Sunday, March 31, 2013

Carny.2009.(SciFi original)

One of the ladies in the office lost a bet so she brought me these donut holes. If I would've lost she would've one cinnamon rolls.

A devilish creature escapes from a carnival to wreak havoc on a small town.

This movie sucks will find something else to do if you want to see Lou diamond Phillips in a good cheesy horror movie this isn't the one I recommend that it's now that's a good movie. The movie is called "Bats"

Good morning good morning good morning
it is 1039 and my shopping done for the week… That's right for the week.
Sunday is ham, broccoli rice casserole, and banana pudding. Monday is Mexican night Julie Reno's… Chile Reno's, close enough… And steak I lie Mexican and a like we had when you visited John with baggies of guacamole on the side.
Tuesday baked fish asparagus sweet potatoes
Wednesday is stuffed bell peppers and corn soufflé
Thursday is hot Browns, look it up if you don't know what one is.
Friday we will have stakes baked sweet potatoes side led… Silent… Dragon don't kiss me off is try one more time… Salad. Good Dragon

I'm eating breakfast.
Talk a lot about food don't. Don't I?
Everyone has to eat.
And food is my hobby as well as my gift to the family. Speaking of gifts I needed a check, cinnamon rolls

Perfect just perfect
I brought to cinnamon rolls back with me and one more sausage collapsing… Not collapsing but an honest mistake… Think of it as a pig in a blanket.
We're having a great family morning
besides the cinnamon rolls and pigs in a blanket, everyone has an Easter basket.
Cheryl made baskets for all of us boys.

Note about the cookies
the youngest said this was the first time I had bought something to sweep for him to eat there are two cookies with icing on top and icing in the middle it really is too much

I made a basket for her. I thought it was funny to put it in a St. Patrick's Day plastic hat. I filled it full of artificial grass and put candy and nuts in the lottery ticket in. She bought herself some candy to go with it.

I told her what I wanted and she bought everything on my list and more. And I bought a bag of pretzels for myself.

I put half of my stash on the bookshelf in the office, there's a bedroom where you sleep. I took the rest of the stash down to the laboratory so I have snacks and three handy at all times… Snacks and treats…

I woke up early and went down to the man lab. I wrote fiction. Watched a scary TV show, one of the masters of horror directed by the same guy who directed Texas chainsaw massacre and written by an old school for writer I will store Beckman…Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce

Thought to have died somewhere in Mexico. Many believe that he was killed while an observer in a battle between the forces of Mexican rebelPancho Villa and federal troops. The body was never found.
Exact date and place of death never determined.
He had twelve brothers and sisters, and their rather eccentric father had given them all names that started with the letter "A". In order of birth, the Bierce siblings were: Abigail, Amelia, Ann, Addison, Aurelius, Augustus, Almeda, Andrew, Albert, Ambrose, Arthur, Adelia and Aurelia.
Ambrose Bierce and his wife, Mollie Day, had three children: Day Bierce, born December 1872; Leigh Bierce, born April 29 1874; and Helen Bierce, born October 1875.
Bierce was one of the best known journalists of the the last quarter of the 19th century. While working for William Randolph Hearst's San Francisco Examiner, Bierce doggedly campaigned to bring down Collis P. Huntington, owner and president of the Southern Pacific Railroad. He won the battle in the US Senate and Huntington was forced to break up his railroad conglomerant. Bierce later spoke out vehemently against the Spanish-American War, though his boss, Hearst, is credited as one of the war's principal agitators.
Served for three years on the frontlines of the American Civil War as part of the Ninth Indiana Volunteers.
He was shot in the head by a Confederate sniper in the summer of 1864 at the Battle of Kennesaw Mt. in northwest Georgia.
Bierce was estranged from his wife after finding letters from a supposed lover. They were divorced a year before she died.
Hero of the Edgar-winning (1958) short story "The secret of the bottle", by Gerald Kersh.

