Tuesday, February 5, 2013


It is 741 in the morning. A new day has arrived. Couldn't wait to dictate some journal.

I've been starting my morning listening to a lady called Milllande… She is the art teacher I mentioned yesterday. I'm even wearing a gray knit hat just like she does, hopefully I will channel her creative spirit.

CAPI Create Art Portfolio Ideas at www.milliande.com/capi-create-art-portfolio-ideas.html - Developing and Documenting the Search for a Personal Artistic Style

Turn the mic off to pet my dog good morning. I don't think anyone wants to hear that drivel. Except the dog…

Milliande Demetriou - Contemporary Mixed Media Artist,Milliande Demetriou - Contemporary Mixed Media Artist, A Place for Nurturing Artists, Art Gallery of Latest Work & Creativity Help Guides Online , I facilitate a Womens Art Community Sharing Free Online Art Classes
CAPI - Create Art Portfolio Ideas Course 
Art Portfolio Course for Art Students, Mixed Media Artists & any Art and Design Creatives

Milliande Demetriou Contemporary Mixed Media Artists at www.milliande.com

Artist Statement

I am intriqued by the notion of universal consciousness and choose to peek closely at the small particles that make up existence.

Human and living form cell biology, the interplay of microcosm and macrocosm, quantumphysics and the spiritual connection to the Self all nurture me with an endless stream of inspiration.
The female form and its nature of being, the beauty of motherhood, viewing the world in fragments rather than wholes and the palpable energy exchange and communication between them are central themes in my artwork.
I enjoy making the invisible visible and creating openended visual artworks that invite the viewer to explore deeper within their own layers of perception.

Contemporary Mixed media art techniques provide a rich playground for my artistic impulses and allow room for an individual approach to the multilayered facets of my artwork.

Sign me up for the creative Art portfolio ideas.

There's so many things that I like about Millandeh a, so many things classy myself. I don't know if it's a matter of… I don't know if it's a matter of us all being different work really all the same.

It's hot I have to take off my gray stocking hat.

Time to draw a few sketches…

1998 A Long Way Home
Dwight Yoakam 1987 - 1998


As hard as it is to motivate myself to clean it's even harder name yet impossible to get the boys cleaning around the house.
They drive me sucking crazy.

 Yes no he's not my dog I don't own a dog th is it is in… at…

I'm leaving the gibberish in. The gibberish is background noise you are not the is the way inSo will do a little test.

Seems to work very, very Well

Monday, February 4, 2013

the world is back to normal.
My parents are gone home.
I have my room back, the tower.
No drama was waiting for me at work, that's a good thing. No, that's a great thing.
Tonight we raided the refrigerator, that is we ate all the leftovers from the weekend. Caesar salads. Tomales. We all picked on a roasted chicken like an Arab eats on a goat carcass.
Had read us out of the living room to watch the bachelor and drink wine.
The youngest and I came upstairs to read a chapter biology.
Now I'm on my own. I place an order on Amazon. I had a gift certificate. I got some art supplies. I also ordered some sealant to fix my aquarium.
I'm continuing to watch my television show fringe.
I'm sure my entries seem a little disconnected. My parents trip interrupted the flow. All true.
Part of my birthday gift was to go to the rodeo. We went to the Fort Worth rodeo last night. It is 31 days in a row, rodeo after rodeo. Certainly not John's kind of place. Head does not like to see the casket wrote. I didn't like to see the monkey riding the dog. There was a tense moment. During the wagon races, that is when four horses are pulling a wagon. The harnesses got tangled up in all four horses started fighting to get loose. I could tell from the way the handlers reacted that they were scared as much as the horses. Someone had to get in there and unhook the courses. Scary.
I need to go find my camera and download some pictures for you.

Sorry, didn't work out. Problems with the youngest. He slept in his car an dmissed his math test....among other things.

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