Sunday, May 12, 2013


Desperate brain cancer-ridden Caucasian, George States, with only six months to live, decides to capture a male cobra with hopes of obtaining 'Nagmani' from the shape shifting Naga female. For reasons that remain obscure throughout the film this will not only cure his brain cancer but also make him immortal. He hires workers in the jungles of Natchi, Tamil Nadu, who witness the intimacy of the cobras, capture the male allowing the female to escape. George then holds the male cobra in a glass cage hoping that the female cobra will attempt a rescue, and he will then release it in exchange for the Nagamani. The region experiences horror and religious awakening after the enraged female cobra, with the image of its oppressor in its eyes, sheds its snake-skin and takes on a female human form, setting out on its deadly mission of tracking down and destroying her mate's oppressor, and whoever else gets in her way whether involved or not.

This is the worst that can movie ever. Lynch gene pool is very shallow. I did really enjoy her movie called surveillance. Capitalized yourself my dictation software won't.

Okay it is Saturday time to start a new blog and this time to do a little bit different. Within a goal with what I like to call a stream of consciousness. I'm going to start by reading straight out of my daily Journal. Whenever I want to break and expand on the thought I will label the paragraph… Aside… And then go back to the Journal I don't know if this is a good idea or not but it's an idea nonetheless. Don't judge me.

Let us begin…
5.2.13 851 in the morning
hello hello. It's been a long time since I wrote in the journal book that wasn't half blank, half blind came across a dozen of that type of work. They sucked what we use them for, who draws? So I bought a dozen at $.50 each and swap them out. The idea was a good one. Start drawing more,. And it certainly got me going. That said, I've started journaling every morning and most nights in our room, and I'm way ahead on writing behind on drawing. My idea? Use a writing journal at the same time. I can glue and guess oh pages to make it a proper life journal that is include illustrations. Whenever I want I just like writing. My right arm is killing me and I still love to scratch out a few lines. Dean is in studying worth a damn, but no luck? Playing well, talking to Joe, puts a smile on his face. My behavior was just bringing us both down. I miss dad. My job is to love him. Unconditionally. I can't do that pissed off because he isn't studying. I never studied either. Only I still made the grades. He's a different person. I still don't hit the books like I should. I did make some kick ass lemon cream cheese sticky buns. First attempt. Unfortunately I can't have one. Planned on sending a batch for… I can read my own writing… I planned on making a batch for practice and in making another batch to send Cheryl to her work. Oh no. Out of yeast. Enough one batch. And none of the dead asses would go get me for yeast. Funny that when I offered to drive them for frozen yogurt, the car was packed! It was a quick fun trip in the yogurt that we got in waffle cones was tasty. I ate my yogurt with the oldest watching Chicago versus New York I mean Brooklyn. I surf the net and read some while we watched. I listened to the oldest when he had something to say. Cheryl is writing and reading. The two go together. It's true, writers write but writers also read! Write that down! She is into devotionals. Plans on writing a curriculum for youth. Youth and youth leaders. Darn good idea. God damn good idea!

Aside aside: aside: the software screwing up… I'm a little embarrassed about how not organized my thoughts are, remember that this comes straight out of my journal. There were pauses in between the different sections and ideas. I just don't bother to make new paragraphs. I can get away with this because I   told you this is a stream of consciousness…

 Age came up to get her phone charger. Phone. We use them for so much more. Not only do I not grow up using cellular phones, there wasn't an Internet home. Who would've thought the two would come together and be in everyone's pocket. And they're used just as much at home. Social networking for head. Texting for the youngest. Surfing the web for the oldest. Music, TV, photos for me. The youngest brought up a study guide, on the narrow system, for me to see. To see how much he has been working in that he has a study plan. I wrote this morning that I wanted to get my joy back. To get joy back in my life. It's back.
Speaking of back, a colleague at work as a pinched nerve. The chiropractor sent him to the emergency room. The emergency room referred him to a neurologist. That's the opposite of good. Everyone wondered how he did it. Some implied he hurt himself during sex. I said I didn't think so. I hurt my back during sex, but it happened at the same time I lost the hearing in one year… From my wife yelling my name.
cold front moved in. Someone said that they usually go to Dairy Queen to get a blizzard in May. Ha ha. No snow. Cold. Rain later on tonight, if at all. I will have a reason to stay indoors all weekend if it is cold. I need to get the fence in scooter fixed before my folks come in a couple of weeks. They gave me money to have both fixed.
I stole the dog from head, called him when   she came for the charger. He's under his blanket here beside me. Looks comfortable. I'll curl up and read now.

Aside: it's the day after I made this entry. Sunday. I like the whole stream of consciousness thing. I do have a problem with the lag between the time I wrote the journal entry and I'm dictating it into the blog. I would like to be more current. So I will close this blog and skip ahead in my journal to what I wrote today. Sunday. Try and make it a little more current.

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