug deal turns into a bloodbath, a junkie-gangster crosses paths with an illegal alien. The illegal alien ends up with the gangster's ID and uses it to create a new successful life as a US citizen. A near death experience causes the gangster to re-evaluate his life, and when he leaves prison three years later, he is clean, sober, and ready to put his life back together. But both men are haunted by their pasts and they are soon set on a collision course that may destroy them and the women they love. 

Riddle me this, we seem to fly to trouble…
… The take their sweet time doing what we know needs to be done. I haven't found one person that this is true for
With where I left off in the last blog. We were at my parents house in Austin, on her way back from a weekend in San Antonio. We have a guilty pleasure, local barbecue chain the makes better fried chicken that it does barbecue. And if everything are the chop the sandwiches. There is no accounting for taste. We dislike what tastes good

My parents have a tiny backyard. Quite a difference in the 50 acres they just sold. And my dad seated to letting others do the work. This is the rock bed and walk pages have put in. They are lucky to have a greenbelt behind their house. A large open space the borders a goat farm for the local university. A little bit of country in the city.
My dad has better things to do with his time. Isn't she cute
My brother has two girls. One for each grandparent it works out perfect.

My brother is telling us all about the workshop event attended the previous day on how to make real barbecue. Totally different than the chain restaurant we were eating. My brother can make a mean brisket. With   the advice, he will only improve.

Okay that ends our trip to San Antonio and Austin.

I'm home today, taking a sick day. My assistant made me promise not to take another day off two months. I broke his promise. Stomach cramps and loose stools kept me up all night. Not something to endure at work. So here I am making the best of the time I have. The first thing I did was to leave all of my porn. My mind is set on loftier goals. I am watching BBC's frozen planet. Definitely better for my mental health.

 I picked up some red on the narrow peppers the other day. Not narrow peppers habanero peppers. Good work Dragon. Usually these peppers are orange. The hottest jalapeno is 10,000 Scoville units. A habanero is 750,000 Scoville units. I fried three up in olive oil the other day, and added in to some leftover spaghetti sauce. I had to eat taking breaks to put ice in my mouth. Hot hot hot.

 The couple of days later I made a frozen pizza and I doctored it up with extra pepperoni and cheese and jumping up… No Dragon I said jalapeƱo. And I added just one of an yarrow. One was enough.

Saturday head spent three hours getting our taxes done. Sunday we had to go back together and sign the paperwork. Great picture, don't you think?

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to do some maintenance on my legitimate secret blog belongs to you John

 I will go on Pinto United launch… The dogs barking interrupts my dictation

to me one of the worst single I be the penguin would be the lack of privacy. The