In 1959, an alien experiment crashes to earth and infects a fraternity member. They freeze the body, but in the modern day, two geeks pledging a fraternity accidentally thaw the corpse, which proceeds to infect the campus with parasites that transform their hosts into killer zombies.
TITLE: Welcome to
# Writer
Welcome to Writer. This document will guide you through some
of Writer's features and give you a quick introduction to the philosophy behind
## What's this "philosophy" you speak of?
KEEP IT SIMPLE: That's the idea and philosophy behind
Writer. Writing should not be about the tools you use, but the ideas and
thoughts you have. Writer aims to give you a simple and enjoyable method of
getting your thoughts into text.
## Give it some character
Sometimes plain text just does not cut it. Writer has
support for basic markdown. That means you can add *emphasis* or **make a bold
statement** without messing around trying to select text.
*A full list of supported markdown is at the end of this
## Vital Statistics
On tablets and large screen devices (bigger than 7"),
the word and character count is displayed in the bottom right of the screen. On
all devices, the information button (top right) will give you access to
information about the current document; including word count, reading time, and
file details.
# Happy Writing
If you enjoy using Writer, have a feature request, have
found a bug, or simply want to contact the author, then I'd love to hear from
you. I can be contacted through email at (or simply use the
link in the Android market).
If you enjoy using Writer or have found it useful, then all
I ask is that you give it a fair rating in the Android market.
# Markdown
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
You can do *italic*, **bold** or even ***both***!
Writer does lists too!
They can start with a + or a -
I like the dashes more.
Numbered lists too!
Lots of lists
Writer also supports quotes.
But don't quote me on that.

Okay, time to
try this new writing program out. It is doing its job so far, letting me type without
Wi-Fi. Google docs had me on a leash. Now I'm self-sufficient.
We all have our setups. Dean is already napping with his over
ear headphones on. He downloaded a bunch of music. He is set. Mor has his new
backlit kindle. It is pretty nice. Amazon has done a good job with the updates.
I wish I could see mine in the dark. That is the sole reason I read on the
nook. So I can hide in the dark Takes me
back to the forts I would build in front of the TV when I was a child. Just a
wee child.
Get ready for some free flow of consciousness. Also known as diarrhea
of the mouth. Or, of the mind, rather.
We are going to eat when we get farther down the road
Wednesday evening
Thanksgiving eve, is there such a thing?
Pinto is throwing the hard-eye at me; the tablet light is in
his eye. Sorrrrrry!
Mor is reading 'Blood Meridian' by Cormac McCarthy. It is a
harsh book. I liked the description of the pack mules falling off the cliff
with mercury on their backs. Cool. Not for the mule, but it would be one hell
of a spectacle.
Just a short detour, thinking the exit would take us to a
Whataburger. Nope. Further down the road.
It is going to be a stressful trip, best to remain calm as
long as possible.
Work was a drag, that's why they call it work, and not super
fun land. I am paraphrasing Red on 'That Seventy's Show'. Another way to put it
is you can tell its work because you don't have to pay a cover charge, they pay
you to get you to show up. We did get a big consideration from the owners. They
are closing the lab Friday. I had it off as a vacation day, but now everyone
has it off. And I get my Vacation day back.
I and a couple of others brought food for Jeremy and his
family. Making sure they have plenty to eat. I made pumpkin pies last night
that developed some mutant skin on top so I threw them out. Granny had given me
a pumpkin cake mix so I gave it to Jeremy. Others brought things. I didn’t organize
the lab. Just asked a couple of people if they wanted to contribute. It got
back to the owner's that I was doing some kind of fund raiser. I had to explain
that I just talked to a couple of people and no money was involved. I promised
to keep it off their 'property' from now on. Cheese.
Exiting for food. Break!
This is what happened. The crew choose dairy Queen. Blah. I
am having fits, learning a keyboard and a new app! Practice, practice.
So, I let them have their chicken fried steak sandwiches and
pumpkin pie blizzards. I dozed until we got to Waco then I let them stop for a
piss at McDonalds and I snagged a couple of double cheeseburgers and a family
fry. MMMMMM. Met a cowboy preacher in line. Nice to listen to a Christian man.