Personal Quotes
"Love, n. A temporary insanity curable by marriage or by removal of the patient from the influences under which he incurred the disorder." From his 1906 "Cynic's Word Book," later retitled "The Devil's Dictionary")
"Bore, n. A person who talks when you wish him to listen." From his 1906 "Cynic's Word Book," later retitled "The Devil's Dictionary")
"Lawsuit, n. a machine which you go into as a pig and come out as a sausage." From his 1906 "Cynic's Word Book," later retitled "The Devil's Dictionary")
"Painting, n. The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather and exposing them to the critic." From his 1906 "Cynic's Word Book," later retitled "The Devil's Dictionary")
"Goodbye, if you hear of my being stood up against a Mexican stone wall and shot to rags please know that I think that a pretty good way to depart this life. It beats old age, disease, or falling down the cellar stairs. To be a Gringo in Mexico -- ah, that is euthanasia!"--last words of his final written communication, a letter to his niece, Lora, in December 1913.
Here's to woman. Would that we could fall into her arms without falling into her hands.

Before becoming a filmmaker, Tobe Hooper, a native of Austin, Texas, spent the 1960s as a college professor and documentary cameraman. In 1974, he organized a small cast that was made up of college teachers and students, and then he and Kim Henkel made The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. This film changed the horror film industry..

I just downloaded an episode of the twilight zone that was based on an Ambrose Bierce short story as well as to e-books written by the man. One thing leads to another every time.

I just have a couple of chores to do around the house but other than that the day is my own. I did have to go up to the lab to let someone in this morning. But it was not a problem. I went to the grocery store afterwards it worked out perfect.

tetrafauna viquarium

The the hand needs to have a blaze put on
I need to find a recipe.


  1. Mix brown sugar with mustard in a bowl to make a smooth glaze. If mixture is too thick, stir in more mustard.
That will it's easy almost too easy

Original recipe makes 1 6-pound glazed ham

I saw this tree on my walk today

I ended up making a simple glaze with honey brown sugar and sweet mustard
it rocked

In our house, whenever we have ham, we always have broccoli and rice casserole

Mooch round rooms with poop sure… Mooch rhymes with who each… Mooch rhymes with too much… I'll just type it...mooch rhymes with pooch.

An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge

I decided to watch this episode of the twilight zone. It is very very old.
As a quarter after 9 o'clock at night, and before I go read, I wanted to upload the pictures I had taken during the day. They go along with the narrative.

 Here's looking at you kid

Hoppy Easter

Tree you later

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Trespass 2011

Hello hello hello!

It is 10 o'clock, a quarter after actually, and I met my battle station. I've been hiding in the man lab all morning. Watching a documentary on Pope John Paul and reading about how to get a garden started. A garden will be started today.

But first, I half to copy Cheryl the Young and the restless, her favorite soap opera.

I'm having a bit of trouble getting set up today my headphones that will cooperate. Too much static in my cordless headphones.

Kyle and Sarah Miller have it all: a huge gated house on the water, fancy cars, and the potential for romance in their relationship. He's just back from a business trip (he brokers diamonds) and their teen daughter Avery is sneaking out to a party, when four thugs in security uniforms and ski masks stage a home invasion. They want what's in the safe: cash and diamonds. Kyle stalls them, trying to negotiate for Sarah's freedom. Over the next few hours, the back stories of the four robbers (two brothers, a girlfriend, and the representative of a local drug kingpin) as well as the fault lines in Kyle and Sarah's marriage come into play. Is there room here for heroism? 

Will I need to look up how to make a hollandaise sauce…

Easy Blender Hollandaise Sauce Recipe


  • 3 egg yolks (see how to separate eggs)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne (optional)
  • 10 tablespoons unsalted butter (if using salted butter, skip the added salt)


1 Melt the butter slowly in a small pot. Try not to let it boil – you want the moisture in the butter to remain there and not steam away.
2 Add the egg yolks, lemon juice, salt and cayenne (if using) into your blender. Blend the egg yolk mixture at a medium to medium high speed until it lightens in color, about 20-30 seconds. The friction generated by the blender blades will heat the yolks a bit. The blending action will also introduce a little air into them, making your hollandaise a bit lighter.
3 Once the yolks have lightened in color, turn the blender down to its lowest setting (if you only have one speed on your blender it will still work), and drizzle in the melted butter slowly, while the blender is going. Continue to buzz for another couple seconds after the butter is all incorporated.
4 Turn off the blender and taste the sauce. It should be buttery, lemony and just lightly salty. If it is not salty or lemony enough, you can add a little lemon juice or salt to taste. If you want a thinner consistency, add a little warm water. Pulse briefly to incorporate the ingredients one more time.
Store until needed in a warm spot, like on or next to the stovetop. Use within an hour or so.

