Saturday, December 21, 2013


In Philadelphia, Detective Bowden is still grieving for his wife and son, killed in a hit-and-run five years ago. When someone jumps from a skyscraper onto a truck, Bowden is sent to investigate. Meanwhile, five strangers are trapped in an elevator in the building where the jumper committed suicide. The communication radio in the elevator is broken but the guards, Lustig and Ramirez, observe the individuals via CCTV as events unfold. Tensions run high among those trapped, so Lustig calls the police and Detective Bowden assumes the case. Without being able to contact the individuals, he tries to work out who they are, but he can only account for four of them. Time is running out for the occupants of the elevator, as Bowden realizes he has to get them out quickly.

Monday morning

Getting ready for work. I say that not as an offhand comment. I am really concentrating on getting ready to go to work. I have performed my meditation. Thirty something minutes of relaxation and affirmations that have noticeably reduced my stress level. It has help to put me in a very mindful state of mind. Redundant? I've nourished my body with medicine, supplements, water, and delish coffee.  My mind has been fed information about Healthy Aging in a book compiled by the experts at Johns Hopkins.
I see the work awakening with me. Holly is wollering on the floor... Head turns and farts every now and then. Cars blink through the shadow of the curtains on the balcony doors.
I think that my time writing is just as important as any of the other habits i encourage. As I've said, it calms my mind. It gives me a place to empty my head, organize those random thoughts, and think things through.
I spent quite a bit of time blogging this weekend. I didn’t get to scribble very much. I would download one of these journals and edit it to a point to where it was somewhat readable. Then I would download pictures from the camera, my phone, and my tablet. Then I would put a post-up on my anonymous site. Then I would edit it down and post it on my public site. I made at least one post on my food and art sites. That was the process. I hope to be better organized this week and do a week and weekend journal. That would be two posts. And then I can carry on, posting a week behind. Anything that doesn't get posted doesn't. I do not want to make myself a slave to this. Rather. I want to make the medium comfortable and so integrated that I can use it for more and more projects.

It's Monday and I have several things I am very aware of. Things I am not getting done. I am not making the progress on the projects I have at work. And all ready this week looks full. I have not made a step towards initiating the new business. And, I have not planted one seed. The bet I have managed was to water the plants. Poor performance.
Now on the upside. I have exercised. I have cooked and eaten well. I am proud that we were able to come together as a family and play Tokaido. I am happy about the family interaction. I am starting to realize how socialization is essential and requires constant vigilance. I hope to build on that this week.
So I do have a couple of 'plates spinnin' but there is ....there are more plates to be put up.
Xmas is two weeks away. If I don't want to find myself shopping at the last minute, I had better get out there and soon. The gifts are necessary but per functionary. I am not out to change anybody's life with the 'perfect' gift. As I get older, the food is more important. I plan on making the food one of my gifts to the group.
The sun has brightened and I must make a move....
As in a make a Movement...I regret not turning on the heater in the bathroom. A cold seat is a woman's curse, not a man's.
I am jumping back under the covers and letting ye old skunk works heat up...
Tuesday Morning seven o'clock. It wasn't while I was texting in sick, I got a call. Someone had come in early and did not know the new code. So, neither do I. And while I have you on the line, I won't be in today. Feel horrible.
Obviously I am not going to put this on the public site. I need a day to shop. We got paid yesterday and I don't have any gifts bought. I have been participating in the gift selection. Besides putting things on my wish list on Amazon, I culled the items off my list to the cart that I have selected for other people. Mostly knives. The Swedish King, Mohr, and the tactical choice, Meyerco. And Pa likes my razor knife, so I had to find him one. It is the eleventh hour so I will need to enlist Mor's help in getting the benefits of his Amazon Prime account.
H wants perfume, Versace Versace bright crystal perfume, to be exact. I had to look at the text she sent me twice to make sure I got it right. I will go on line in a minute and see if I can find it and get it here in time. If not, it's off to the real stores to see if I can find it. Or if I have to settle for Ralph Lauren, the classic she always appreciates.
Yesterday was a fairly productive day at work. Got paid. Took Jeremy a jar of white chili and a round of cheesy jalapeno cornbread. Serrano peppers actually. I also made him and Wheat bean and egg tacos for breakfast. I took steel oats for break. Not taco. I also made myself a great sandwich out of a piece of chicken and a half an avocado with the Asian slaw from the fish tacos we had the other night. It was excellent on nutty flax and wheat bread. Only, the avocado should of been green, not the chicken.

