Monday, May 27, 2013


Someone's review, not mine.

Zombieland the series have they gone to far? in my opinion the series will be too much like the film but will never be as good because they face a big problem because they don't have the chemistry that Emma stone, woody harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg have in the film, which contributed to the film massively. Another problem is that one of the main protagonists in the film Tallahassee (Woody harrelson) who stood out for his sheer love and talent at killing zombies, who also was an ionic figure in zombie-land will never be lived up to by anyone else.

Columbus, Wichita and Little Rock more or less feel like the same characters that were introduced to us in the movie and are okay, but Tallahassee however feels completely different. Maybe it was Woody's charm and his natural bad ass attitude that makes the film so good, but this Tallahassee seems more like a joker than the film's version.

Overall the they manage to keep a similar feel to the series and make the 30 minute episode quite funny and comical. However when watching try to watch it as a series and don't make comparisons to the movie and try and focus in on the episode and it becomes quite enjoyable to watch and could be a success.

I can't really start until I get a couple pictures of cute animals and here

 You coming up or do you want us to come down?

. I'm watching the first episode of the second season of the series I mentioned called black mirror. Remember? The modern twilight zone? It's a really cool series.

I had to take off work yesterday. My blood pressure was a little high and I wanted to get some medication. I got my prescription and relax for the rest of the day. Seem like the right thing to do. We went to see the Indigo Girls later on that night. The wind with lambda and her husband Perry. It was the absolute best place to have a concert, no I can't call it a concert, it was just Amy and Emily playing. It was… A performance. One of the best performances I have ever seen. And I did not know if you've seen the movie to kill a Mockingbird, but this stage was set up in the old county courthouse which is now performing arts Center. Perry, plans husband, I think I mentioned that, was raised in this town. He knew every old building. And he knew what used to be in the place where any new building was. We received the hometown to her. Which is funny because performing arts theater was built with the influx of new yuppie money. McKinney Texas has become an upper-class bedroom community to Dallas. They got an Olive Garden.

 This is us going in sitting down. Honestly, Cheryl had more fun than what she looks like she's having. As we went out for Mexican food first!
 See what I mean we set up top in the balcony, just like the black people did in to kill a Mockingbird. I was looking for Atticus Finch to come out at any time
 See, I told you head had fun. See the smile on her face?
 Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The concert is about to begin

Not the best picture but you can kind of feeders to people play music. You'll have to trust me. It is the Indigo Girls.

This is a picture hanging in the entry hall of the courthouse. Perry remembered playing checkers with the old men in that very hallway. Playing checkers and what they call dropping knives. It's a way to trade knifes. Pocket knifes silly. And over and over again the key Mentioning for the blacks bathroom was. For the blacks water fountain once. When the doctor saw only black patients. It was definitely a segregated society. I wonder what they would think of this picture 20 years ago.
 This is the front of the courthouse. It does on us where that is now become an entertainment hotspot with paths, microbreweries, and upscale restaurants.

This is a panoramic picture I took of the square around the courthouse.

Had got her new tablet. She stayed up until two of the more morning setting it up. And she woke up early with me so she could start playing with it again. She is now watching her soap operas on it it was the perfect Mother's Day gift for her.

Made ham and spinach omelette for brunch today. I burned it on the bottom just enough for everyone to bitch. I'm grateful bastards. I will get another chance to redeem myself for dinner. Steak fried chicken livers grilled squash Caesar salad cornbread and roasted baby potatoes. You get something to wash that down with and you have one hell of a good time. One hell of a good time.

This episode of like mere weird. They all are. This one is about computer simulations. The first is about… You know the peak. The second one was about American ruling the world. And the third one was about recording every moment of every day. Technology gone awry you get the picture. In this episode ladies husband dies. Very sad. And cope with their grief, a friend signs are up for a computer simulation. It looks to all of the emails personal files and someone leaves and creates a persona. Then the persona sells her and Stephen Hawking style blowup doll. Almost as good as the real thing.

I think I will for some paint and draw a little..

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Black Mirror

Season 1, Episode 1

The National Anthem (4 Dec. 2011)

In the run-up to Christmas the British Prime Minister Michael Callow is woken up and shown a disturbing video. On it he sees that people's princess Susannah of Beaumont has been abducted and will allegedly be murdered unless he has sex with a pig on live television. An effort to trace the kidnapper on a deserted campus proves to be in vain and Michael dismisses his aides' suggestion that a porn star perform the bestiality with the PM's face digitally superimposed. News coverage and Internet tweeters go into overdrive as Michael ultimately does his duty,in a deserted room with one camera man and a seemingly contented pig. Despite being ordered not to look,millions of people tune in though their amusement soon turns to horror at what they see. Susannah is released,though it is kept from the prime minister that she was let go half an hour before his television performance. A year later,when Susannah is pregnant and Michael's popularity ratings have soared - though his marriage is under ... 

