John we're in a whole new world.
I just installed Dragon speak to my computer.
So, it's not how fast I can type, it's how fast I can talk.
So, brother, you are in for one load of shit!
For a while I don't think I'll bother correcting anything.
Let it read what it reads.
I hope don't go go crazy with this, because I might get just a little wordy… Yuck yuck yuck.
Did you hear I had a birthday?
Well , not much of one… 51 is nothing special.
Unless you're the one turning 51.
What did I do for my birthday, you might ask.
Even if you didn't tell you… The same shit I do everyday.
Brother, this takes stream of consciousness journaling to a whole new level.
I love this program!
Just try and shut me up.
Just try. shit is going to fall straight from my brain to my mouth to the Internet… Might not be such a good thing.
Let me run down my day so far
didn't sleep worth a damn… Worried about a project I left unfinished at work… Decided I couldn't have a restful holiday with that on my mind.
Went into work this morning. Made sure I got there before the bosses my project by project got finished… I finished my project and worked until noon. I will get half a day of vacation back actually, I'm glad I went in, because a coworker had someone in the family die and needed to leave work. I was able to make that happen. I was also glad to leave work when I saw how much was coming in the door… They are going to be super, super, super, busy.
And I'm here with my microphone in one hand and my Dick in the other.
Did I say how much I love this freaking program!

I'm back baseball fans.
Getting your running commentary of my every move breathe and breathe out…
Watching the television series fringe season four episode 13… Visiting my best friend Walter.
I have to wear headphones while I watch TV or it would interfere with the dictation.
I lost track of time doing two things. One, spending money on Amazon. Two, downloading books movies and music.
I carry a handful of Post-it notes in my pocket, titles of books movies and music and people recommend.

The music of Angie aparo.
Audiobook by John Sandford, wicked prey
audiobook by Lawrence block, collection of short stories.
Audiobook by spider Robinson, science fiction recommended by my boss.
The television series Amish mafia.

The television series locked up abroad.
Again for my smart phone, plague inc,
my boss also recommended the robot series by Isaac Asimov's.

If only I could watch read and listen to everything people tell me about during the week I wouldn't have a computer full of things waiting to be watched read and listened to.
I'm back baseball fans.
Getting your running commentary of my every move breathe and breathe out…
Watching the television series fringe season four episode 13… Visiting my best friend Walter.
I have to wear headphones while I watch TV or it would interfere with the dictation.
I lost track of time doing two things. One, spending money on Amazon. Two, downloading books movies and music.
I carry a handful of Post-it notes in my pocket, titles of books movies and music and people recommend.
The music of Angie aparo.
Audiobook by John Sandford, wicked prey
audiobook by Lawrence block, collection of short stories.
Audiobook by spider Robinson, science fiction recommended by my boss.
The television series Amish mafia.
The television series locked up abroad.
Again for my smart phone, plague inc,
my boss also recommended the robot series by Isaac Asimov's.
If only I could watch read and listen to everything people tell me about during the week I wouldn't have a computer full of things waiting to be watched read and listened to.
Okay it's later, we ate McDonald's for dinner. Cheryl Hates McDonald's so we eat it when she is at home.
With all of these things to listen to watch and read I need to load my iPod with new stuff.
To do that, I need to take off the old stuff:
blood and gold by Anne Rice
blood rights Jim Butcher
of cold heart by Jonathan Kellerman
reanimator by Lovecraft
I'm a stranger here myself by Bill Bryson
people of the dark by R E Howard
the Sunset Limited by Cormac McCarthy
the Valley of fear by Sir Arthur Cannon Doyle
Goldfinger by Ian Fleming
One more book I almost forgot,
blaze by Stephen King writing as Stephen Bachmann:
this is a test so everyone can see how awesome dragon is, don't you agree.
Sheryl just got home from work, it's almost 10 o'clock. She had a board meeting. Very, very stressful.
This afternoon my youngest and I took the dogs for a walk. I found a brand-new golf bag in the trash.
Of course I brought it home. After the walk, I went to the grocery. We needed laundry soap. My folks are coming tomorrow and we want to get the house clean, that means laundry.
I brought home laundry soap and McDonald's. We all waited our computers. Then I went downstairs and watched basketball with the oldest boy. The youngest boy had to take a bath before I would do homework with the.
He took a shower, we did homework.
The youngest had a friend come over. The friend is morbidly obese and cannot hold a job. He isn't going to school. No wonder he fights with his parents all the time. They're in a frustrating situation. I shed real tears for the boy. There's nothing I can do. This problem did not start overnight. It will take even longer to fix it.
I love Walter's lab. That only does he get to work with dead bodies, he does it while watching Scooby Doo. I promise to always keep a cartoon running in my lab, or at least some TV show. You hear that Walter, you are my hero. Return

, let's watch the show for a minute shush, shush…
So the youngest tried to cheer his friend up. While I put audiobooks on my iPod and practiced some creativity exercises. I am following an art teacher on you to invest in fun ways to be creative. I tried a couple of exercises. Pretty damn good. I ordered art supplies off of Amazon today.
I also ordered sealant to fix my fish tank with.
That's what I asked for for my birthday. To get my aquarium going. I'm going to raise minnows… For talks experiments… Not talks… Toxicity testing. I'm seriously thinking of about getting mice to. Walter has did Bob, the least I can have a mouse. We put the youngest's gerbil in an exercise ball and bring him to the lab sometimes. That will be good enough for now.
Even the bad guys have laboratories on fringe. This guy turns dead people… Turns live people into dead people. I think he's trying to concentrate the smell of fear. He has a real lab though.
Jon and Vangelis is the collaborative effort between the singer Jon Anderson (the lead vocalist of the progressive rock band Yes) and the Greek synthesizer musician Vangelis Papathanassiou. Together they released a number of successful albums in the 1980s. Just heard a song, the friends of Mr. Cairo, on French… The TV show fringe. Look forward on YouTube, the quote emotional cut".
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