I had to set up so bacteria plates so I got home in the dark. Didn't get a chance to walk and too lazy to ride the bike. So I started doing my part for dinner. Making the red sauce to go with Mor's sausage and peppers. I made the salad. Dean didn’t eat; he had a sadness bowl at work. What is a sadness bowl? He makes it for himself at work: Cajun rice, red beans, chicken tenders, and lots of Louisiana hot sauce. He was smart enough to know he was full and didn't need to put a full meal on top of that. Wheat and I Id play Careers. Head wanted to watch the Voice. Mor and I watched basketball before I came up to play the board game with Wheat. We played three rounds. Then I came to bed, fund a new book to start, and read myself to sleep. I found a modern writer, a woman, who does classic noir fiction, like Thompson. The bigges...Her biggest hit is 'Queenpin', her third attempt.
H is petting P. Ho is grunting and wollering. I have a mug beside me.
I had gotten up earlier, thinking it was...
My pudding will not wait...

Shopping. Done.
Two bottles of perfume...delivered!
H is reading an article I sent about 'non jobs' and how working for yourself is a no-brainer. I’ve mentioned it. She is interested in it, so I have to wait to show her what I would like to buy for gifts. I am going to try and sell her on an expensive gift for rod, but I doubt it will fly....
Didn't even ask about upping Rod's gift. I looked on his wish list and he had selected a brand of knife I wanted for myself so you know my philosophy, if it's good enough for me it's too good for you.
Knifes are a great gift for guys. Rod gets one, pa gets one, I always get rob one, wheat is buying Eddie one and I am buying Danny one. And my personal gift to my boys will be...a knife. Head wants me to order one for myself. There u go. I can order extra of one or two of the knifes.
I had to call back in to work about not coming in. It put me on edge.  Expected the person I told to pass on the word.
The net went down so I took the opportunity to make breakfast. French toast, sausage, and eggs on toast. Mmmmmm.
About to jump in the shower. I have been going without deodorant and paid the price.  Stunk up the bed last night. I mi GH t not need deodorant every day but I need deodorant sometimes.
Time to go Xmas shopping!!!!!
Tuesday evening
Home form shopping. It is work. Make no mistake about it. We are all in the living room debating whether or not we could give someone a shot. A news story about flu vaccinations.
Wheat is washing his clothes to go in tomorrow. He was called in today. To help a newby cover the register. He is dependable. That is saying a lot. It says a lot about who Wheat is.

Mor is making a tofu cheesecake. It is a classic case of transference. He needs to work on the pool. The weather is great so he is missing an excellent opportunity to clean the pool and rake the leaves. It will be cold on Fri. But he is making a cheesecake. It is like the college student who cleans the house rather than study. Transference.

But, I have much to say about me, one of my favorite subjects. I went to two places. Target and Dollar General. I bought stocking stuffers for all and gifts for Head. She is my responsibility. Everyone else is who responsibility. I sat down with Mor and ordered the items I and and her agreed on.

My final stop was the grocery store. I bought one gift there. For Holly. A big bed. Nice and soft and clean and new.   One boy needs to go bring the bed in and the other needs to bring in the dog food.
I need to get motivated and make dinner. Spring rolls, asparagus was on sale, and pork stir fry. At our house, pork stir fry means pineapple and cashews. Tonight it is with snow peas and shitake mushrooms. That is dinner. How lucky are we to get all that?
Big news, everyone is buying lottery tickets. Poor tax = lottery!
I have had my first screwdriver. Mmmmm. It went down a little too smoothly. Maybe one more than i switch to bear...

