Saturday, December 14, 2013

Insidious 2011

A gripping story of a family in search of help for their son, Dalton, who fell into a coma after a mysterious incident in the attic. Little do they know that there is much more to this endless sleep than meets the eye as they explore the paranormal, and rediscover the past; the key to getting their son back once and for all.

No work...yet. They will call if the power comes back on and they want folks to come in. Doubtful.

I do appreciate how it is a burden for a small business. They need all the man-hours to make money. I appreciate that.
But if you’re at home, be at home. And I am definitely at home. In the bed. I have put on jammers and am not under the covers, just a blanket over me, but I am in bed. A mug of peppermint mocha flavored coffee beside me. I am keeping all of the electronics plugged in so they will be fully charged, the tablet and phone, just in case the power goes out here too. Work is just over a mile away and H says over a quarter of a million folks are without power in the DFW   Metroplex right now. We could be and then we would have to survive on layers of clothes and peanut butter.

I have only noticed a handful of cars pass by on Forest's Edge. I will try and make note as I write. The ground is covered with a layer of snow. Coarse crystals, more like ice. For some reason, the dogs will go out in the front but not in the back. Pinto pisses on the porch any way. Ho drags herself across the layer of snow. She has no choice but she does have plenty of hair to protect her. It' a draw the way I see it.
The plan is to eventually make my way downstairs to cook a big country breakfast. H is going to work on

The dozen crates of Xmas decorations. Dean is already on WoW. It will be a real cozy family atmosphere. I bought three dozen eggs so I'll scramble some of them up and make biscuits from a recipe I came across on FoodWishes. I am going to substitute. Half and half/buttermilk for heavy cream. They
May be a little thick.

By thick I mean dense. Not to worry. It's my first attempt
Who, heavy traffic
Not to worry, as I was saying, it will be my first attempt and I am allowed considerable consideration, that is, I can fuck it up all I want. Now, once you make the perfect batch, then nothing less will be tolerated. It is the price of success.

But the density of the dough will not matter once it is covered with creamy, savory gravy with spicy sausage. Yes, I bought the 'Hot' kind.

I am upset with myself for not picking up any potatoes, not even a big of those cheap shoestring frozen ones. I have leftover brisket that would make a wonderful hash. I love hash. Crispy fried meat and potatoes with soft onions and an even softer fried egg on top. Pass the catsup.
But I am avoiding potatoes....and rice, and pasta. Unless they make a whole wheat potato ...I guess the yam fills that slot.
Hold on, I have a text, maybe Mom. I have been keeping her up on our snow bound situation...

No, not Mom, just an employee happy that the power outage worked to his favor, shutting his instrument off for him.
I realize that for my 'CAR' entries to be meaningful, I need to annotate the time as well but that would be entirely too much effort. I am going for dramatic effect, not data.
I need to put on a pot of beans. That is something I can use some of that brisket for. I am buying the red beans now. Not exclusively, but a rotation of pinto, black, and red beans. And navy beans. I use them for H's white Chile and baked beans for me. I love back beans. Mor calls them sugar beans which is an insult now that we are avoiding all things white. But I love biscuits and mac n cheese and Spaghetti....and so many other white things.
Pinto is wrapped in his lime green blanket, on top of his leopard skin furry blanket. He has a bid on our bed. He is over on his back enjoying getting him's chest scratched by H. He is such a sweet little fella. Although, the toothy grin on his yaw creeps me out.

The opinion is in, artificial sweetener has a whang that makes it ....we will
Need to use regular creamer and just use as little as possible. Unfortunately, I didn't buy a backup last night so we are stuck for the time being. I could try and make a homemade version out of canned mild and some peppermint chips I have. We'll see how desperate we get. And I might just walk up to the grocery to see what’s going on. Not today, but maybe tomorrow. Once the cabin fever kicks in.
Back to those beans. They will go with tonight’s dinner, fajita meat.

Didn't go anywhere, just jotting down a time buoy.
Back to dinner, I was planning dinner. I bought some wonderful skirt steak, also known as fajita meat. It's the diaphragm. It was one of the cheapest cuts of meat; butchers would practically give it away. Now it is premium. Almost five bucks a pound. Chicken wings were the same way. Now they are as expensive as breasts. More so. I've taken to making 'wings' out of drumsticks.

I think I will make the stake ranchero style. That is with a tomato, onion, and pepper sauce. Grill the meat then put it in the cooked, rich sauce. I love it. John loves it. It's very lovable.

And we can go all out and have Mexican rice. I have plenty of corn tortillas so if anyone wants enchiladas they can have them. I keep cans of prepared sauce just in case. The leftover beans will make excellent bean and chees tacos once I refry them. I'll put the bacon grease with the beans and they will transform into a savory treat for breakfast or lunch. Savory. It is a British word I’ve adopted. I think it means 'salty'.
H, what are you doing?
Thinking. Looking at the...thinking about what I just read.
I can think can't I?
Well, that's nice to know.
Thinking is highly encouraged around here. Be a thinker, not a stinker.
There are two popular versions of the origin of Michelada,

Michel Ésper from San Luis Potosi, Mexico in Club Deportivo Potosino,
Michel Ésper used to ask for his beer with lime, salt, ice and a straw, in a special cup called "chabela", as if it were a beer lemonade. The members of the club started asking for beer as "Michel's lemonade", with the name shortening over time to Michelada. As time went by other sauces have been added to the original recipe. Today, it contains the same ingredients as Chelada but contains ice and chili powder on the rim.[6]

The word Michelada is the combination of the words "Mi Chela Helada".
The word "chela" is a popular way to call a beer in Mexico. When you ask for a chela you are asking for a cold beer, therefore putting the two words together sounds like "Mi Chela Helada", meaning "My cold beer" -Wikipedia
Family time,
I am cooking.
Mor is down in the dungeon.
Wheat is grinding dailies on WoW.
Wheel of fortune is on the tube.
Mexican dinner. Nachos with queso fesca and pickled Serrano peppers.

Steal a la Mexicana
Baracho beans
I should ask if boys want enchiladas

Dinner is over.
Didn't take long.. As it goes in the kitchen, it takes longer to make than to eat, and it also takes longer to clean up afterward than it did to eat it.
We are watching Frosty the Snow Man. Me and H and W. M stays in the dungeon.
Trying something new with the beverages. One of each, rather than two or three of the same thing. I had a bourbon and coke while taking a hot shower. A Michlada while cooking. And a wine cooler with dinner. Maybe a cordial later. I'm thinking a coffee based beverage to extend the evening. I have a book to finish so I can start a story Mor picked out for me. He bought the anthology, but I'm only going to read the first one, to see if I like it. It is one of the WarHammer series.
Pinto has a sweater on. Silly dog. He is sopping up the loving, sitting between H and W.W is scratching his ears.
H has done quite a bit of decorating. The tree is almost finished. The mantel is looking real good. As soon as she empties the crates, we will store them back in the attic until it all comes down. We are having he holidays with my family here, so everything comes out. It's an old fashioned holiday celebration.
It is going to get down to nineteen degrees tonight. Coldest ever in December.

Watching a new series on Hulu...the Wrong Mans...British. Mistaken Identity. Drawn into a kidnapping.
Blogged today. Tomorrow it’s time to do some art. I have been neglecting my to speak.
Sometimes its words, sometimes its pictures.

I need some ramekins to make lava cakes. Don’t have enough coffee cups that say you can put them into the oven to go that direction. Shit. 

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