Edward and Richard are best buddies living off the government doing nothing more than having a good time and breaking stuff.
Me: Do you remember these guys from 'The Young Ones'? Do you even remember 'The Young Ones'?
Animals...we've been ignoring the silly animals...
Stream of consiousness from this weekend...
Good morning, Vietnam!
I’m no robin Williams, but then neither is ol’ Robin most of the time. I’m implying he’s in character most of the time.
Ended the day with a lattee, starting the day with some fresh grind. Who would have thought coffee would replace alcohol Age. Its all because of the age. I had a fuxing epiffiny when I skipped my routine happy hour and found three hours on the end of my day. I didn't go to bed early. I had thought going to bed was just part of getting my eight in. Turns out, it was a side-effect of the alcohol I stopped paying the price of a hang-over (if I can help it) years ago. The proverbial, two days gone. Little did I know alcohol was taking hours of my live every day. One hour gone at a time, credit me for that new proverb. So a sixer a night went to a sixer a week. And I’m a better man for it.

And I get time on the flip side n the weekend because I added shots Friday and Saturday which didn't put me to bed any earlier but did keep me in be longer.

And the time I have is much more productive. Even if I am just downloading erotic art, it is an activity. Drunk, I just sat. Still. Half asleep until it went to full sleep. Maybe mindlessly munching salty or sweet treats.
This is my favorite mug. There is a story. One, its large. That makes it an all purpose mug. Hot or cold. Winter or summer. Only negative, doesn't microwave, its that attractive glaze. Must be full of lead. I have tried to keep a set of these, kind of like man-china. You don’t use fine china, and I didn't use anything from my set. Has a little bowl for sugar and a tiny picture for creamer. Any who, last time I repacked it because the box had gotten abused and torn, I found one had had the handle knocked off. Although it couldn't remain with the collectibles it found a home n my ManLab desk. Ta da! And that is the story of my mug.
Another cup would be nice. Let me get the pot boiling.
So far, I had to shut the gate to the driveway so the dog can hang with me in the ManLab, going in and out of the doggie door. The doggie door is in the garage door. The corgi likes to come and go as she pleases, terrorizing the squirills. Fux the squirrls, they walk around like they own the place.
The first thing I do when I enter the ML is take a picture of myself with the camera on the computer on the bench. Start the coffee, and turn on the computer and TV at the desk. Here I sit at the desk. Watching ‘Reno 911’. Obviously, doing some stream of consciousness journaling.
Shit. Pronounce it She it, this is a good, good morning. Key to being happy: don’t expect much. And don’t do much. Do not exert yourself. Thet that be the guide throuut the day. And set up activities that boost your sense of self worth. For me, that includes ‘ professional reading’. I have five books I read (a page to a chapter in each). Bullshit? Unquestionably. I am crazy, not self delusional. I know I’m pretending, pretending to have fun but man, it’s fun. Just as fun as having fun. This is one of those paradoxes that rank right up there with ‘fi a tree falls and there is no one around to hear it fall, did it make a noise?” Don’t care. I’m having too much fun reading:
The Hot Zone
General Biology
Environmental Laboratory Data Evaluation
Ion Trap GC/MS
IUs said it was fun to read, not something that was funny. The subjects are…dry. That’s why it’s ‘Professional’ reading not ‘pleasure’ reading. It’s a m.f. accomplishment. Banked knowledge. Mind expanding, if not mind blowing. Ion Traps are fucking cool. Way better than your quadrapole mass spectrometers. Can I get an ‘Amen’?
The Hot Zone: The Industrial world arrives…to battle the Ebola outbreak with three paper masks, some gloves, and a bag of currency. They were dropped of fin the Hot Zone in the President of Kenya’s private jet, an old cargo plane gifted by the Americans. He added the leporad skin upholstery himself. The crew never turned off the engines when they tossed the research team out, hoping the draft created by the propellers would keep them from being infected. The team used their bag of cash to get tow Rovers and travel to the epicenter of the outbreak. Their discovery? That the virus was spread primarily…by the hospitals. The cam upon one facility that had not been decontaminated or burned down. A delivery room full of bowls of putrid fluids left over from the births of infected babies. Imagine the horror show? Back in the city, the Ebola equivalent of Typhoid Mary was dying. One doctor took off her gas mask to work with her face-to-face during her last hours. She died when her heart melted, literally, the virus set up in her heart and you could hear it disintegrating until lit couldn't beat another time. A ship was anchored in the bay to serve as a grey zone for the doctors who waited for the outbreak to hit the city, It never happened. The virus went back into the jungle where it came from, but for how long?