Me: this is a modern day twilight zone, only very very very dark. Only the British to come up with this.

It is Sunday evening, I'm watching a scary movie, Nazis and zombies… Pretty scary. I picked up a seek and find puzzle book at the dollar store today and I'm amusing myself with it. I have no intent of doing anything constructive for the rest of the evening. Everyone else in the family is doing their own thing.

Even when I do puzzles I have a thirst for knowledge. The puzzle is about the Mongol Empire. And since I don't know anything about the Golden horde, I looked them up.…

The Golden Horde (Tatar: Алтын Урда Altın UrdaMongolianЗүчийн улсZüchii-in UlsRussianЗолотая Ордаtr. Zolotaya Orda) was a Mongol and later Turkic khanate that was established in the 13th century and formed the north-western sector of the Mongol Empire.[1] The khanate is also known as the Kipchak Khanate or as the Ulus of Jochi.[2]
After the death of Batu Khan in 1255, the prosperity of his dynasty lasted for a full century until 1359, though the intrigues of Nogai did invoke a partial civil war in the late 1290s. The Horde's military power peaked during the reign of Uzbeg (1312–41), who adopted Islam. The territory of the Golden Horde at its peak included most of Eastern Europe from the Urals to the right banks of the Danube River, extending east deep into Siberia. In the south, the Golden Horde's lands bordered on the Black Sea, the Caucasus Mountains, and the territories of the Mongol dynasty known as the Ilkhanate.[3]
The khanate had begun to experience violent internal political disorder in 1359, before it was briefly reunited under Tokhtamysh in 1381. However, soon after the 1396 invasion of Tamerlane, it broke into smaller Tatar khanates that declined steadily in power. At the start of the 15th century the Horde began to fall apart. By 1433 it was simply referred to as the Great Horde. On its territories appeared numerous predominantly Turkic-speaking khanates. These internal struggles allowed the northern vassal state of Muscovy to rid itself of the "Tatar Yoke" at the Great stand on the Ugra river in 1480. The Crimean Khanate and the Kazakh Khanate, the last remnants of the Golden Horde, persisted until 1783 and 1847, respectively.

Started listing to an interesting science fiction novel: Ender's game. Soon to be a major motion picture starring Harrison Ford.

Ender's Game (1985) is a science fiction novel by American author Orson Scott Card. Set in Earth's future, the novel presents an imperiled humankind that has barely survived two conflicts with the "Buggers", an insectoid alien species. In preparation for an anticipated third invasion, an international fleet maintains a school to find and train future fleet commanders. The world's most talented children, including the novel's protagonist, Ender Wiggin, are taken at a very young age to a training center known as the Battle School. There, teachers train them in the arts of war through increasingly difficult games including ones undertaken in zero gravity in the Battle Room, where Ender's tactical genius is revealed.

Hello hello, found this left over from last weekend started but never finished it then that would make it finished with. Yet when it's over it's over. A recent stretch it out and send it out. This was for you my man, enjoy and I'll start working on another one immediately.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Desperate brain cancer-ridden Caucasian, George States, with only six months to live, decides to capture a male cobra with hopes of obtaining 'Nagmani' from the shape shifting Naga female. For reasons that remain obscure throughout the film this will not only cure his brain cancer but also make him immortal. He hires workers in the jungles of Natchi, Tamil Nadu, who witness the intimacy of the cobras, capture the male allowing the female to escape. George then holds the male cobra in a glass cage hoping that the female cobra will attempt a rescue, and he will then release it in exchange for the Nagamani. The region experiences horror and religious awakening after the enraged female cobra, with the image of its oppressor in its eyes, sheds its snake-skin and takes on a female human form, setting out on its deadly mission of tracking down and destroying her mate's oppressor, and whoever else gets in her way whether involved or not.

This is the worst that can movie ever. Lynch gene pool is very shallow. I did really enjoy her movie called surveillance. Capitalized yourself my dictation software won't.

Okay it is Saturday time to start a new blog and this time to do a little bit different. Within a goal with what I like to call a stream of consciousness. I'm going to start by reading straight out of my daily Journal. Whenever I want to break and expand on the thought I will label the paragraph… Aside… And then go back to the Journal I don't know if this is a good idea or not but it's an idea nonetheless. Don't judge me.

