The fun fun fun fun day.
I have written and drawn so much that my wrist hurts. Literally my wrist hurts. I wore a brace for most of the day. I enjoyed every minute of it. So now I have no choice but to watch this scary TV series and dictate my story.
Head spent the day watching 10, 15 episodes of Young and the restless.
Dean and I studied biology. He is doing very, very good with his studies.
Before I go too far where those funny animals?
Worlds blinking contest champion three years running.
Move over… Passing on the right.
This is one scary TV show.
The oldest boy slept until 2 o'clock. He has been playing a lot of his favorite game, league of legends.
This was such a lazy day, we didn't even cook. We just ate simple things that we had sitting around. Tomorrow I will walk the grocery store and buy food for the week and come home and cook something tasty, something special. Even simple food can be good.
I really like food, can you tell?
I'm looking forward to starting a new audiobook tonight. I am on the fourth book of the Jack reacher series. There are lots of books in the series. They're just now making a movie out of the first one with… Tom Cruise. I'm a big fan of any of the Scientologists. I am not a big fan of any of the Scientologists. Dragon to not put words into my mouth.

I have time to watch one more episode before going to bed.
I'm watching another series, always Sunny in Philadelphia. Have you heard of it? Did you know that Miss yonne is one of the characters, the mother of one of the characters.
She's not a good mother, a drunk, but more,… With a predilection for Santas. Let's remember is the prettiest woman in public.… In puppet land.
Okay… I watched my second episode. This is one twisted, sick, scary, delightful series. Jessica Lange… I don't know what to say. It is early for most but late for me time to go to bed. Given my friend… Dragon… I said good night my friend. Bad Dragon

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