Shit, national news starts with the lottery. Shit, what have we come too?
What profession is a black neck beard most likely to have?
Announcer for fighting games?
No, rapping. MFDoom, Killer Mic, and the Woo Tan Clan are the original nerds.
They like Kung u movies and chess.
As soon as Mor gets out of the kitchen, I will be on...
We started the search for a spring form pan. I had just bought a silicon one, with a glass bottom. Found everything but the glass bottom. After we couldn't find it, I figured it out; it was on the cake server. Oh yeh.

But get this, we found a set of three metal spring forms in the cabinets with the appliances.
Dean is conversing with Mor on WoW strategies...
Time for that second screwdriver.
I have been by myself for half an hour or so. Before that, Wheat and I read the first chapter of a new book. 'Timebound' by Rysa Walker. It was a special on Amazon, came to me by email with one suggestion, one special per genre. Thriller. Romance. This was the one for Young Adult. I liked the reviews so I clicked on the icon, entered my information, and let Amazon charge me two bucks for the book. I downloaded it on my kindle, once I found my kindle. It was handy, on my bedside table, in its case. I have a case for it and the nook. Both I took from the office of our salesperson when he left the job. He picked them up as gifts at trade shows. Both perfect for the task. Only I keep the tablet out and the keyboard and composition in the clipboard with the compartment to hold everything. It is my portable desk. I am writing on it now. The keyboard, which I absolutely love, on the black plastic, oversized clipboard and the tablet beside me so I can glance over and make sure all things are working.
I am trying to use the composition as much as possible. For fiction, doodles. It is important to keep the physical activities of reading and writing along with the technology. I hope to keep both. The ink and the bit. One should not replace or exist without the other. They go hand in hand.

I sat down with Mor. Ate my bowl of stir fry. Then we ate Mor's tofu cheesecake. Dean came down to get me when he took a break for his desert. Then Wheat and I came to our room, Head's and mine, to read. He read. I read. He read again until I dozed off. Then, to stay awake, I finished the chapter.

Then he left and I wrote a few pages in the composition. I had gotten it out to doodle, to keep from fall asleep, while he read. When he left, it was handy. So, I wrote a few pages. Just some day to day about The Nice Lady. Then I sketched some...and looked back through the composition. I was finishing a composition a, one a month. I really like the ones that are half blank, half rule led. I now have half a dozen compete and another half a dozen that need to be finished. And by finished I mean have all the pages filled. I do not want to make my own journals, not like Jennie Bellie. They look rough and they do not appease my need for uniformity. I like that they all look the same. Before the compositions I used spirals. Again, to be uniform and because I'm cheap.

I am starting to sketch on printer paper. It feeds through the scanner easily. I can get the art up on the computer very, very easily.
But I still see the need to keep the compositions going. I picked up stocking stuffers for myself today, doing Head the favor, and most of what I picked out for myself was embellishments. A stamp and some little stickers. Nothing fancy. And some erasers. I go through a lot of erasers and world hate to run out. I found great sale on some at Target so I picked up two packages of two. I like to sketch with the pencil and then go over it with pen. I need the erasers to clean up the graphite.