Let us begin…
5.2.13 851 in the morning
hello hello. It's been a long time since I wrote in the journal book that wasn't half blank, half blind came across a dozen of that type of work. They sucked what we use them for, who draws? So I bought a dozen at $.50 each and swap them out. The idea was a good one. Start drawing more,. And it certainly got me going. That said, I've started journaling every morning and most nights in our room, and I'm way ahead on writing behind on drawing. My idea? Use a writing journal at the same time. I can glue and guess oh pages to make it a proper life journal that is include illustrations. Whenever I want I just like writing. My right arm is killing me and I still love to scratch out a few lines. Dean is in studying worth a damn, but no luck? Playing well, talking to Joe, puts a smile on his face. My behavior was just bringing us both down. I miss dad. My job is to love him. Unconditionally. I can't do that pissed off because he isn't studying. I never studied either. Only I still made the grades. He's a different person. I still don't hit the books like I should. I did make some kick ass lemon cream cheese sticky buns. First attempt. Unfortunately I can't have one. Planned on sending a batch for… I can read my own writing… I planned on making a batch for practice and in making another batch to send Cheryl to her work. Oh no. Out of yeast. Enough one batch. And none of the dead asses would go get me for yeast. Funny that when I offered to drive them for frozen yogurt, the car was packed! It was a quick fun trip in the yogurt that we got in waffle cones was tasty. I ate my yogurt with the oldest watching Chicago versus New York I mean Brooklyn. I surf the net and read some while we watched. I listened to the oldest when he had something to say. Cheryl is writing and reading. The two go together. It's true, writers write but writers also read! Write that down! She is into devotionals. Plans on writing a curriculum for youth. Youth and youth leaders. Darn good idea. God damn good idea!

Aside aside: aside: the software screwing up… I'm a little embarrassed about how not organized my thoughts are, remember that this comes straight out of my journal. There were pauses in between the different sections and ideas. I just don't bother to make new paragraphs. I can get away with this because I   told you this is a stream of consciousness…

 Age came up to get her phone charger. Phone. We use them for so much more. Not only do I not grow up using cellular phones, there wasn't an Internet home. Who would've thought the two would come together and be in everyone's pocket. And they're used just as much at home. Social networking for head. Texting for the youngest. Surfing the web for the oldest. Music, TV, photos for me. The youngest brought up a study guide, on the narrow system, for me to see. To see how much he has been working in that he has a study plan. I wrote this morning that I wanted to get my joy back. To get joy back in my life. It's back.
Speaking of back, a colleague at work as a pinched nerve. The chiropractor sent him to the emergency room. The emergency room referred him to a neurologist. That's the opposite of good. Everyone wondered how he did it. Some implied he hurt himself during sex. I said I didn't think so. I hurt my back during sex, but it happened at the same time I lost the hearing in one year… From my wife yelling my name.
cold front moved in. Someone said that they usually go to Dairy Queen to get a blizzard in May. Ha ha. No snow. Cold. Rain later on tonight, if at all. I will have a reason to stay indoors all weekend if it is cold. I need to get the fence in scooter fixed before my folks come in a couple of weeks. They gave me money to have both fixed.
I stole the dog from head, called him when   she came for the charger. He's under his blanket here beside me. Looks comfortable. I'll curl up and read now.

Aside: it's the day after I made this entry. Sunday. I like the whole stream of consciousness thing. I do have a problem with the lag between the time I wrote the journal entry and I'm dictating it into the blog. I would like to be more current. So I will close this blog and skip ahead in my journal to what I wrote today. Sunday. Try and make it a little more current.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Poughkeepsie Tapes

When hundreds of videotapes showing torture, murder and dismemberment are found in an abandoned house, they reveal a serial killer's decade-long reign of terror and become the most disturbing collection of evidence homicide detectives have ever seen.

Me: This is the scariest looking movie ever don't watch it if you want to sleep at night.

No reason for me to freeze all my feet…

It's nice to have a big friend.

Sometimes you wish your friend wasn't so big.

I can see you wearing this

I see a lot of pictures with turtles and tortoises as pets. Is this the new hipster pet? I can decide if I like this are not…

This little guy might be scared to death but he looks happy as hell doesn't he?

Soviet POW stares down Heinrich Himmler, head of the Gestapo and the Waffen-SS. This man is often confused with Horace Greasley.

ME: I like this guy he is giving the stank eye to the meanest Nazi , this guy could have him killed in a minute.. Which makes this prisoner the badest some bitch ever.


I got a call from my high school, no card in the mail, to contact them to update my information and let everyone know how my life is been these past 20 years. I saw this and thinking about sending this in is my contribution.

This is just weird enough for me to want to do. Once you try it?

I finally found a picture of Einstein his wife that I mentioned last week. Actually this blog is from last week, last Sunday, I just never sent it off. So before I get started on this week's blogs, I have to finish last week's. It just makes me happy to   see them so happy.

