F.B.I. agent Frank LaCrosse returns home to find his home has been broken into, his son is missing and Missy the babysitter is lying in a pool of her own insides. Her murder being the hallmarks of a elusive enigmatic serial killer whose slaughter spree...stretches nearly two years. Frank's desperate pursuit leads to Amarillo, Texas, where two more victims matching the killers M.O. have been found slashed to death. As Frank searches for his suspect the local Sheriff Buck Olmstead and his Deputy Nate Booker investigate the killings in-between a heated election feud, with his competition police chief Jack McGinnis. All the while drifting former doctor Lane Dixon is picked up by ex-railroad man, Bob Goodall. As a local Mechanic, Clyde 'Shorty' Callahan becomes the latest victim. Frank hopes and prays to find this sociopath before he disappears perhaps forever into the rocky mountains
I don't even really like cats but it's the mouse's story, don't you think?
Eating brunch on Sunday morning. Roast beef hash, with a runny egg on top. Roast beef hash is why I make roast and potatoes. Okay, I also like to make roast salad for sandwiches. Lots of mayo and pickle and crispy onion, just spread it on the bread and the sandwich is built. I really like food, can you tell?
Let me tell you something. I read an on-line article that has me thinking, doing some real soul searching. It was recommended to me and I've recommended it to a few people already. One was my eldest and we had quite the discussion during the A&M football gave about teh article. You aren't ready for it, maybe later but there is one part I want to mention. It has to go with why I like food so much. One of the questions the article poses is what do you do? My answer is I cook. It is something I do, do well, and enjoy doing. Maybe I'll earn money at it some day. Remember me mention the 'Waffle Butt'?
Another answer to the question is 'I blog'. It is something I do. Not going to say whether I do it well or not, its fairly new to me, but it is something I do, something I produce.
you get to feeling better and I'll turn you on to that article and we'll talk about what you do, we can start with doctoring animals and build on it.
We need some pictures to talk about, don't you think?
Here is a collage of pictures, some I took yesterday, the majority came from my computer at work. I downloaded what I could to my phone to bring them home. Some of these I want for my permanent collection and due to security reasons, downloading files from work is discouraged. That is why I'm careful to just download things that are not work related.
The above photo was appetizers last night, taquitos and beer. I had too much brandy, not pictured, so much I skipped dinner, which included a sticky toffee cake I made from scratch, to pass out early. Not something to be proud of. I didn't embarrass myself, just missed out on dinner, the rest of the evening, and I feel like shit today.

The first bite. With a dab of Sarachi.

An old picture of my youngest and my saddle horse, Tate. This picture was taken when we brought him home. It is one of my favorites.
Good times.

Now here's a vegetarian meal. Believe it or not, my favorite meal growing uup was all veggie. Chile peppers filled with cheese, called a Chile Reno. I like it with fried potatoes adn beans. My favorite meal.
This is a bobcat there in the bushes, looking out my window at work.
Know what kind of dog this is? It is my dream dog...an Argentine Dogo. Mixture of several breeds, used for hunting panthers. The use them to hunt pigs here in Texas, as a Strike Dog, rather than pit bulls. They don't fight each other. Rather expensive.
Mold spores under the microscope. I have earned a good living identifying mold.

You ever watch 'Archer'? Great cartoon. Very adult. Kind of a ego maniac. This is one of the secretary.
This is the car I had in high school School colors. That isn't me driving.

This is the gate to my parent's property, The last thing you saw when you left. Signing out.
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