Not being Blah. What did I do? Moved
some words around.
Traffic is moving. Heavy traffic but moving well
considering. Bouncing my tablet all over fuck. Hard to balance it on the
armrest while I type on the clipboard across my lap.
Mor is schooling us about the history of Sting and the
Police. Ha! I remember the first time a friend, Tim Craddock, put a cassette in
my Camaro and blared Roxanne. Man, never heard anything like it. Now everything
has that island beat. We should hit Austin and the new toll way soon. Head
likes going ninety. Not me. I get scared. Best she drives. Mor just queued u0p
roger Miller 'Do Whack a Do'. He has good taste in music. Good music is good
Wheat is so tired. He went out last night with Joe and...Clair.
Had to let her name come to me. A couple of poor souls.
Wheat doesn’t' go out
that much but I think they had a good time together. They played Wii bowing before
going to eat wings and hit a late movie. Head gave them passes to the movie she
bought off Groupon. Joe is broke. Clair is rich. Wheat is generous. It is a
good mix.
Wheat didn't get to bed until four in the morning. He had to
get to work by eleven. He did it, just barely. He had to wash his work clothes
and take a shower, then take Joe home. Head wouldn't take Joe home because they
stayed up so late. She figured they made their bed, they chose to not sleep in
it. They all wanted to have some company.
Traffic is getting a little congested. Brake, accelerate,
break, accelerate. An endless cycle.
Just drive steady people!
Mor is telling us about a girl he met from the Isle of Mann,
said she sounded like a trash Brit. All young people want to sound trashy. That
is his take on it, the way American kids try and talk street slang.
Motel 6
Americas Best Value Inn
Taco Cabana, favorites for under $5
Pizza Hut
'I can see for miles and miles, oh yeah,' the Who.
I can't. Too much traffic.
Mor says he can with his glasses.
He wants to be a pilot so he can get free Lasik surgery.
He read a weird novel, his rare excursion into fiction,
written by the son of the man who invented one of the Lasik techniques.
He, the Dr., has since had to escape to Thailand after committing
some kind of fraud.
Chromeo. Stupid white-boy rap.
'I listen to dance music sometimes', Mor sez. Keep it to
Best Buy
We are in the city, can you tell?
'You can't compete with a man like me' sez Chromeo.
He wants to give someone bonafide loving'?
Lovin', not loving.
Bonafied lovin'.
Horney Toad Harley-Davidson
Wheat is breathing very loudly; he has his hand blocking one
of his nostrils. Loud.
Poor boy, he has a stuffed head. We gave him a dry up
allergy pill.
Gabba goo!
Mor calls Brianna's boyfriend Paulie 2.0. Head calls him
Hose-B. His mother calls him Jose.
He calls Robbie 'Ray Charles'.
Are we there yet?
Shut up!
Good luck, we got a long ass way to go.
I get no respect. No respect.
Which county uses fourteen numbers in a phone number?
Americans are never more than eleven. It came up in this dance, gag, song Mor
is 'sharing'.
Gobba goo!
Head wants a fourteen dollar copper watch from Cato.
It's fashionable and good for old joints.
Oat milk is good, Mor had some with his hippie hipster
Swedish friend, Nicole.
'In my country...this'
'In my country that...'
You’re not selling it by calling it watery oatmeal.
Traffic is high-balling it now. The stop and go has stopped.
Bird and the Bee singing Hall and Oats 'It's a Bitch Girl'.
Not bad. But H&O were the SHIT!
Another cover,
'....when I feel cold you warm me...'
It's you and me forever!
Sara Smile!
A whole album of covers of H&O.
# Yep #
It is super dark out here.
130 toll way in Austin
I hope I can get these texts
...files onto my computer.
Not that this is my best stuff, but it's my stuff.
Stream of consciousness.
Piss of consciousness.
Inner Space Cavern. Plan a vacation around it. Bring the
entire family.
