Howdy, Pardner! Its eight thirty in the a.m. and I'm not at work... because I'm taking a vacation day. I need to get packed for the trip to San Antonio The agenda is to celebrate My father-in-laws's birthday and watch my nephew play varsity baseball. fun will be had by all. Look for an extensive blog when I get back bringing you all the best moments. Don't miss it. It will shock and amaze you at what we call fun.

Remember, when you find yourself stretched a little too far for comfort...
Hang in there, you pussy!
We have snacks for the car. I keep a bag packed, actually, several. One for casual, one for casual dress, and a third for dress (funerals and the such). This weekend, I'm taking the casual dress, which has kackies and white dress shirts. Can't go wrong there. I packed my good camera, to record the family moments. I have my Droid and phone with good music downloaded. I set up a DJ station in the back yard, my bro in law burns wood and we have a bon fire of sorts. You go to sleep smelling like smoke but its fun. We burn marshmallows and if he catches one, my bro in law will eat a scorpion freshly roasted. He hat the youngest to try it last time and he said it was not bad, not bad at all.
Speaking of the youngest, we are going to spend the trip studying , no, make that 'researching' biology. He has a test Monday when we get back. We will have three hours up and another three back to study. The plan is to make the most of the time. That reminds me, I need to print out some practice tests.
and...I need to load two air mattresses in case we run short of beds. Last but not least, I need to put drain o down the sink in my bath and bleach the shower on the way out. If I get all that accomplished, I will clean out the frig, taking the good stuff with, freezing what I can, and throwing away what will spoil before we get back. Traveling is hard work, don't kid yourself.
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