I fuxing love Walter and I covet his lab. Yes, he has a cow. He is trying to make it make chocolate milk. Don't think him a fool. Burnout, yes. Fool, no. He use to have no qualms about doing tests on children. Cold blooded!
On the subject of animals...
Surprise, something other than a cat!
I'm sorry, don't cry...
My blog will look a little funny, I am combining journaling, rambeling, and what I call 'stream of consciousness . I write then I paste it here. Happy reading!
NOTE: PIctures don't transfer over, they have to be inserted, like your finger in your ear! I'd like a picture of that!
BB!Q dinner, with German potato salad, cole slaw.
I bought the choclate cokie crust but I made the pudding from scratch.
This has been a very restful weekend. Peaceful I do not regret ‘doing’ anything. I ‘do’ things all week, it’s called work. Weekends are for relaxing. I even napped in the ManLab this afternoon.
Tis is my second attempt at typing in what I cal a ‘stream of consciousness style. The first time I think it will actually make it to a blog. John, this one’s for you. My way to combine all my interest: journaling, family, food, and blogging you. Hope it works. And photography. I plan on emptying my phone of pictures and including them.
Took lots of pictures on my walk today. Wanted to bring you along with me. I brought my phone for the pictures and to call when I arrived at the grocery. I brought my IPod to listen to. Today, I finished a Sherlo0ck Holmes story. This one was unique, it had two parts, the first part was the normal who dunnit in England. The second half wa a back story abot a Pinkerton detective in the West Virginia mountains. Finishe dit early in the walk then started an audiobook written, and read, by the Dali Lama. ‘Gnga la gunga’. Know where that quote is from? If you don’t you should. Hind: Bill Murry.
Come on a walk with me...
My day has been as nice as the weather. And the weather is fine. I took a walk and went all the way to Kroger. We needed creamer aka Head needed creamer. I could use milk, she is addicted.
I use to plan my menus. Now I work the specials. I walk the perimeter of the store and get eh main items, the meat and the fresh veggies. The I fiil out the menu. Snacks are whats on sale. I heed to stop bringing home unhealthy snacks. When I walk, someone has to come pick me up and that someone is Dean. He had to bring me my wallet too because I walked off without it. Don’t cry for him, we filled up his tank and put a couple of quarts of oil in his trunk for his efforts. Any who, he made a great personal choice when I told him he could select a bag of cookies to take in his backpack for school.. and he declined. Good for him. Maybe he’s thinking about his morbidly obese friend Tyler. Who, by the way, tot the job at Six Flags. Way to go Tyler.
Down in ‘The Basemen’ aka Mor’s room.
San Francisco vs. Atlanta in the NFL playoffs.
Woo Tan Clan on the turntable…old school squared.
For a while the turntable displaced the computer set up I had on the other end of the table Mor uses for a desk. Just this last week I moved ala the way toe the end of the table and set up so I can see the monitor he uses for streaming e.g. sports on the other end. But I can’ t see the monitor he works off of. The whole reason I set up a computer is because he is always playing video or surfing that I needed something to do.
He brings me up to date on the world that is the internet. Not the part you or I use, the real web for those that are into it, that live I the world-wide virtual world.
Today he is filing me in on Rosseta Stone Spanish and the big games which are simulators for Eurotuuck, driving a eighteen wheeler and SimFarm. They are realistic to a fault. Providing almost real life experiences of running the equipment. There is a whole after-market accessories, cluth, break, shifter, the whole enchilada.
I am harvesting the forth season of ‘Fringe’ off this computer. Not sure how it ened up here, but this is where I recorded it. The season ended Friday night. The last episode of the fifth season was supposed to wrap it all up.
Mor figures that mainstream TV is at least six months behind the pace of the real internet. Minimum 6 months behind.
Of course, TV doesn't get all the fads, just the ones that overlap. There are lots of unique…information that is only on the web.
Okay, I’m transferring files.
So how am I doing with my stream of consciousness/blog?
Time to take a looked at some porn, food porn that is. I eat more than I screw at my age.
S’mores waffles. I need to keep this n mind for my retirement dream of opening a waffle stand…’The waffle Butt’.
Mor thinks it is stupid for neck-beards to call doctoring up frozen food ‘cooking’. I Dis agree. I think of it as modular cooking. There, a term I coined, …modular cooking I actually have a recipe that involves ‘modular cooking’. Making a hamburger using frozen pizza as buns. Look for it on my food blog real soon.

Now Mor is off on a rant about how some people are obsessed about the ‘ authenticity’ of Gundam models. Gundham is a kind of robot. He bought one to sit on his ‘battle station’. I asked him to write down this date, …as the day I lost respect for him. When we look at battle stations on the net, and yes, there are sites where people submit pictures of their computer desks aka battle stations, we make fun of the ones with anime or any other kind of ‘doll’ displayed. Today is January twentieth twenty thirteen.
Inspired….went upstairs to find the pizza dough was ready. I made it in the read maker.
1 ½ t yeast
1 t salt
1 T sugar
1 c whole wheat flour
1 ½ c flour
1 c warm water
That is enough dough to make two pizzas so…I make one Italian and one ‘specialty. ‘Specialty’ is either BBQ, or Mexican, or Alfredo Or cheeseburger. I have four specialty pizzas I rotate. Tonight was BBQ. Unfortunately the first rule of home-made pizza was broken…don’t’ use too much toppings. Unfortunately food that needed to be used was included whether it was too much or not.
Apologies all around.
Head doesn't like pizza, unless its from the neighborhood joint, Mama’s. Then she eats like she has a hollow leg. So, she ate other leftovers, not on a plane of starch aka pizza.
She made a trip to Sonic, I rode shotgun, and gt herself a big coke with ice. I think she added Malibu. That keeps her happy. She doesn't mind the leftovers so much with a big drink to wash it down.
Here’s how the BB!Q pizza went down. Masterpiece sauce. Then sharp cheddar. The leftover BBQ meats from last night, pork roast and bratwurst. Sauteed two colors of bell pepper and onion in bacon grease That went on next. The some fresh chopped tomato and onion Done.
The Italian model. Tomato sauce and Italian spices. Lots of garlic powder. Mozzarella cheese. Bacon and more of the pork roast. The rest of the sauteed veggies, with portabella mushrooms. Fresh tomato but not the onion. Top it all off with chunks of pineapple. Done.
Mor just informed me that the high and mighty Lakers aren't so high and mighty. They paid top dollar but ended up with people that don’t mesh, everyone do a different system. ‘Every company needs a janitor’, was Mor’s observation.The Lakers don’t have any janitors.
And Houston has lost it’s last seven games. Lin-sanity and James Hardin are in a slump.
The Italian Model was too juicy, cut it in halfr and put it back in the oven to dry out. Cross your fingers.
Now the second game of the day, Baltimore vs. New England. San Francisco ended up winning the other game.
HAlftime. Went upstairs to irritate Head while she made cereal bars. Cereal bars are rice krispie bars, just not mad exclusively out of rice crispis. We make them out of what the half empty boxes hold. We keep boxes of cereal on the ‘frige Sometimes it gets a little crowded. When it does, we know it’s time to have cereal bars. Tonight’s dinner is all about leftovers. Dinner and desert.
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