How much longer to Austin?
Its 9:25p...
My ass is starting to fall asleep.
Cowtown Charters reads the logo on the bus we just passed.
'Ohhh here she comes, watch out boys, watch out boys she'll
chew you up...she’s a Man Eater!'
With a funky euro disco edge.
Country road 377.
We're back! Southwestern University football.
Ever eat at a subway at a Shell station?
Even if you di, the answer is 'No'.
Who buys all the RVs? How many can they sell? We are here
the 130 toll way. Woo hoo.
# 131128 #
Thursday morning
At the Pedroza's
"I am going to have to eat sugar today, my head will be
spinning', laments H
Roll call: Mor, Eddie, Katie, Keila, Unky Mike, Danny,
Caleb, Brianna, Renae, and H sitting beside me. I followed a clockwise
Katie is sitting on the floor, uncle Mike is in the chair, then Allie, and Danny.Aunt candy is looking at Abbey who is holding Caleb. Grandpa is in the background
Robbie just joined us. Wheat is taking a shower. Candy, Ali
and Abbey are upstairs doing...none of my business. And dogs, we have dogs a plenty. Stacked like
cord wood.
Cindy and Chandler
The Lorenc girls are spread out pouring over the black
Friday ads. They 'need' cheap electronics.
Eddie is going up to blackout the windows i Danny's family's
room. The baby likes a dark room.
I have my stuffing, aka dressing, in the oven.
Raw dressing
Cooked dressing
Cooking will
be the theme and oven space will be at a premium. Dressing cannot be rushed. It
needs a slow bake to get all the flavors commingling.
I have one bag of raw dressing left to take to My Folks on
We will eat tamales or BBQ, anything but ham and turkey.
'You got a sticker on you, bro', Mor alerts Wheat. Wheat has
new pants, obviously.
Bob and Maybelle have arrived. They brought lots of food and
stopped by the grocery for powdered milk so I could put some rolls on. The bread
maker is loaded and ready to go.
Head and her mom and her sister
Eddie is going to deep fry a turkey in peanut oil.
I need to get the Rebel camera out and start photo
documenting this event. Bound to be some family moments for the blog.
Morgan and his cousin brie AnnaKatie and Caleb and chela in the hammock
Morgan throwing the stick for Holly
Cousin Robbie
Eddie has an idea… Somebody give me a pull
Two small we need something bigger
Eddie pulling Abby
Morgan pulling Eddie
Eddie pulling Dean
Eddie pulling Morgan
My folks called. They are going out to eat with R&R+2.
The Macy parade is just an advertisement for toys.
I got my shower out of the way. Sporting kakis and a
collared shirt. Dressing up.
"Drill teams are only black people..."
: And they have rhythm."
Guess what Nana said?
They have pretzel crackers.
The Book Thief
Bringing a classic to the screen.
The baby is enjoying the cul de sac with his walker
toy...the sun is shining; it's a pleasant day out there.
Caleb's parentsAunt Katie and aunt Abby
… Watching Caleb
Uncle Eddie
Uncle Mike with his new barbecue gloves
Aunt Renae and grandma and grandpa
I'm quoting Gpa.
Hip Hop minions. From the despicable me movies.
And yet, the Pillsbury Dough Boy is still around.
His name is Pop N'
Pinto is incapable of being nice, he is getting randy. Not
socially acceptable.
Wheat has talked Candy into making him a Harry Potter theme
scarf. Put her knitting
# Thanksgiving afternoon #
It is halftime in the Cowboys v. Raiders game.
A board game started, and the pies came out.
Dinner was really great. Check out the pics.
Morgan baked sweet potatoes
We have had a really nice day. Really nice.
I had my nap during the first half. Eddie is catching his
nap now.
Bob is sitting next to me. Everyone seems to be holding a
I had three or four beers before dinner. Now I'm happy with diet
big red.
I pestered people showing hem pics off my blogs. I am that
The whole idea of having a blog is not having to go there;
people can go if they want to.
So, hopefully I have that out of my system.
The game is starting back up...its 5:26p.