Well… The hollandaise sauce was vetoed Cheryl would rather have a homemade Egg McMuffin… Go figure...

raising white next project...


When preparing your aquarium, it’s important to closely monitor water quality. The information below will help you gauge where your levels should be as well as understand the results.
pH Level – NORMAL RANGE: 6.5-8.2
This is the measure of the activity (power) of the hydrogen ions in the water. The stability of the pH is related to water alkalinity and hardness. Rapid changes in pH are detrimental to fish.
Chlorine and Chloramine – NORMAL RESULTS: 0.0 mg/L
These are added to city water supplies to make the water supply safe for human consumption. Be certain to always use a dechlorinator when adding water to an aquarium because any amount of chlorine is toxic to fish.
Ammonia – NORMAL RESULTS: 0.0-0.25 mg/L
Aquariums with properly operating filtration systems should have no ammonia present (after they have been cycled). In new aquariums, Ammonia Removers can be used to lower ammonia levels, along with partial water changes.
Nitrite – NORMAL RESULTS: 0.0-0.5 mg/L
Nitrite reduces the ability of the fish’s blood to carry oxygen. You can remove excess nitrite from an aquarium by performing a partial water change. Adding salt to the water at 0.1-0.3% (1-3 teaspoons of aquarium salt per gallon of water) also reduces nitrite toxicity.
Nitrate – NORMAL RANGE: 0-40 mg/L
If nitrate levels exceed 40 mg/L, water changes can be used to lower the concentration. High levels of nitrate can also cause increased algae growth.
Hardness – NORMAL RANGE: 100-250 mg/L
Water with high hardness usually has a high pH. Softening the water will lower the pH. Most fish will adapt to moderate hardness levels.
Alkalinity – NORMAL RANGE: 120-300 mg/L
With low alkalinity water, your aquarium may experience sudden and deadly pH shifts. Increase the alkalinity of the water to stabilize the pH.
Temperature – NORMAL RANGE: 74-82Âş F (23-28Âş C)
Use an aquarium heater to maintain stable water temperatures. Rapid temperature changes are harmful to tropical fish.
Fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) are small, silver fish that are used often as bait for other fish. The males will grow a wen on their head, which is extra fatty tissue that makes them appear larger than they are to intimidate predators. The females do not grow a wen on their head and are often more plump. Fathead minnows are easily bred in aquariums. The female can lay up to 700 eggs and they hatch within four to eight days. The male fathead minnow will protect the eggs until the fry are born, and then leave to reproduce.

Read more: How to Breed Fathead Minnows |


    • Set up your tanks. Two 10-gallon tanks is the minimum (one for the adults and one to grow out the fry), though several larger tanks will work better and hold more fish. Rosy red minnows like temperatures in the 72- to 74-degree Fahrenheit range. Keeping a light on the tank for 14 to 16 hours per day will encourage breeding.
    • 2
      Provide egg-laying sites. Clay pots, rocks or even PVC pipe will work. Rosy red minnows like to have an overhang or small cave to lay their eggs under. Your tank can literally be as simple as this, though the addition of gravel and live plants can sometimes make your fish feel more secure.
    • 3
      Add your fish. Ratios of one male to every three or four females will work best for numbers (as multiple females will spawn with the same male), though single pairs work as well. Choose fish that are alert, active and brightly colored.
    • 4
      Wait for spawning. A few weeks settling into the new tank should be all your rosy red minnows need to get going, provided basic conditions are met. Once the eggs are laid, you can remove the rock, pots or other egg sites, moving them into the separate grow-out tank.
    • 5
      Care for the young once they hatch by providing daily water changes of 20 percent and feeding infusoria or finely crushed fish flakes. Eggs will hatch five to six days after being laid.

