Wilee is one of 1,500 bike couriers in Manhattan who rides on the edge by having a bike with no brakes. On this day, Wilee has a delivery that is so valuable that a corrupt NYC Detective, who needs the money, begins to chase Wilee throughout the city to get it before the envelope is delivered.Me: Looked for this movie for two reasons: Danny MacAskill and I thought it was from a novel I read this summer. It wasn't But Danny is phenomenal Go check him out on YouTube.Kill the Messenger is a suspense thriller by author Tami Hoag.was the book I read.
More of my stream of conciousness- journaling earlier tonight. I'll try and clean up the spelling and put some pictures in. Enjoy.
journal Friday January 25, 2013
Man, what a week...but aren't they all? I feel really lucky to be able to say that but...but, that isn't' by accident. I spend every minute making sure I have the best chance at being normal. I aim high, shooting for average every time. Anyone who knows jack-shit knows being normal is something special in this world. Being middle class, run of the mill, middle of the road. You know you've made it when your plain.
I am down in Mor's room, feet up on his massive video camera case, one of his projects that is now, well, furniture. He is upstairs making us all lattes. It's Friday night. Woo ho, coffee after seven...hell, its eight fourty. He is making beverages to take the chill off. The weather turned from warm to downright chilly today. It is hard for me to tell at work because it is always cold. The gas chronographs have to have a cold environment to ramp up and down form room temp to three hundred degrees efficiently and fast, and we have maybe twenty of those instruments all going at once.
It is halftime in the Texas shootout, Spurs v. Mavericks. NOt much of a challenge this year. Dallas sucks. In fact, the Spurs Coach and best player didn't make the trip. The last time the Spurs didn't travel their best players the league fined the team a quarter of a million dollars. Pink horse shit.
Mor is showing off his coffee making skills, what do they call those pricks, barestas? Shows how much I know. He just got a new shipment of beans, Peruvian with a distinctively floral taste. I caught him throwing out his Kenyan beans. He didn't like the espresso roast. What the fux? I'm drinking Safeway morning grind I buy three pounds at a time for seven dollars. Give me those fuxing beans.
I'm been making my morning coffee out of the beans and then half a pot of Safeway for Head. She is just happy as a pig in shit to have it waiting for her when she wakes up.
Dean, now there is a success story. We are all doing good but he is finding his stride. What a work ethic. Man, he is putting in the time, seeing what it takes to be a successful college student. We have been spending an hour a day reading up in The Tower. And then today, the clutch goes out in his Corolla. He just hot new tires. The he gets sideswiped and it takes months to work out the repairs. Just got it back with two new doors and new paint job. A thousand bucks is what it's going to take to get him back on the road but it has to be done. Don't want to buy something for two or three times that and inherit someone else's troubles. We bought that car new. He'll have it back by next Thursday.
My week started out like shit. Stress out the ass at work. I finally called Head and told her I'd head enough. Sat my bass down and said I'd had enough. 'We're not there yet Mike" he says to me. "I am", was my reply. All of the sudden, all the bullshit went away. So I had the rest of the week, although busy, less stressful. The scientist I work with stepped it up and we cranked out a lot of rush work. Everything was emergency work. Well, might as well get twice the price if your going to do the work.
'Nuff 'bout work.
I'm home for the weekend and ready to veg the fux out. The people at work are starting to look at my food blog and want to see me put something up on my art blog. I need to spend some time and put some new content. I want to put some stuff here on UnlessYOurJohn, too. Kind of standing back and seeing how things progress for our friend John. Head has been keeping me up to date.
TV: Watching the forth season of 'Fringe', it just had its last episode ever, in the fifth season. I pretend I'm Walter.
Fiction: 'Perdido Street station' by China Mieville. I pretend I'm Isaac.
Audio book:'Blaze' by Stephen King. I do not pretend I'm Blaze.
Non-Fiction: Simple Living and Seven Weeks to 300 Sit Ups. I pretend I'm Amish with a six-pack.
Spiritual: Tao. I pretend I love my fellow man.

Music: One Eskimo. Can't stop singing 'Kandi'. Makes me think of Head. I think of you, John, when I listen to 'Astronauts'. Go find it on YouTube. I pretend I can sing.
Food: Looking forward to making green chile stew this weekend. Hatch chlies, ohhh yeah. I pretend I'm skinny.
I just want to say, good night, sweet prince, may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
Harry Dean Stanton
Harry Dean Stanton
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