Meet my new friend. Courtesy of YouTube. Although I have lost my voice i.e. mydictation software is being a dick, I still have my hands and my mind so let's get to it.
I originally thought of titeling this entry 'black beans and black coffee''s a cold morning, turnied that way overnight, and as I brewed my first cup o' Joe, I put some black beans in a bowl to woak. Black beans and black cofee to start my day. Its six fourty-nie in the a.m. and I'm in The Tower, dog at my feet.
While the cofee brewed I also made my youngest breakfast. I cracked tow eggs in a pan. Microwaved those rubber disks they sell as sausage. By the time I had to move th edisks to turn my coffee into molten hot magma, the eggs could be flipped and I put sharp cheddar on top and turned off the stove and came u here. I'lll finish my ...making his di...breakfast when I go bck down.
What di dwe do before electronices, I'm talking personal electronics here. Last night, no, night before last, we lost internet in our area. The eldest could't game it up. The youngest couldn't access his homework on the 'cloud' and Head couldn't do her social networki..netcorking. She did find a work around. She used her cell phone onthe back porch. She ha big plans to coordinate to pull off the 'Sister's Weekend' at the spa, starting this afternoon. More on that later.
I sleep with personal electronics in my ear (listening to 'Tripwire' on audiobook). This is after I read myself to sleep on the Kindle ("Perdido Street station'). And when I woke up, not quite ready to get out of bed, I watched music videos on YouTube, a couple of one's I've suggested to you, John, as a matter of fact. One Eskimo 'Astronaughts' first. Then 'Kandi' which lead me to find out about Nataly Dawn, pictured above. I'll read about her on Wiki. I copied this picture so I could sketch her face. I downloaded her album and I'll probably find other musicians that are listed on the same page as her, and the beat goes on. One things leads to another, everytime. That's how th eold song goes. Not the one y The Fixx, but by some country crooner.
I guess if I'd admit it we'd all know who was wrong
But one thing leads to another when there isn't much at home
Drink and conversation helps to ease the mind
But one thing leads to another every time.
One thing leads to another as the door behind you locks
And before you really notice you've gone too far to stop
What started out so sweetly has grown into a crime
One thing leads to another every time.
--- Instrmental ---
I quickly signed the papers then gave the pen to you
The old judge mumbled softly and then it was all through
I can't believe it's come this far just two names on the line
But one thing leads to another every time.
One thing leads to another as the door behind you locks
And before you really notice you've gone too far to stop
What started out so sweetly has grown into a crime
One thing leads to another every time.
And one thing leads to another every time...
Moe Bandy Singing a song by Eddie Raven, who became famous in his own right. Probably more famous than Moe. I was introduced ot Moe Bandy by my flaxen haired cousin, a wild child. I stayed with them one summer. She would sleep late and when she did giet up, we'd take her mother's baby blue Lincoln Continental to the next ton over, Brady, Texas, to the closest Pizza Hut, listening to Moe and others, all new to me, as we smoked Kool cigarrets. Dangerous times? No, but wild by my standards.
I just hae to go download some Moe Bandy.
And to prove my point, I downloaded tow albums but couldnt find the one I wanted so I put it on my wish list on Amazon, Moe bandy and Joe Stamply together. I remember that album in particular.
Hey Joe, where'd you find that pearly-girly?Where'd you get that jolly-dolly?How'd you rate that dish I wish was mine?
Hey Joe, she's got skin that's creamy-dreamyEyes that look so lovey-doveyLips as red as cherry-berry wine
Now listen Joe, I ain't no heelBut old buddy let me tell you how I feelShe's a honey, she's a sugar-pieI'm warning you I'm gonna try to steal her from you
Hey Joe, though we've been the best of friendsThis is where our friendship endsI gotta have that dolly for my own
Hey Joe, come on let's be buddy-duddyShow me you're my palsy-walsyIntroduce that pretty little chick to me
Hey Joe, quit that waiting, hesitatingLet me at her, what's the matterYou're as slow as any Joe can be
Now come on Joe, let's make a dealLet me dance with her to see if she is realShe's the cutest girl I've ever seenI'll tell you face to face I mean to steal her from you
Hey Joe, now we'll be friends till the endThis looks like the end, my friendI gotta have that dolly for my own
Back with a second cup of coffee. Passed Head, she is putting on her pretty puddy in front of the mirror. She did show me that she woke up with her underware on inide out, ...I'm a bad boy.
I have two goals for the weekend: 1. spend time with my boys and 2. do some blogging. So get ready. The morning is marching forward and I need to S,S&S i.e. shit, shower, and shave! I'll get to it.
But let me leave you with a quote form a fine book:
“You're ten years old now, you have to take a shower every day...I don't give a shit if you hate it. People hate smelly fuckers. I will not have a smelly fucker for a son.”
― Justin Halpern, Sh*t My Dad Says
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