Outliers: Talent gets you started, time spent gets you there, but opportunity plays a huge part on the degree of success that can be achieved.
Altair 8800
1954 – 1955
Gates, Allen, Ballmer, Jobs, Schmidt, Joy
General Biology: The cell. Remember people use to call it ‘saccules’ and ‘globules’. Remember Grew for his work with discovering how plant cells are organized. Remember Brown for giving the nucleus a name. And don’t forget the father of cell principal, Schleiden. And the defining text: Wilson’s ‘The Cell in Development and Heredity’.
Next, the organ systems:
Environmental Laboratory Data Evaluation:
EPA 3510/624 Semi Volatile Organic Analysis of liquid
labile = evaporate off easily
inert = won’t evaporate
Inert = won’t react with active sites
Ion Trap GC/MS
It’s two forty I the afternoon.
Dean and I worked until almost one on his ‘Chemistry for Biologist’ workbook. Not our first time to talk about chemistry so he remembered a lot of the concepts. He actually outlasted me. I started nodding off about one o’clock so he went upstairs to play World of Warcraft aka WoW. I turned out all the lights and turned off the lights and covered up with a blanky and went nighty night for thirty minutes or so. Here I am, fresh as a daisy.
The eldest woke up, after my nap. He lives an upside down life, sleeping by day, playing by night. ‘Playing’ sells him short. He is a student of life. Really. He is always studying something. He became stressed out last semester because he came to the realization that college is not really about education. It took me ten years of college to accept the same reality. Higher education is a business. I don’t want to gallop the high horse but Matt Damon had it right in ‘Goodwill Hunting’ when he said he could replicate an Ivy League caliber education with three dollars of late fees at the public library. It wouldn't take three dollars now that MIT and other institutions of higher education have put complete cources on-line for free. No paper issued for completion, but nothing out of pocket either.
January 27, 2013
Its around six o’clock I n the morning.
Down in the ManLab.
Drinking freshly ground coffee.
Watching movies we picked up at the RedBox last night. Two for Head and one each for the res tof us. He has finished hers. I watched mine while I photographed my sketches. A suck movie:The Paperboy with Matthew McConaughey
Now I am on a quest ot watch the youngest’s movie, “The Possession’ and the one I picked up for the eldest, ‘Total Recall’. The new one with …that Australian guy from ‘SWAT…I picked it for him because he has just finished thee book, the one made into H…’Blade Runner ‘ with Harrison Ford.
To recap yesterday, studies with the youngest.
Went for Taco Villa take out with Head and the Youngest. He read ‘Battle Royal’ to us on the hour drive over to the taco joint. Saucy for a boy to read to his mom. A stupid story if you ask me.
We ate. They shorted me a burrito so I gave up one of the three things I ordered so we’d all have the same. It was the right thing to do. More than enough calories. And I showed moderation drinking beers on the trip. Usually I can hurt a sixer. This time, sipped one over and one back and that held me for the night.
Ate watching a Spurs game with the Eldest. Then, like I said, watched my shitty movie and worked on sketches, to add to a blog.
I needed a couple of episodes of ‘Fringe’ to finish the night the beddie bye.
Colin Farrel. The actor in ‘Total Recall’.
Napped again today after studying chemistry wit the youngest. The eldest took me to the Asian Market for all this stuff! We love the Asian Market and we only know what 1% of the shit is for!
...Somball chile sauce, Hosin sauce, coconut cookies, coffee candy, ... that's about it.
We had ramens for dinner and I bought a Marie Callander's Key LIme Pie...mmmmmmm. Gonna go get some right now.
All my best.
By the by, added to the food blog and art blog and started a trashy art blog on this account. Not necessarily for you, but you can look if you want, it's where I keep my nuddie drawings.
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