Mor didn’t eat. Last night it was Wheat and tonight it was Mor. couldn’t' be the can of turkey chili he ate when he woke up at two in the afternoon. He had to work late, may be until two or three in the morning. He just wasn’t ready to eat. I bet he has a bowl of stir fry later tonight. He ate a bagel instead. With peanut butter. I put some cream cheese to go with the beagles. They were my indulgence at the store. I justified them because they were half price, two bucks rather than four, and they had three grams of fiber each. And they were really good, soft and fresh covered with poppy and sesame seeds. No one will get their ears chewed for under eating around here. Under eating isn't our problem.
On the subject, Mom called to see if I had a menu in mind for the holiday. Morgan’s Chilean Chicken, or is it Peruvian? Anyway, the way he cooks it with all the cumin and the green cilantro sauce to go with. Some tamale if we can get them. Punch. Queso. Munchies of every imaginable sort. We will visit and play games. Eventually going to bed. Waking up for more food, this time my biscuits with sausage gravy, and gifts. Santa for the girls. We will exchange with each other. Then hand out. Dinner will be hearty but simple, steak and baked potatoes. Yams. Salad. Green beans because Mor, Mom and I love them. With tomatoes, Bill Miller style. I have a boxed key lime pie or...if I get ramekins, lava cakes. Desert of the gods. More games. Maybe a movie.  Rand R+2 leave the day after. I go to work. Granny and the boys are going to see the Hobbit. Three hours long. I think the folks go back the next day, on Friday. I’m taking off for New Year’s. I didn't think about Xmas dayI don't mind workign. I say that and today I called in sick. I guess I should have taken some time off. They will be easy days. I would think. But drama has its own...drama has a mind of its own.
Enough about what might happen. Back to what happened.
Although, having said that, I think I may have caught myself up. I will read now, maybe watch some TV. I have a couple of books boing myself. One I started last night, the hard boiled fiction, girl style. And another I'm reading off the phone, about aliens and the government agency tasked to fight them.
Wednesday morning
Poop...let the nook run down. Couldn't write until just now. Left with only a few minutes.
I used the time to meditate. To read. To watch a video on beginning yoga. I read the johns Hopkins by OK on healthy aging. The first chapter on exercise has forced me to realize I have lapsed into a sedentary lifestyle. Thirty minutes every day, jogging and weights as much as possible. I need the get the garage set up. It is so cluttered none of us are going out there to use the bike or weights. The boys have been tasked to get the pool and leaves; I have tasked myself to get the garage organized. Put everything away. Take long-term storage to the attic.
Right now I have to get ready to go to work.
The evening is winding down. Watching XFactor. The finalists, x3.
Mor is playing games, I sat with him. Listened to his take on some of the new games, some of the old games. No bball. The Spurs v. Suns late. Wheat is having great success on WoW some folks are giving him things he needs to level up. He is so motivated, he wants to keep playing. No reading tonight.
I don't mind. I have a vicious headache. I didn't take caffeine to work and I paid the price. It still hurt. Even after a tall boy PBR and strong vodka and seven. Don’t get me wrong. I am not hurting by any means. Wasn't excited about dinner so I had refries and tortillas. Guess what, Wheat had the same thing. Great minds... Head liked the roasted asparagus. She likes it when her piss reeks. She is sick!

I have a liter of water to down. Not too fast or I just piss it out. I like to drink it all through the night finish the last of it early in the morning. After I hear Alex and Sierra sing, for the third tie tonight, I’m under the covers. Helllllo tablet! I've mentioned how it makes me feel like a kid under the covers. It also makes me think of hiding out in a tree house. Being self-contained, all alone.
Time for A&S...their hit of the series...'Say Something I'm give up on you" I liked this on The Voice, when Cristina Agularia and that Nerd sang it.

I'm comfortably lost. Just finished a movie by that title. A young man goes to Cambodia. Finds it much more enlightening than he imagined. No, he went to be inspired but he thought the inspiration would come from the ancient temples. He found connection to the common people. A touching story.
I watched the movie and sketched in the composition. I am alone in our bedroom. It is peaceful. Very, very peaceful. So peaceful, I don’t want to go to sleep. I want to maintain this feeling all night. I won't but t I'd like to. I tried to write my feelings down in the composition. I wrote with feeling but I didn't do the moment justice. It’s hard to find the right words at the right item. It’s a chance encounter, between one's emotions and intellect.

I heard the front door open. Was it Mor going into work? Probable. None of us go out much. I'm a home body. Happy Gilmore asked 'Don't you like your home?'. I think he was talking to a golf ball but the saying makes sense in the current context.
I don’t have to go to the deposition tomorrow... Oh well, most cases do end up getting settled. How ....Now I'll go in and try and get some things off my list. My perpetual list.
Head is o teh couch, Pinto beside her. She is singing along to Christian music. She loves spiritual music. Dean is on the other side of the wall from her, in the office. Also listening to music, playing video games. And Mor is in the dungeon, with Holly, headphones on playing a game I couldn't master, ever. It is hard enough to pull the focus out of him. He'll play again after work. Raid the kitchen. Sleep until after noon. That is how he gets himself comfortably lost. They each are lost, not in a bad way. Lost unto themselves. Envy them. They are at peace. I'm using the word a lot tonight.
I have books to read, videos to watch. And a book on tape to keep me company in the wee hours of the morning.
Life is only hard if you make it that way. There is something to be said for just letting it unfold how it will. At least you don’t get your feelings hurt like you would if you were emotionally vested in the outcome. When you want it a certain way, the is only one way that might, and I mean might, make you happy. Think about it. If you don’t care one way or the other, then one way is as good as the other. And with less pressure, it certainly has to be easier to maintain the mellow.
Where’s that book?
The same place the video is the same place I'm writing, on the tablet.

