Sunday, February 17, 2013

Despite being under heavy sedation, Elena tries to make her way out of Arboria, a secluded, quasi-futuristic commune.

Me: haven't viewed it yet, new Acquisition… Well done Dragon, I couldn't spell it myself.

I crack myself up at least once a day.

Get out of here, your bugging me.

Or… Hang on I got something in my eye.

Good morning good morning it's time to say good morning. It is 844 in the a.m. I've been up since seven. I got up, let the dogs out, Pinto for the second time, and made coffee for head. She is going to work this morning.

And John is coming to visit.

I don't like to make an entry too long before saving it, I've lost too much too often. Time to safe.

I'm watching the first of the last three episodes of fringe. I'm excited to hear the story, sad to see the series in. Not in but end.

I was able to get in the flow by sketching model after model from a collection of 1000 hottest girls. Not picking ones that I wanted to draw, but drawing the next one in line the next and the next. Flow.

I downloaded the Grammy-winning songs for the year. Found a couple of sci-fi movies at the same time.

See right there I lost an entry.

I was talking about losing my phone. I sent a text to RenĂ©e, rare for me. The joke about the nifty cookie. I didn't notice missing the phone until walking into work. I figured I just left it sitting on the counter after doing the text. But when I got home, wasn't there. I haven't found it yet. It'll show up eventually. Worst-case scenario I get a new replacement sent card and use one of the phones we have around here. I only regret is losing the Valentine's Day pictures. Nifty cookie included.I have a huge backlog of food porn to look through. Grilled cheese is becoming very popular. The reigning champ is still bacon. But the new up-and-coming dish are Metro Mediterranean fries. Very similar to the popular kebab place. Plate not place you eating it… Don't play with me you idiot.

I'm developing a relationship with my dictation software. It needs to know I'm the daddy.It… I need to walk from house to see if anybody else is up… Okay, it's being is. Morgan will not before noon. It is a given. On the fourth… Hold the fort… The fourth what are you thinkingThe dogs need to settle down… They are interfering with my flow… My flow watching the last two episodes of fringe.

The next girl only… I said be a nice girl Holly. Dragon, you're working my last nerve. Don't make me reprogram you.

bad Dragon you lost another entry.  I was talking about my laboratory. How proud I am the. While it's not as good as Walter Bishop's lab at Harvard, I really like it once it had been Hamburg. And not as sophisticated as the ultimate lab, Nina's black lab. I like my lab. I am familiar with all the things I have collected. Yes, it is more of a collection than anything else. And I've coined a new term for it: steam junk. A play on the word steam punk, although Morgan and I disagree on the definition of steam punk.

Yes sir yes sir… It's one in the afternoon and all my chores are done
clean guestroom. Check
clean bathroom. Check
clean my corner of the bedroom. Check

and… Found the phone. It fell beside my underwear drawer in my closet. My lunchtime alarm went off, I heard it, now I got my phone.

Now that I've finished watching fringe, I'm going to finish Benidorm before I start anything else.

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