Tips & Warnings

  • While plants, substrate and hiding places may lead to better spawns, keep in mind that the addition of all this clutter makes it much more difficult to remove all of the eggs effectively. You may have better luck keeping a bare-bottomed tank with just a few egg-laying sites.
  • Adding brine shrimp, bloodworms and other live or frozen food to your fish's flake diet can vastly improve your spawns along with the overall health of your rosy red minnows.
  • If your fish seem hesitant to spawn after a few weeks in the tank, try encouraging them with a large (30 to 60 percent) water change.
  • Always remember that water should be aged in open containers overnight or treated with de-chlorinating products intended for fish.
  • Always remember that you are dealing with live animals and not toys. If you allow children to help you in the breeding process, make sure to explain proper handling and safety tips.

Read more: How to Breed Rosy Red Minnows |

Tips & Warnings

  • Avoid placing too many fathead minnows in one tank, since there will be an over abundance of breeding and it will be harder for you to keep up with. Place one batch of eggs in one tank at a time.

Read more: How to Breed Fathead Minnows |

Sunday, March 24, 2013


In a world with no guns, a mysterious drifter, a bartender and a young samurai plot revenge against a ruthless leader and his army of thugs, headed by nine diverse and deadly assassins. 

This is one of those quirky movies like Sin City, only not as dark.

So I want to know who the narrator is....Michael Allan Patton was born on January 27th 1968 in California. He formed the band Mr Bungle at the age of 15, and after Jim Martin (of Faith No More) heard Mr Bungle, Mike was asked to join Faith No More as a permanent full time vocalist. After a turbulent career which lasted until April 1998, Faith No More broke up and since then Mike has participated and created some of the most bizarre and creative musical works ever to exist, including his brainchild Fantomas.

So I watch the video on you tube...

Faith No More - Evidence...I like it. 

Fantomas is just weird to be weird. Nothing there for me. Back to the movie.....

We went to a local icon, featured on Drive In Diners and Dives for their Irish nachos, potatoes instead of chips.  A real college feel.  Many pictures of Coors were consumed.  I got hammered!


I don't sleep well drunk so I needed a nap.  One of those take-your-pants-off-and-get-under-the-covers naps.  Two hours long.  Now I'm up and feeding the hangover.  Ate the half a guacamole hamburger that I brought home from the bar.  I need to go for a walk but I only have enough energy, at the moment, to finish this movie.  Still on the same one. 

Almost three and the eldest just woke up.  Night owl. schedule all fucked up.

Water. Lots of water.  Lots and lots of water.

Lindsey Stirling (born on September 21, 1986) is an American violinistmusiciandancerperformance artist, and composer. She presents choreographed violin performances, both live and in music videos found on her YouTube channel, Lindseystomp, which she introduced in 2007.[1] In 2010, Stirling was a quarter-finalist on the fifth season of America's Got Talent, where she was known as the Hip Hop Violinist.[2][3]
Since 2010, Stirling has released a self-titled album, an EP, and several singles. She performs a variety of music styles, from classical to pop and hip-hop to dubstep. Aside from original work, her discography contains covers of songs by other musicians and various soundtracks.[4][5]

The youngest is discovering new things on his own.  This young lady.  Easy to see why he would be attracted to her.  Cute as a bug.  

I really need that walk. I promised Head I would make a pot pie for her boss, he is terminally ill with something.  Skinny as a stick.  Loves my cinnamon rolls.  I am going to make him a dozen in the morning, and a chicken pot pie tonight.  Head thought I should make them in a muffin tin.  Cute little mini pot pies.  I want to use my cal zone maker only not for cal zones  but for pot pie.  

Something like this.  

I mentioned meditating yesterday.  Eckhart Tolle is a little advanced.  I started with the two audiobooks I gave you:

Andrew Weil, M.D Breathing Meditation yoga trance nature audio book

Insight meditation

Easy and effective.  Breath in. Breath out.  Just that easy.

If your not, you should. Stress is the number one killer.  

Its almost ten o'clock. I took a walk with the eldest and the dogs. Then I bought groceries for the week. Came home, unloaded them, and worked on the pot pie for Head's boss. Turned out pretty damn good. The eldest made garlic fettuccine with hot sausages and peppers for the family.  I ate one of the pot pies.  Loaded up the bread maker so the dough will be ready when I wake up to make that batch of cinnamon rolls. The youngest and I researched (a positive term for studying) biology and did one of the breathing meditations I mentioned to you earlier. Now I want to read and hit the hay.