7:xx a
Not much time this Thursday morning. I slept. Actually, the dogs got me up just before the alarm went off. So I queued up some Zen music and meditated myself to sleep. Meditating in the morning works because when I'm rested, I don't fall asleep. Conversely, when I am not rested, i fall back asleep.
Caffeine time! I do not want to suffer as I did yesterday. I have a habit to support.
I lay awake, for the time I was awake, thinking about nothing nothing best I could. Just trying to be that observer. Moderate success. That is what I liked about the movie, Comfortably Lost, was that the young man was forced to sit and think, ultimately thinking turned to observing, and that is when the inspiration kicked in.
Lordy, my typing is atrocious. I hope it will all come out in editing but it is like incurring a debt that must be paid. Why worry now, right? Look back at my stuff, typed or written, it doesn’t matter. And you will see lots and an infinity's worth of grammatical and spelling errors.
Last night it occurred to me. I was thinking about this very thing.  How much editing debt I owed.
Ohh, muther fucker, I forgot to turn on the heater in the bathroom. I will pay dearly for that.
Editing debt. But I could see how my process that included the anonymous and public blogging is a great form of editing. I get the piece somewhat readable. That's good enough for the anonymous blog. I read through for clarity and to insert relevant pictures. I cut out anything that may be offensive to John or too personal. Then I take only the best parts and the pictures I know fit and make a final post for the public blog. VoilĂ . Bob's your uncle. Tied with a ribbon.
Head is silent beside e me. Reading on her phone. I never see her using her tablet. My phone is my last resort. To each his own. Pretty in pink. Bob’s your uncle.
The coffee is strong but made tolerable by the creamer I added. I wanted the first cup out and knowing it would be strong, added something to make it more palatable. It is going down like a wave of lava but it seems to be hitting a bowling ball perched at the bottom of my intestines, patiently waiting to be set free. Weill, let my pudding free!
Free the pudding.
Free the pudding.
What do we want?
Free pudding!
When do we want it?

I am extremely angry. A night of solitude hasn’t calmed me one bit. Well, I’m sorry. I am not a professional dog scratcher. My only solitude is the League of Gentlemen. This quirky British comedy and drawing trees has been my therapy. And meditating. I never could make the most of the solitude. Too many thought, angry thoughts, to pass into being the observer.

It was right when I go home. I came home upset about being on the bubble every day at work after six years. It is just almost more than I can bear. There is no sense of job security or job satisfaction. It is wearing me thin. Whether or not I meant to, I upset Head asking about her progress earning a dollar. She is willing to sell a house. Nothing on the horizon, but she will sell any house that presents itself.
I feel for Dean. He wanted to spend time. Even nipped up to take a quick shower after having worked on the leaves in the yard. Before he could lather rinse repeat Head and I had drifted apart and there wasn’t anything that would get me in that car to go pick up the Pizza. Mama’s pizza. My favorite. My choice for a birthday meal, if that tells you how much I like it. But it wasn’t in the cards. I dismissed myself and went up to read. Mor came up to eat but alas, I didn’t go down to visit. He obviously likes his own company better so there you go.
Am I coming across as bitter?
I warned all that I am extremely angry this morning. What has life come too? I’m thinking of going in early. Nothing here. My meditation brought me to this, was last night wasted or is every night wasted? Morose? Okay. I’ll concede that. But you have to wonder. How much of self-delusion creates our world? Is it okay just as long as you see it with rose colored glasses?
Not looking forward to today. Time for a shower and the doors will be open at work. In I go.

Home...just want to record a very simple recipe that caught my eye, Ice cream bread
2 c ice cream
1.5 c self-rising flour
Bake 45 min at 350 deg F

I will catch u up later...

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