Someone's review, not mine.
Zombieland the series have they gone to far? in my opinion the series will be too much like the film but will never be as good because they face a big problem because they don't have the chemistry that Emma stone, woody harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg have in the film, which contributed to the film massively. Another problem is that one of the main protagonists in the film Tallahassee (Woody harrelson) who stood out for his sheer love and talent at killing zombies, who also was an ionic figure in zombie-land will never be lived up to by anyone else.
Columbus, Wichita and Little Rock more or less feel like the same characters that were introduced to us in the movie and are okay, but Tallahassee however feels completely different. Maybe it was Woody's charm and his natural bad ass attitude that makes the film so good, but this Tallahassee seems more like a joker than the film's version.
Overall the they manage to keep a similar feel to the series and make the 30 minute episode quite funny and comical. However when watching try to watch it as a series and don't make comparisons to the movie and try and focus in on the episode and it becomes quite enjoyable to watch and could be a success.
I can't really start until I get a couple pictures of cute animals and here
You coming up or do you want us to come down?
. I'm watching the first episode of the second season of the series I mentioned called black mirror. Remember? The modern twilight zone? It's a really cool series.
I had to take off work yesterday. My blood pressure was a little high and I wanted to get some medication. I got my prescription and relax for the rest of the day. Seem like the right thing to do. We went to see the Indigo Girls later on that night. The wind with lambda and her husband Perry. It was the absolute best place to have a concert, no I can't call it a concert, it was just Amy and Emily playing. It was… A performance. One of the best performances I have ever seen. And I did not know if you've seen the movie to kill a Mockingbird, but this stage was set up in the old county courthouse which is now performing arts Center. Perry, plans husband, I think I mentioned that, was raised in this town. He knew every old building. And he knew what used to be in the place where any new building was. We received the hometown to her. Which is funny because performing arts theater was built with the influx of new yuppie money. McKinney Texas has become an upper-class bedroom community to Dallas. They got an Olive Garden.
This is us going in sitting down. Honestly, Cheryl had more fun than what she looks like she's having. As we went out for Mexican food first!
See what I mean we set up top in the balcony, just like the black people did in to kill a Mockingbird. I was looking for Atticus Finch to come out at any time
See, I told you head had fun. See the smile on her face?
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The concert is about to begin
Not the best picture but you can kind of feeders to people play music. You'll have to trust me. It is the Indigo Girls.

This is a picture hanging in the entry hall of the courthouse. Perry remembered playing checkers with the old men in that very hallway. Playing checkers and what they call dropping knives. It's a way to trade knifes. Pocket knifes silly. And over and over again the key Mentioning for the blacks bathroom was. For the blacks water fountain once. When the doctor saw only black patients. It was definitely a segregated society. I wonder what they would think of this picture 20 years ago.
This is the front of the courthouse. It does on us where that is now become an entertainment hotspot with paths, microbreweries, and upscale restaurants.
This is a panoramic picture I took of the square around the courthouse.
Had got her new tablet. She stayed up until two of the more morning setting it up. And she woke up early with me so she could start playing with it again. She is now watching her soap operas on it it was the perfect Mother's Day gift for her.
Made ham and spinach omelette for brunch today. I burned it on the bottom just enough for everyone to bitch. I'm grateful bastards. I will get another chance to redeem myself for dinner. Steak fried chicken livers grilled squash Caesar salad cornbread and roasted baby potatoes. You get something to wash that down with and you have one hell of a good time. One hell of a good time.
This episode of like mere weird. They all are. This one is about computer simulations. The first is about… You know the peak. The second one was about American ruling the world. And the third one was about recording every moment of every day. Technology gone awry you get the picture. In this episode ladies husband dies. Very sad. And cope with their grief, a friend signs are up for a computer simulation. It looks to all of the emails personal files and someone leaves and creates a persona. Then the persona sells her and Stephen Hawking style blowup doll. Almost as good as the real thing.
I think I will for some paint and draw a little..