I liked this movie, this is me speaking. They were light on the time travel bullshit and heavy on story and...ACTION! And I've wanted the pistol, called 'The Judge' since it came out. It shoots either 410 shotgun shells or 45 caliber.
Let's not forget those crazy kittens...
A cat in a chair? WTF?
More please!
Watch out, Goldie! I'm thirsty!
Whoo...how fucking funny is that?
It's about nine at night and I find myself alone...finally. H is watching 'Bachelor'. I look at another woman and she calls me a swine, this guy dates two dozen women at the same time and it's entertainment. Go figger.
I chose to spend my evening with the youngest, going over the syllabus for biology with him. We watched some YouTube vids on Winogradski columns because that is going to be our 'at home' project. We looked up his textbooks and ordered three off Amazon and another to rent off Chegg. It's a lot cheaper than when we had to buy all those fuxing books. I am his biology tutor, the eldest mentors math, and H mentors English. The eldest is taking the semester off to get his head together and travel. My folks are paying his way, they think he needs to discover the world. I can't say they're wrong. The Zoloft seems to be helping him not worry so much.
I hope your finding something to read off the collection I sent you. Text me which one you are currently enjoying and I'll read it too. I usually read about six books at once. Right now my fav is 'Perdido Station'. I don't usually go for fantasy but this one is about a rouge scientist named Issac who dates a bug. Yew! I've dated girls with bugs, but never a bug. They are called lice and they are nothing to be ashamed of.
The weekend was very relaxing. I spent most of it in the ManLab channeling Issac. I made agar plates out of old bananas, seeing what I can grow. Watched a lot of movies, including 'Looper'.
I have to stop going to the grocery store. It costs me too much. Not the food, my ignorance is expensive. The first night, I left one of the DVDs in the RedBox so someone either returned it for me or they stole it and I'll have to pay for it. The next day, after my walk, I ran up there to return the movies but...click it or ticket. The cops laid a $150 ticket on me. I feel fortunate actually, why? because he didn't notice the open container I had in the car or the shot of whiskey on my breath. I'll take it as a sign.
Saturday lunch, I made a meatball sub...with lots of jalapenos. Ate it in the ManLab.
Saturday night dinner, salmon croquettes and fried potatoes.
Sunday breakfast, grits, fried eggs, bacon, and biscuits. This is H's plate.
This is the youngest's plate. He likes gravy on those biscuits.
Me, I like home-made ranchero sauce (with habenaro) and gravy on everything else.
I needed a long walk after all that food.
Okay, let's get to the Tao....
Chapter 46
When the world has the Tao
Fast horses are retired to till the soil
When the world lacks the Tao
Warhorses give birth on the battlefieldThere is no crime greater than greed
No disaster greater than discontentment
No fault greater than avarice
Thus the satisfaction of contentment
is the lasting satisfaction
This is about how if there wasn't war aka greed, horses would live in the fields where they belong. But because of war aka greed, horses are forced to give birth on the battlefield.
Greed is what sours life,
Contentment is how life is to be enjoyed.
Everybody who's content say 'Hay'!
Thinks of you...breath in, breath out.
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