Walking. Reading. Meditating. Spending time with the boys. All goals of mine.  I made a list of  goals, no more than ten at a time, and thought about what I could do each day to work towards the goal e.g. Health = walk, Love = time with family, health = mediation etc... I write my goals on the bottom of the page and on the top of the page I write what I'm grateful for. Yesterday it was beer. Beer didn't make the list today. Time to send this out.

Good things to ya.


British writer-producers Beverly and Sean Lincoln (Tamsin Greig and Stephen Mangan), have a wonderful marriage and a hit TV series to their credit. Things couldn't be better. Until Merc Lapidus (John Pankow), a Hollywood network executive, gushes over their series at a gala. Merc is certain that a remake of the show will go over well with an American audience. After making the Lincolns a lucrative offer, they pack up and ship out to the States. It doesn't take long for them to figure out that Hollywood is a place where deals are made and broken in the same breath. They soon find themselves holding on tight as creative control of their show starts to slip away from their hands. Merc ultimately dismisses the original star, an elder, distinguished, gentleman, for 'Friends' actor 'Matt LeBlanc' , a charming, yet manipulative beast, with a grocery list of demands. Hollywood is not what the Lincolns had in mind, but Sean believes he can swim with the sharks. As for Beverly, she'd rather go ...

Hello hello
let's see if we can put a little blog together this isn't the first time I sit down to do this today, seems like they just have one interruption after another.
Been trying to think of a way to share some of the self-help with you, and I'm afraid the key word is self. There are… There are all kinds of tools to help. But it is something that you have to do yourself. Like exercises. Exactly. Emotional exercises. I think the best way to show you how it's kind of out line how I do my business.

This morning I woke up. Not unusual. Not original. I watched a couple of videos on my phone. Then I went downstairs to the man lab and had my first cup of coffee. Watched videos, and journal. When Cheryl got up, I joined her for my second cup of coffee. We visited for half an hour so. Then I took my third cup of coffee out onto the porch and journal. Then I came inside shit, showered, and shaved. Then I found a quiet place and spend some time doing a meditation.

Guided Meditation with Eckhart Tolle

Eckhard suffered from severe depression. One day he stepped back his mind and became an observer of his mind. Then he spent the next two years and utter joy sitting on a park bench observing. Experiencing the now. A remarkable man.
After a meditation, sure want to work and I got a phone call that we had an emergency samples to do at work. So I called my scientists and wait for them to call me back. I spent the rest of the morning switching monitors between my computers. I'm still not sure it is how I want it. But my rule is to only switch them once a week. I have a week think of a better way to switch them again.

When I came back from work I made myself a breakfast taco and visited with Dean.

A lightbulb is turned on for me. I'm now open to things that I would not have been interested in before. I thought I knew what kind of music I liked what kind of books I liked what kind of movies I liked. And in my chance I read a fantasy book which is not my favorite kind of book and I loved it. And I watched a TV series, the one I started the blog with, thinking I would not like it at all. I laughed my ass off. And by accident I started listening to a book on tape I had never heard of. I love it. I wanted to find out more about the author. His name is Neil Giam. He is science fiction and comic book writer. Not too my big interests.

I found out he's been married for less than a year to a punk rock cabaret singer. Definitely not my style. And after watching some videos on YouTube I think they're awesome. Spent the rest of my morning downloading music that influenced both of them. Things that would normally listen to. Hey, I'm open to new experiences now.

The girl gave a lecture on Internet economics on the 10 series you can Google it or go to YouTube and search for it. See what you get for being open to new things

Amanda Palmer with Neil Gaiman - "In My Mind" (Violitionist Sessions)

Amanda Palmer: The art of asking

On a more serious note please watch the following public service announcement.

The Ben Show: Last Text Message (Comedy Central)

Silly Donkey,

BBQ porkchop and chicken pizza with peppers...mmmmm

Grilled squash and dandelion beer.

Jalapeno cheese cornbread

Left to rith, cornbread mashed potatoes, and steak.

Pee Can pie for Dee sert.