Five hundred years in the future, a renegade crew aboard a small spacecraft tries to survive as they travel the unknown parts of the galaxy and evade warring factions as well as authority agents out to get them.
Me: great series. Not so much of a scifi buff, but growing into one, there has always been that overlap between horror and scifi, like Head's side of the bed, I'm spreading over to the other side.
Like the cat, I often poder the situation in which I find myself.
Life is full of obstacles for us all. Looks like its time for someone to give in and enjoy a swim.
Going to bed early has given me vigor and energy earlier than usual. My alarm goes off at fife fourty-five. Not that I jump out of bed. With all of the electronics, I can lay in bed and read or watch tv or even search the net. 'Watch tv'. Thats a dying phrase. Now TV isn't right, watching videos is. Time marches on. Hey, man, I was born in the sixties, weaned on the teat of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Far out, Man!
My mind is most active in the morning. I had to catch myself and not say 'my mind is sharp' becasue I am not so sure I am ever sharp, I do not want to be presumptive.
Wanna here a secret? Wanna know how I get through the day, the game I play? At my desk, it is boring but busy so I become a rouge scientist. For my current project, I've gotten a new playmate. This character is from the Supernatural series I'm watching. Fred is his name. A roughe computer scientis who lives off the grid, an expert in the occult. At my work, I'm updating the datapse with training records, boring!. Fred and I 'hack' into the network, over and over. And before you know it, my work is done. Shhh, don't be a blabber mouth like me and tell anyone about this.
My coffee is cold, time to heat it up. I made Head coffee when I ground myself some fresh beans. She lieks Folger's in a drip maker. So, while the dogs pissed on the patio to avoid the rain, I makde us both coffee. Do you like your coffee hot or cold? I can't stand even warm coffee. Hot. Hot like the Devil's ass-hole. That's how I take my Joe!
St Paul Crime Lab Emails Detail Turmoil During Inquiry.
Emails indicate that the department started trying to rectify issues even as the full extent of the lab's problems remained unclear. The correspondence was dated between March and June 2012, the months just before contentious courtroom testimony in July that forced major changes in the lab, suspension of its drug testing and outside review of all its work.
"Training has been lacking in that unit for a number of years and is an issue now," Assistant Chief Kathy Wuorinen wrote to Chief Thomas Smith on April 28. "There have been advancements in a number of areas that we have not kept up on. One of my goals is to get current our lab tech training and keep current with new trends."
Public defenders Lauri Traub and Christine Funk met with lab criminalist Kari McDermott on March 30. She told them that no margin of error was taken into account when weighing suspected drugs, no record was kept of when solvent expired and that she was unsure whether the lab conducted validation studies — a quality insurance measure. "This horrifies her," according to court documents.
Me: this is my world. Training records. Traceability of chemiclas, like keeping track of the solvents in the article, and I'm going back and forth with the crime lab accreditaion auditors over method validation. Don't worry, Fred and I will work on those training records more today, the network will be breached!
How about some breakfast?

Now this is English muffins done right.
We tested this hat for children's safety and I snagged it when the testing was done. I seem to have a thing for hats.
More so than you might know. Well, now you might be catching on. Remember the picture below.
Well, I've been wearing a different hat every day and taking a picture. I'll post them all on another blog. Just something silly to do, and a way to justify wearing some of the hats I have in several boxes.
This picture was taken before I left for work. Notice the bags on the counter, breakfast AND lunch for my youngest to take to college for a long day...or a lunch or breakfast for him and another for Head. I make sure everyone has something to eat. I choose to not eat at work. I take a small cooler with drinks. Flavored water, tea, iced coffee, and of course, just plain old water. I have to cat-nap on my lunch break. I use to have an hour and I'd come home to sleep. Now, I'm on a 30 minute break (but I come home earlier) so I nap in my car. Not sure what I'll do in the heat of summer.
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