Monday, March 18, 2013

The Killing Room (2009)

Four individuals sign up for a psychological research study only to discover that they are now subjects of a brutal, classified government program.

Me… Yes intense drama good story

I'm a sucker for a laboratory. This laboratory uses people instead of mice. I didn't say rats does anyone want you to be confused. People are called rats but people are never called mice.

I found this movie does a lot of the characters were in the American four-story asylum. John, I don't want you watching American four-story asylum right now. Wait to your feeling better. It's very, very dark.
We had a pretty good day around here. Caroline took her time getting up. And then I went to the Methodist church rummage sale. Last year I bought four or five computer monitors. I wanted to go up and get a couple of more. And that spending almost $200. I bought an exercise bike. TV DVD player. A computer and monitor. A fantastic wooden rocking chair. I came home with the exercise bike and Cheryl told me to go back and get the rocking chair if I wanted. I did. I have to hide the three aquariums and hamster cage I bought because the family would've made fun of. Speaking of hamsters, Dean's hamster died. Last night smell something. I finally figured out it was the dead gerbil. Hamster. Gerbil. Whatever.

So I have plenty of projects to start. I have fished thanks. I want to start a white mice colony. Dragon… Fish tank. Don't start with me Dragon.

I took the opportunity to rearrange my battle station. Make room for one of those fish tanks appear. Dragon not appear, I said here.… In here. Do I have to watch you Dragon?

In the afternoon finding a place for all of the new stuff. Took a nice long nap

dinner was flocking awesome. I marinated pork chops in some lemongrass pepper sauce I bought. Cheryl picked up some lo mein and fried rice to go with them. I drank Mickey's while I grilled pork chops. They were funking awesome.

I managed to get the family play game of dominoes after dinner. I won by the way. We used to play board games every Friday night. We used to eat every meal at the table. We got away from that for the past few months. I tried to add a John Wayne movie, but that was too much. Cheryl wanted to watch and the restless. Dean is playing World of Warcraft. And Morgan is playing league of legends. No time for pop-up.
I really like this setup… The Dragon dictation software takes notes for me. I can watch a movie. And surf the net in between. It is hard for me to do one thing at a time. Focus. Concentration. Flow. Flow is hard to come by. I mentioned that flow core of happiness. Flow is the core of happiness. The software is good but not perfect… In case you didn't figure it out and make a joke out of it by talking to the Dragon… Pretty funny.

I have downloaded three other movies while reading about the actors in this one month I'm falling further and further behind… So many good movies…

Is almost 10 o'clock. Dead… Bedtime for pop.

Too late to get ice cream. It would cause me to have indigestion all night.

I have to wear headphones to watch the movie. Or the Dragon takes up what he said on the video. So I wear headphones.

Just in case you're wondering.

I wrote just a little but didn't draw it all day. Maybe tomorrow.

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