The Clintons when they thought they were cool

I feel this way about Almost every book I read…


Okay okay, it's a 2:45 in the afternoon I took my job a very slow jog not a job although it was work ha ha. Poughkeepsie tapes movie was scary as hell must watch it again scary scary scary stuff. I need to go work on my other blogs for little while my food blog in particular I can do that in finish watching the movie I started yesterday. We just finished watching the thunder sneak a win for the grizzlies in the first game of their series. We were not rooting for the thunder. Now everyone is doing their own… The youngest is on his computer, the oldest is on his computer, and head is taking in that… And I'm on my computer, obviously. Within the hour we're going to make a run to Starbucks, they are having a special, half-price. That's the right price for Starbucks. We could afford them if we wanted. It is is better to get a deal. Like Kramer said, on Seinfeld, only suckers pay full price

Okay I have caught up with last week's blog let it fly let it fly let it fly to configuring your eye. I'm out of here.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Dead Birds.[2004]

In Civil War-era Alabama, a band of outlaws takes refuge at an abandoned plantation after robbing a bank that held a cache of Confederate gold. Led by William, the group includes Sam, Todd, Annabelle, Clyde and Joseph. They intend to flee to Mexico, but nightfall and a thunderstorm force the robbers to remain in place. As the night wears on, each member of the group begins to have visions of the atrocities that occurred within the house. As supernatural forces begin to manifest themselves, the six turn on one another.

Dead Birds poster

I've heard walking a tightrope, that this cats walking too tight ropes!
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!

This is me, I started this blog yesterday, that would be Saturday, and this is about as far as I got… Some starting to begin here on Sunday were all thinking of you here John Cheryl is downstairs writing you a devotional, love sharing my blog with you. We got up early this morning. We are both awake by 6 o'clock. That wasn't the case yesterday. We were still in bed at 1030 yesterday. I had gotten up at three in the morning. Went down to my lab. And he came back to bed it was a really nice comfortable day. Today it was nice to wake up just on our own time. Have an extra hours in the mornings as a bonus. I actually had a mission. Last night I had a picture… I found a picture online of Albert Einstein and his wife. They were laughing. And it is the first thing I thought about this morning. Obviously because me and share a laugh. I doubt if Einstein and his wife were laughing and farts but that's not the point.

so I ran into my computer this morning, and tried to find that picture again. I wanted to sketch. Can't find it. Found a lot of nice pictures. Glad to see Einstein and his wife laughed all through the years.



Love Is A Better Teacher Than Duty


Then I found some other pictures that I wanted to share with you. This is what we will look like inside the pool this summer because I'm not going to cut my hair.

And it is serendipitous, I'm surprised that the dictation software had that word, it is serendipitous that Terri Hendrix has and how mom with the name Einstein and it so she showed up when I was looking for pictures and… Terry will be one of the performers at the local outdoor concert series. We love Terry. I paid money to see her 20 years ago. 15 years ago. She sings a really cute song called to dollar shoes. She raises goats in the hill country around Austin and she is Texas music. She is bringing Lloyd Maines with her who is the icon of Texas music the best slide guitar player ever. He is a studio musician that everyone knows about. His daughter is more famous. She is the little short fat one in the Dixie chicks. But I will definitely be on the grass in the sun under a hat with a cold beer in my hand, or malt liquor, watching Terry play her music.

demotivational poster REPRODUCTION

Okay these pictures came from a website called read it and it has all these different themes I've been looking at the food page and the rooms page, some people as really nice houses, and I also look at the battle stations, that means computers, and now I'm looking at just the random pictures that people post to put more humor in my life. Even if they don't want to be or don't mean to be people are funny as hell especially when you're trying to be serious. I'm going to go back to that site right now and go through the pictures for two reasons. One to find things to sketch to do five things to share with you and comment on them he put the URL underneath your so you can go anytime you want and look at pictures yourself is always new pictures every day.

Germ Fighter Synergy Essential Oil Blend. 10 ml. 100% Pure, Undiluted, Therapeutic Grade. This Germ-Fighting essential oil blend was created based on oils that, as legend tells, were used by robbers and thieves during medieval times to protect themselves from the plague and other diseases of their victims. A 1997 study at Weber State University showed the oils in this blend to be 99.96% effective against airborne bacteria.

I like to give away hot sauce this a be a great way to label the jars.

You know I think we all feel that way sometimes okay all the time.

The second light at the end of time only talk about?

Yeah by the way happy Cinco de Mayo

As soon as I find out you're going to the site on your own, I'll stop sending the crap

Morgan tried this last night and it is actually a interactive drawing things not some old man playing in his own poop so don't be afraid to go there and look.

He's having a bad day, just found out dinosaurs are all dead

I'm a go ahead and close this now. When looking at the photo gallery, I came across a horror movie that I want to see. Looks really scary. Usually I like torture movies, but I do like serial killers, and the 2 ton overlap. So I'm not in a finish the movie I started yesterday today, well not right now. No watch the scary movie. Drink my coffee. And when I let this blog fly and start a new one for you. you de man  baby. No"!'