I especially enjoyed talking with Abby. She has grown into a
very interesting young lady. At thirty, maybe I'm the only one who considers
her young. I will further complement her by saying she is an interesting woman.
She teaches liberal arts in Oklahoma.
Well traveled. A budding writer. An aspiring artist.
I doubt if I will be staying up too late. As much as I would
like to make the most of the good company.
I think there will be some who go Friday
has things you never knew you needed because they are so cheap!
The girls are going shopping
Eddie and Mor are trying t get an 8mm projector to work.
Eddie is wearing gloves like some kind of curator. They are trying to make a
Popeye cartoon work. The rest of us are watching the Texas v. Texas Tech game.
Jose joined the group. We have several different groups visiting, looking at
personal electronics.
Man, I would kill for a neti pot. My nose is so dried out.
My nose bled this morning.
Mor is monitoring the projector. Eddie is holding a piece of
poster board being used as a screen.
Young Caleb is using his toy walker to move around, not walking,
but why, he gets around just fine. He was going all over the cul de sac. He
found the 8mm collection. Unauthorized.
Eddie refuses to pick up the film. So they have to hold the baby.
I will pick it up. Ash ho.
Mission accomplished. Let the baby free.
They have a picture...upside down.
It is such lively crowd. So full of life and stories. Wheat
is telling Keila bout some atomic wings he had the other night. I notice there
is more water flowing than alcohol.
I would ill for a glass of water myself. Off I go on a
I have water. The projector has become a group project.
They are finding out
what doesn't work.
Head asks me why I am not drinking; because I had ...people
are wondering what I'm doing and it broke my train of thought.
Eddie is cracking me up with his one glove on like it helps
project the film. Mor is thinking hard. I can tell because he has his tongue
sticking out the right side of his mouth, when he isn't talking, which isn't
very often.
Heckle and Jeckle incarnate. Wheat came up and asked me for
the lighter, we share one out in the gazebo, where the smokers hang out. Now we
are doing Popeye impersonations. Yuck yuck yuck yuck....
There isn't any progress on the movie.
# 131129 The morning after Thanksgiving #
The morning after Thanksgiving.
The baby, Caleb, is fussy. He has him's mom and Grandpa to keep
him company.
Abbey as found a use for Renae's front room which Reane has
never been able to do. It is a small
room right by the front door, big enough for an oversized chair and not much
else. She is set up, doing mostly what I am doing.
I took it to bed around midnight and watching 'Blacklist'. I
could hear the conversations continuing downstairs. Holly went up with me.
Pinto jointed us a short time later. Head was next. Finally Mor...And I was
fast asleep before Wheat showed up.
I am a lot like Wheat, looking to show people our stuff. Mine
being my blog ... 'did you know this' or' did you know that'. Wheat shows YT videos of science wonders.
Explosions. Home-made flame throwers.
I am that phlegmy old man always coughing up something or
working on it.
Holly came down but am amazed Pinto didn’t' He always does.
Whatz up?
I hope the weather is a beautiful as it was yesterday. We
played in the back yard, horse shoes
primarily. Two of the girls went jogging. I might be up for a walk myself.
I need to walk up and get a neti pot and pick up a brick of
yeast that I can only get at HEB. I go through the yeast and the brick comes in
All the stores should
Never have a conversation with Ali. I am not one of her
favorites, just a little crass and kootie. And I am not missed because a young mother
is obsessed. As it should be.
It is hard for me to connect with many people. I am
interesting, eccentric...but ultimately weird. They are great judges of
character, those Lorenc's Comes from being social creatures. Social creatures of
the highest order. Not criticism, just observation.
But then what can be presented that isn't tainted by the
Unfortunately if you hear it from me, you’re stuck with me.
What are you going to do?
Nana's pumpkin bread is all the rage.
'It's just differing’s from other pumpkin bread, Ali shares.
Ali and Danny are going on a week’s cruise next week, Cool.
We never did that for ourselves. Our vacations were on the order of family
holidays and weddings.
The weather will be great again toddy and it will be in the
eighty's in a day or two.
