Tuesday, February 5, 2013

This should dictation dental work

This is my niece, scary as hell.
This is my niece not so scary
 Take me out to the ballgame give me some cracker jacks Jack

Who's that goat with a goatee? He looks baaaaad ass.

 And one more dog.

 Back at the ballpark…

This should dictation dental work… I said, this piece of shipped dictation software didn't work. I've put together one hell of an entry. I laughed  I cried, I crawled on my belly like a reptile. And then I went to save and… Not a bloody thing.

So here's just a blip. I want to go read my book. But I want to leave you with a verse from one of my favorite songs by Ray Wylie Hubbard:

I saw a dog chasing a rabbit. I saw a dog chasing a rabbit. I saw a dog chasing a rabbit.

I asked the rabbit are you going to make it? I asked the rabbit are you to make it? I asked the rabbit are you going to make it?

The rabbit said I got to.

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