Sunday, May 5, 2013

Dead Birds.[2004]

In Civil War-era Alabama, a band of outlaws takes refuge at an abandoned plantation after robbing a bank that held a cache of Confederate gold. Led by William, the group includes Sam, Todd, Annabelle, Clyde and Joseph. They intend to flee to Mexico, but nightfall and a thunderstorm force the robbers to remain in place. As the night wears on, each member of the group begins to have visions of the atrocities that occurred within the house. As supernatural forces begin to manifest themselves, the six turn on one another.

Dead Birds poster

I've heard walking a tightrope, that this cats walking too tight ropes!
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!

This is me, I started this blog yesterday, that would be Saturday, and this is about as far as I got… Some starting to begin here on Sunday were all thinking of you here John Cheryl is downstairs writing you a devotional, love sharing my blog with you. We got up early this morning. We are both awake by 6 o'clock. That wasn't the case yesterday. We were still in bed at 1030 yesterday. I had gotten up at three in the morning. Went down to my lab. And he came back to bed it was a really nice comfortable day. Today it was nice to wake up just on our own time. Have an extra hours in the mornings as a bonus. I actually had a mission. Last night I had a picture… I found a picture online of Albert Einstein and his wife. They were laughing. And it is the first thing I thought about this morning. Obviously because me and share a laugh. I doubt if Einstein and his wife were laughing and farts but that's not the point.

so I ran into my computer this morning, and tried to find that picture again. I wanted to sketch. Can't find it. Found a lot of nice pictures. Glad to see Einstein and his wife laughed all through the years.



Love Is A Better Teacher Than Duty


Then I found some other pictures that I wanted to share with you. This is what we will look like inside the pool this summer because I'm not going to cut my hair.

And it is serendipitous, I'm surprised that the dictation software had that word, it is serendipitous that Terri Hendrix has and how mom with the name Einstein and it so she showed up when I was looking for pictures and… Terry will be one of the performers at the local outdoor concert series. We love Terry. I paid money to see her 20 years ago. 15 years ago. She sings a really cute song called to dollar shoes. She raises goats in the hill country around Austin and she is Texas music. She is bringing Lloyd Maines with her who is the icon of Texas music the best slide guitar player ever. He is a studio musician that everyone knows about. His daughter is more famous. She is the little short fat one in the Dixie chicks. But I will definitely be on the grass in the sun under a hat with a cold beer in my hand, or malt liquor, watching Terry play her music.

demotivational poster REPRODUCTION

Okay these pictures came from a website called read it and it has all these different themes I've been looking at the food page and the rooms page, some people as really nice houses, and I also look at the battle stations, that means computers, and now I'm looking at just the random pictures that people post to put more humor in my life. Even if they don't want to be or don't mean to be people are funny as hell especially when you're trying to be serious. I'm going to go back to that site right now and go through the pictures for two reasons. One to find things to sketch to do five things to share with you and comment on them he put the URL underneath your so you can go anytime you want and look at pictures yourself is always new pictures every day.

Germ Fighter Synergy Essential Oil Blend. 10 ml. 100% Pure, Undiluted, Therapeutic Grade. This Germ-Fighting essential oil blend was created based on oils that, as legend tells, were used by robbers and thieves during medieval times to protect themselves from the plague and other diseases of their victims. A 1997 study at Weber State University showed the oils in this blend to be 99.96% effective against airborne bacteria.

I like to give away hot sauce this a be a great way to label the jars.

You know I think we all feel that way sometimes okay all the time.

The second light at the end of time only talk about?

Yeah by the way happy Cinco de Mayo

As soon as I find out you're going to the site on your own, I'll stop sending the crap

Morgan tried this last night and it is actually a interactive drawing things not some old man playing in his own poop so don't be afraid to go there and look.

He's having a bad day, just found out dinosaurs are all dead

I'm a go ahead and close this now. When looking at the photo gallery, I came across a horror movie that I want to see. Looks really scary. Usually I like torture movies, but I do like serial killers, and the 2 ton overlap. So I'm not in a finish the movie I started yesterday today, well not right now. No watch the scary movie. Drink my coffee. And when I let this blog fly and start a new one for you. you de man  baby. No"!'

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