That's here. Only mid-seventies in=FW.
The baby likes warm days.
The baby.....
The baby....
Been there, done that.
Observations, not criticism.
I am going to try and listen all day today.
None of this vying for attention.
Nope, i want to hear what you have to say.
Want to play cards I might ask?
Twenty one?
Today, I am Get a long Joe.
But I'd prefer Gin.
Abby has finished her alone time. Did she know...STOP.
I want to tell them to raise the baby like Michael Montaigne.
That was one hell of an odd childhood.
Renae's up.
Edie, shirtless, is letting his dogs out.
Abby has a paying writing assignment for December 8. Cool.
Lots of conversation. More than I planned on contributing.
Maybe if I keep the keyboard out and the dialog going, I'll keep my mouth shut.
Unky Mike is looking at a of where the Glazier's
is located.
Evidently Danny didn’t get much sleep, he just set in bed,
wide awake until five in the morning. I like to listen to meditation music when
I have to lay there. But there I go talking about myself.
Katy is too cute. In her flannels, like the rest of the
women, but when has a mug on her leg crossed over the other, her phone balanced
on her knee as well. Glasses. She is talking career goals.
The breakfast casserole is ready. I see plates being made.
OJ being poured.
Pinto is getting very aggressive when Phoebe plays fetch.
Like uncontrollable. Not distracting him with another toy. And Holly, forever
the peacemaker, getting in-between then them when it gets too physical.
And I must come back to myself for a moment. The best pudding
dump ever. Lots of volume. All in less than a minute. Wow!
'Spurs play tonight!'
The trip to the river Walk has been vetoed. The baby and the
old people make it more of a hassle than missing the lighting of the
decorations on the RW.
I made some salsa out of some ripe tomatoes and peppers I
I used just one jalapeno. I didn’t dare use the habaneros. I
ended up doubling the batch to tame the one jalapeno. I poured off half, and
added another jalapeno bro. Eddie is making ranchero sauce out of it for
himself. I took it fresco on the casserole.
I volunteered to make
a Chinese dinner: fried rice, momos, spring rolls, lo mien ...that’s the menu. Rice.
Just plain rice.
These are dumplings
Keila is auditioning for 'Steel Magnolia'. The subject went that
direction because Candy mentioned it. She ended up at the beauty shop she same
day as a friend of hers so they just laughed...and sent selfies to the other
girls in the group.
Head is sitting, oblivious, looking at her phone, Pinto in
her lap; she made a place for him by crossing her legs yoga style.
Adie, Eddie's yorkie is a great subject for conversation.
Kati likes a bigger dog for herself. And everyone pipes in on what they like
and what they like for everyone else.
"I'm at the old lady age where I love these guys.'
Candy likes her little pals with paws.
Ali just had a double mastectomy. Eddie didn't have her spay at the same time
because he wanted to breed her. Only afterward, the vet says she is too old. I
pointed out that she dust had a mastectomy. Eddie said that is why God gave her
so many, she has six left. They asked me
of losing two affected the others? I said "Don’t get me involved, I am
still mad at God over why he didn’t put a breast on the back for slow dancing.'
I caught hell for being inappropriate. Inappropriately
My salsa is a big hit.
Eddie put some lemon on the hotter sauce and cooked it down on the
The casserole is over, but the chips have come out. Watching
Iowa v. Nebraska. Hawkeyes not Iowa State.
I will get some chips in a minute. Snacks for the game. I
will save the beer for while we're cooking and then go with the rum to finish
up the night.
Most of the crew is going to The Rim, a shopping mall out by
Six Flags. The suburban with all the Lorenc girls, Renae and Head are taking
Nana in another car. And a third car of boys, because they have to come back
early to get Robbie to work by three.
Robbie is helping Dean with his boo-booWe went to my parents house on the way back home
This is a picture of the boys playing with my brothers little girls
My sister-in-law Rhonda and my mother
My brother Rodney
My dad and baby Charlotte
Molten lava butterscotch cakes
Thanksgiving well done!
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